Question: At the end, would McClane really have been able to hit that electrical wire with the piddly little model 36 revolver he was holding? Would it even be able to shoot that high? (00:21:05)
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why were Harry and Hermione messing with Ron when they got back to the hospital wing?
Answer: Because they were just having a bit of fun at Ron's expense. After saving Sirius and Buckbeak and going through a rather harrowing ordeal, they can now relax and enjoy themselves. The levity provides an "end point" to the main story, indicating to the audience that it has reached its conclusion.
Are You Right There, Father Ted? - S3-E1
Question: When Father Darren walks into the room, what was Father Ted asking him? The only thing I could make out was "What time are we..."
Answer: He asks what time they're going to the horse racing.
Question: A few questions: 1) Why did Fletcher recruit Neiman if he knew he ousted him? 2) Did Fletcher purposefully set up Neiman to fail by switching up the song list? If so, wouldn't that look bad on Fletcher? 3) Why did Neiman go crazy and start/keep playing out of sync with everyone else?
Answer: Fletcher recruited Neiman with the intention of ruining his career. He informed Neiman they would be playing songs he was familiar with, but secretly had other songs planned. Fletcher knew there would be influential people in the audience, whose opinion of Neiman would be made or destroyed based on his performance. Neiman attempted to play along with the unfamiliar songs, but couldn't. He decided to prove his talent by playing Caravan. This impressed Fletcher who was angry at first but came to respect Neiman and help him out.
Answer: 1) Fletcher recruited Neiman to attempt to humiliate him publicly. 2) Yes, he purposefully set Neiman up. He reveals to him before the performance that he is aware Neiman testified against him. He doesn't care whether or not the performance will make him look bad, he is out for revenge. 3) Neiman turns the tables on Fletcher by playing "Caravan" instead of the song the rest of the band is playing. "Caravan" is the song Neiman failed to play properly after his car accident. Fletcher, finally showing a modicum of true respect for Neiman, then smiles at him acknowledging his talent and his tenacity.
Answer: Fletcher set up Neiman, but not to fail. Fletcher often spoke of how greatness can only come when one is pushed to their limits (e.g. the Miles Davis story, where David performed an incredible solo months after being booed off stage). By setting up Neiman, Fletcher was testing his limits. In a very similar fashion to the Miles Davis story, Neiman took an incredible un-announced drum solo to make up for his failure and push through the final barrier keeping him from greatness. Fletcher knew that setting Neiman up would make him look bad, but he also knew that if there was a new Miles Davis story to come out of this, it would all be worth it.
Question: What happened to the limo on the curb of the toy store after Kevin got out? Why did the limo driver leave him there?
Answer: During that time, the hotel found out the credit card Kevin used was stolen. So since they were the ones who got the limo for Kevin, it's safe to assume they also called it back.
Answer: When Kevin exits the toy store he doesn't look around for the limo but instead pulls out his map to examine it. This would suggest that Kevin was intending to do some more sightseeing on foot and likely told the limo driver not to wait for him.
When Kevin got outside the toy store, he did look around like he was confused, and after that, he raised his shoulders.
Question: In the final battle, as the IOI people are killed by Chucky, their pods turn red, they bail out, run to different red pods, which turn white again, and they're back in the fight. Why can't they just stay in their initial pods and re-enter the fight?
Chosen answer: As I understand it, when players are "killed" in the Oasis, they lose their points and possessions (are zeroed out). The players for IOI corp probably have to go through some re initialization procedure where they get a set of weapons and tools so they can be useful doing things for IOI. (Maybe coins too, but maybe IOI players at lower levels don't need to be buying anything they are not issued by IOI).
Answer: The red pods probably need to be reset for a new player first, which takes longer than going into a new pod.
Question: When Constantine asks to use the chair to go surfing, why does it need to face East?
Answer: That's probably got to do with the spinning of the earth, to face the side where the sun rises so you are basically sitting forwards, the same direction the earth is spinning in, possibly making it easier to "surf" (like with a wave). Either that or it's associated with facing Mecca like in Islamic religion.
Question: At first, the football team doesn't realise that they died. So why do they think that Juno is their coach?
Answer: They are very confused and probably not the sharpest tools in the shed. Juno probably told them they should do what she says and they immediately associated that with a coach.
Answer: Right before the Maitlands walk in, one of the football players asks, "coach, where's the men's room?" After which Juno finally loses her cool and dismisses the team out the door. After Juno's conversation with Adam and Barbara, one player comes back in and says, "Coach I don't think we survived the crash" suggesting they realised they were dead.
Question: What's the name of the episode where Arthur hosts an open house on the Heffernan House?
Answer: S5 E3 "Holy Mackerel."
Question: In the movie, Robert meets a theatre owner and he shows his basement. Why did he get scared and run out?
Answer: I always thought that Robert thought that the theatre guy was the Zodiac Killer, and he kept on hearing noises coming from upstairs, which also made him run out.
Question: With Kurt's ability to teleport, how was Stryker able to capture and brainwash him into assassinating the president?
Answer: According to X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Nightcrawler (an official comic book prequel series to the movie), Stryker had his son Jason use his mutant powers to deceive Nightcrawler with an illusion. Nightcrawler thought he was escaping to freedom with the woman he loved but instead was running straight to Stryker's men who immediately placed an inhibitor collar on him and locked him in a cell.
Question: What did Palpatine mean when he said to Anakin, "We will watch your career with great interest"?
Answer: I believe the line was meant as foreshadowing so fans would get it if they have watched the original trilogy they can make the connection from Anakin to Vader so they are aware of his fate. It also shows that Palpatine had his eye on Anakin for a long time to eventually recruit him as his apprentice.
Question: What is ironic about the people crossing the Rio Grande River at the border of Texas, USA and Mexico?
Answer: It's far more common for people from Mexico to seek a better life by crossing into the United States, rather than the other way around.
Question: If Mr Orange was a cop, why was he so scared when he saw the cops in the bathroom?
Answer: He's not actually in the bathroom. He's telling a story from the perspective of a criminal with bags of drugs on his presence who walks into a bathroom full of cops and this is how he feels in his story.
Answer: Orange is telling a story to convince the other characters he is a criminal. In that story he is hiding drugs which the police dog can smell. As he tells it he is afraid of getting caught but the police ignore him. Orange has made all this up based on an anecdote from his police buddy but he is trying to make it realistic and entertaining to the rest of the crew.
Question: How did Cinderella's father die?
Question: What happened to the daughter?
Answer: She is killed, and its implied from what he was trying to do with the wife that he may have raped her before killing her.
Question: Right after using the tongue looseners on Robin, the head guard says something in Arabic. Does it actually translate - and if so, what did he say? Or was it just gibberish for amusement's sake? If you don't know the scene, here it is on Youtube: Thanks.
Answer: Gibberish.
It means literally "I will send you to hell".
Question: When the jug was hit, how did the bullet not hit the horse behind it?
Answer: In reality, the bullet probably would have hit the horse, injuring it. Movies tend to gloss over details like that to serve and simplify the plot. Older movies particularly fudged reality, assuming audiences would not notice or care. It is also possible that the bullet was somehow deflected or broke up upon impact.
Question: During practice, why couldn't Bateman tackle anybody who wore red?
Answer: Traditionally, in football practices, the quarterback is the only one who wears a red shirt/jersey. This is so he is easy to spot. You aren't supposed to tackle the quarterback in practice because it's very bad if he gets hurt.
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Answer: He could have but probably not. It would be a very lucky shot. Chalk this up to "movie magic."
raywest ★