Question: If Jack and Katherine were a couple, how is it that Jack doesn't recognize Katherine's office when he goes there to confirm him and Tess to start working on the Trask deal?
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Answer: Unless Katherine had recently moved to a new office, which it does not appear that she did, then Jack should know this was her office. However, it is also possible that he had just never been there before and they only saw each other outside of work. When Jack went to see Tess, he had a specific business reason for going there.
Question: Why did Pikachu decide to return to Ash at the end of the episode?
Answer: Because there was a very strong bond between them. Ash and Pikachu were emotionally attached to each other.
Question: I barely remember an episode where a personal video in question was to be viewed in the judge's chambers. Of course Dan wanted to be in on the viewing. Before Harry left the bench his court clerk or the defense made a comment (do not know which clerk or defense) regarding the viewing of the tape. Harry answered something to the effect that they were going to review the tape for the four (or five) points of interest of a woman's anatomy. She stands there while the men all follow Harry out of the court room. The person (clerk or defense) silently and slowly counted on her fingers and then looks up and says, "Oh my God." Does anyone know which episode this was?
Answer: Season 1 episode 3 "The Former Harry Stone".
Question: If she's super strong and can control her strength, why didn't she ever hit anyone?
Answer: Probably, with her other powers, she didn't need to. This was a family show, and the producers may have been concerned about how violence was portrayed on TV and toned it down for young viewers. They may have also felt that audiences of that time period would object to seeing a woman use physical force, lessening her femininity and sex appeal. Sounds silly, but that was how women were once portrayed.
Question: Does anyone understand the looks on Michael's face at the beginning after his father unmasks him, he looks shocked, later on, after Laurie unmasks him he stares at her with a mix of shock and anger. Does anyone understand what these looks mean?
Answer: When we see him unmasked as a child, he looks sort of shocked but also vacant - he's staring off into nothingness... this was the moment when he lost his mind and became evil. I think the look on his face was meant to convey that he had simply snapped and was no longer "there." When he's unmasked as an adult, he didn't really look angry to me... he simply looked empty and expressionless. I think it's meant to show that he's no longer really a person... he's totally gone. There's nothing left but almost instinctive evil.
Question: Is it just me or is Philips on the verge of tears after Ham says he plays ball like a girl?
Answer: Yes, he is on the verge of tears. His voice cracks as well. This is a joke, telling a boy they play like a girl is insulting and the film exaggerates this for a good laugh.
Question: After Sidney and billy have sex, and she asks him who did he call, he asks "what do I have to do to prove to you that I am not a killer?" She looks at him strangely as if she figured something out, and then she sees ghost face and he stabs Billy. What is that look about?
Answer: You answered your own question, she was becoming suspicious about him, when he was supposedly stabbed, it all went away. That's why it was done, to divert.
Answer: She's not satisfied with his answer/demeanour, and further suspects that he might be the killer, only to quickly have this thought subverted as Ghostface enters the room and apparently kills him.
Question: Is it true that this show was originally supposed to have only two seasons but its popularity was so big that they created a third season?
Question: Was there ever anything wrong with Colin? He seems to be in bed all the time and doesn't really do anything. Was he disabled or just kept in bed all the time for no reason?
Answer: Mary is told by Dickon that Colin was born early, and Martha even says that he was born very small and weak and no-one thought that he would survive. I think his premature birth made them believe that he was going to be a sickly child.
Question: How did the sword get in the stone in the first place?
Answer: While not explicitly stated, the film's prologue implies that the sword appears via divine intervention. The opening song mentions that only a miracle could save war-torn England and then "that miracle appeared in London Town; the sword in the stone."
Answer: Disney pursued the image of a finely-finished longsword imbedded point-first into a boulder, which would be an impossible scenario outside of magical or divine intervention. However, there may be a grain of truth to the original Arthurian legend. Most ancient swords were not crafted by master swordsmiths, and military swords were quickly mass-produced in ancient times. The mass-produced swords were not conscientiously hammered and folded and shaped and tempered by a smith, but were simply smelted metal poured into open-faced molds. The metal casts were then extracted and finished with grinding and abrasives. Sometimes such a fast-food blade hardened and became stuck in the mold (in which case, in a primitive mass-production setting, they discarded the mold along with the sword, as they couldn't extract it without breaking the mold and/or the brittle sword. Both the sword and the mold were equally useless). Those discarded molds with blades locked in situ, recovered long decades or even centuries afterward, are likely the origin of Sword in the Stone legend.
Answer: This particular depiction of the Arthurian legend doesn't address it. Other tellings have various theories such as Merlin placing it there intentionally, Uther driving it into the stone as he was dying, or it simply appearing magically. As this is a children's movie, it isn't considered important to the plot.
Question: After informing Egon of the incident with Oscar in the stroller, why did Dana ask him not to tell Peter about it?
Answer: Because she knew Peter would want to get involved. They didn't part on good terms and she hadn't spoken to him since her marriage. She just thought it would be awkward to see him again.
Question: Did the children originally sing "So Long Farewell" sitting on the steps in the original rather than standing in front of everyone?
Answer: If by "the original" you mean the 1959 stage musical upon which the film is based, then, no. The stage directions read, "The children line up near the stairs."
Question: When VEGA starts giving Doomguy the report on the facility casualties after Dr Hayden tells him to, I picked up on a couple number references in what he says. His lines are thus... "61,337 UAC members deceased, 81% of the facility is on lockdown, demonic presence through the Mars installation is critical. According to the records, Dr. Hayden, the invasion originated in the Lazarus Facility. It seems that a Hellwave was activated transforming 64% of all UAC employees into the creatures you see roaming through the facility. The rest were killed by the demons released from cells by Olivia Pierce." 61,1337 seems to be a reference/joke to the number 1337 being Leet, or elite with the 6 as a demonic figure. Demon Elite. And then the 64% seems to be a reference to doom 64. So what's the significance of the 81% number then? Or are these numbers all just a coincidence?
Answer: Another thing I've noticed is that if you add up all the individual numbers in 61,337 and then reverse the two letters you get 20 and 16. Both together is 2016, the year the film was released. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
Answer: The original "Castle Wolfenstein" was released in 1981. The popular "Wolfenstein 3D" was released in 1992 by Id Software, and gained them significant credibility.
Question: Why was A.J. only charged with reckless endangerment? The video showed him punching Paula in the back when she's climbing the stairwell, getting punched in the face by A.J. and then being dragged away unconscious. Shouldn't he have been charged with either aggravated assault or assault and battery instead considering how violent he was?
Answer: I didn't see the show so I don't know the details. A general answer would be because a reckless endangerment charge is easier to prove "beyond a Reasonable Doubt" in court and get a conviction. This charge would not require the prosecutor to prove intent, which would be required for proving aggravated or simple assault. Also, if there were no visible injuries, it is difficult to show bodily injury. Just because the reckless endangerment charge was specifically mentioned, it does not necessarily mean there were not other charges filed. Police often make multiple charges, like lesser-included offenses, so that the defendant's act will fall under one of them if the legal requirements are not met for the others, if they are not sure of the best charge to make (the district attorney knows and can decide), or to have something to plea bargain with.
Question: When the bad guys ring Nicholas from outside the motel Harry and Lloyd are staying at, how did they know that they were staying there? Sure they would have noticed the Mutt Cutts van BUT until the note on the door they didn't know that Lloyd even had a roommate. They didn't see them leave after they took the briefcase and legged it so how did they even know that they were travelling across the country in that van?
Answer: They see Lloyd and Harry together long before that...right at the beginning, in fact, when the two return home. After Lloyd says, "I fell off the jetway again", the henchmen pull up and see them enter their apartment building. The note explicitly says they "packed up and drove to Aspen", so it wasn't very hard to simply head that way and subsequently find them at the you say, the van is pretty distinctive.
They didn't have the van in Aspen.
Harry and Lloyd were in the hotel room and reading the newspaper, found out about the preservation society gala. When they both went, Shay immediately recognized them and told Nicholas. Nicholas ordered Shay to keep a close eye on both of them. Although they didn't have the van in Aspen, that wouldn't have mattered now since shortly after they arrived, Nicholas knew he could finally get the ransom money back.
Question: Why would the brides lay out in the open when they slept? After 400 years wouldn't they know better? Also, Are they falling in love with Harker?
Answer: It's unlikely they were falling in love with Harker: they are sadistic, baby-eating monsters who regarded Harker as food and a temporary plaything. As for them sleeping in the open, the local populace dreads and avoids Dracula's castle, so there's hardly any fear of intruders. Van Helsing did enter and kill them, but they reckoned, mistakenly, that he too would be too afraid to do so, especially after their horse-mauling escapades the previous night.
Answer: They are lesser vampires whose power is tied to Dracula, who in turn is entirely preoccupied with Mina. And as Van Helsing noted, vampires are weak at daytime, further reducing their ability to sense unwanted visitors. And a decapitated vampire, in this universe and most others, is dead and cannot be resurrected, ever.
Question: How did Beetlejuice leave the model and attack the Deetzes as a snake if no-one conjured him?
Chosen answer: Barbara did conjure him earlier in the movie when she saw lights in the model going off and then said his name three times. According to Juno, they let Beetlejuice out but didn't put him back, which gave him the opportunity to attack the Deetzs.
Question: When the girlfriend is at Dale Massey's grave at end of movie, it seems like it showed her angry face and then cut away to the credits. Were they possibly thinking of doing maybe a revenge sequel?
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Answer: It is also stated in the movie that Katherine just transferred down from Boston, and she is staying at her parents house. She also mentions in another scene that her and Jack are now in the same city. Plus Tess helps plan her welcome party to get to know others in her department indicating that she is new there. Maybe Jack had not got a chance to visit her office yet, which would explain why he would not have known.