Question: Did Davey Jones corrupt his purpose? Is that why he turned out the way he did? His purpose was to ferry souls to the next world, was he not properly doing that?
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Answer: Like all pirates, he double crossed her. He seduced and captured her in human form, by controlling her he could control the seas. She in turn double crossed him cursing him to the Flying Dutchman.
That's not what happened at all.
It was the Brethern Court that did that I believe.
Question: What happened to Warrick's wife Tina? I know they had an argument in one episode but I don't remember what happened after this. Can anyone let me know?
Answer: We have not seen her since the episode where he accused her of cheating on him, when she was in fact setting up something for his birthday, or something like that.
Question: In the season 3 finale, "Through the Looking Glass", why didn't Charlie just go out of the room and shut the door from the outside instead, then both he and Desmond would've survived? It just seems like such a strange decision.
Answer: The room could only be sealed from the inside. It was a split second decision he had to make. Perhaps he had already accepted his fate as predicted by Desmond. He also must have known that Desmond would have wanted to speak to Penny thus he wanted to prevent Desmond from endangering himself. Better one person die than both.
Question: In the very last shot before the credits, the camera has pulled back to reveal a row of tanks containing dead Jackmans. Does this imply that not only did the Tesla machine replicate Angier, but also the tank? One assumes then that Angier has had the forethought to place a floor between where he materializes and the newly replicated tanks appear.
Answer: As we see when Borden goes down under the stage to try to learn how the trick is performed, the tank is already in place before the machine is activated. Angier is using a large number of identical tanks, which is probably one of the deciding factors in only performing the trick a limited number of times.
Question: I haven't read all of the Star Wars books, but one mentions Prince Xizor being involved in Owen and Beru's death. Was he?
Answer: No, he wasn't. Xizor didn't learn about Luke until the events of The Empire Strikes Back, when he listened in on the holocomm conversation between Vader and the Emperor, a couple of years after Owen and Beru were killed by the stormtroopers. He had no reason to be interested in a couple of moisture farmers.
Question: Approximately how long does Luke train with Yoda on Dagobah?
Answer: It's never made clear. The only rough indication of time is that, when discussing which system to hide out in, Han comments that Bespin is a long way but that he thinks they can make it, which suggests a flight of considerable duration. Given that we're talking about two different star systems (Anoat and Bespin), even if those stars are unusually close together, without the hyperdrive operational, the flight must be reckoned of the order of some months. This would also tie in with Yoda apparently having taught Luke a considerable amount despite considering him too old and too set in his ways to learn properly.
Question: I've heard that you can see Prince Xizor on Coruscant somewhere in the movie. What scene is he in?
Answer: From Star Wars wiki: Xizor makes many cameo appearances during the podrace scene in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, as the micro-machine toy figurine of Xizor was used as a stand-in for members of the podrace crowd.[2] However, as this cameo is used only as background fill-ins, it may not be considered an actual appearance of the character proper. And under "appearances" he is listed as possible\debated for the film.
Question: I don't understand how they finished filming the first story if Vic Morrow died. It's unlikely that they would've filmed it all, then done the stunt where he died. Could someone please explain it to me?
Answer: They'd already filmed most of the episode. The stunt was one of the final scenes to be filmed. They were able to work the story around any missing scenes.
Question: Hey, i was just wondering if anyone could tell me what happens after the credits? I went to see it at the cinema and walked out before they were over. Thanks.
Answer: This can be seen on You Tube, but the post-credits "Easter Egg" scene is set ten years later. Elizabeth and a young boy, (presumably her and Will's son) are walking towards a cliff overlooking the sea. A green flash is seen on Elizabeth's face. On the horizon is the Flying Dutchman (fully restored to its full glory) and Will is on the mast. He is returning to his family.
Question: In the scene where Jack is being rescued he says "Four of you have tried to kill mein the past. One of you succeeded". Barbossa tried, Will tried, Elizabeth tried (successfully) so who was the fourth person in the group that Jack is referring to?
Question: Something I didn't quite understand about the locations of the places in Middle Earth. In FOTR when the group is trapped on the mountain Boromir suggests that they turn around and take the road to Gondor but Aragorn says it will take them too close to Isengard. In this film however we only see that Mordor is (also?)close to Gondor (Minas Tirith). I don't remember that Isengard was close to Mordor. If all this is true could that mean that Saruman knew that the group was either going to take the road to Gondor OR go through the Mines of Moria, knowing that he could catch them if they went through Gondor?
Answer: Isengard isn't particularly close to Gondor, but it is very close to the road that leads there. If the Fellowship abandon their attempt to cross the Misty Mountains and head south, then the only option that they have to reach Gondor is to pass through the Gap of Rohan, a narrow opening between the Misty Mountains to the north and the White Mountains to the south, then head eastwards all the way through Rohan until they finally enter Gondor. Isengard was originally constructed to guard the Gap, so any attempt to travel that way will take them straight past Saruman's front door, which is far too much of a risk. Saruman knows full well that the Fellowship only have a few options regarding their route, so he's keeping an eye on the possible routes.
Question: Why did Beckett not fire back on The Black Pearl and The Flying Dutchman when they joined forces against him? Is it meant to be 'artistic licence'?
Answer: Because he was so shocked at the turn in events that he simply froze up. It happens - people simply hit a situation which they can't deal with and freeze up. By the time he finally gets his head around it, it's far too late, the ship's already being destroyed around him and his men are abandoning ship. At that point, giving the 'fire' order would be pointless - there's nobody left at the guns.
Question: *Spoiler warning* Why does Sao Feng refer to Elizabeth as "Calypso" when in fact Tia Dalma is "Calypso"? Is he guessing, misinformed or knows something to convince him otherwise?
Answer: Just after Sao Feng has been double-crossed by Beckett, Barbossa tells him they have Calypso, who is trapped in human form, aboard the "Black Pearl." He is talking about Tia Dalma, but Feng mistakenly believes he means Elizabeth, and he then barters a deal with Barbossa to take her captive.
Question: To my understanding, the creatures only come out when the 'darkness' comes. But in the scene where Rose and Cybil run into the acid-vomiting zombies, there was no 'darkness'. Am I misunderstanding something?
Answer: In the games at least, the monsters are present even when the darkness isn't there - they could be a sign to indicate that the darkness is coming. It's not until the darkness comes that they are bombarded with them, and the most fierce creatures come out (in the case of the film, Pyramid Head - though he appears in the second game where there isn't a 'darkness' per se).
Question: At the beginning of the movie, what is the name of the song playing during the opening credits and who is the artist?
Chosen answer: The song is "Don't Fear The Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult.
Question: In Dead Man's Chest Beckett says that he left a mark on Sparrow, and Sparrow left a mark on Beckett, we know that the mark Beckett left on Sparrow was the brand of a P. Was it ever revealed in At Worlds End what mark Sparrow left on Beckett?
Chosen answer: No, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a physical mark, it's more likely to be psychological.
Question: What happened to the rest of the armada after The Flying Dutchman and The Black Pearl sank the Endeavor? Did the English all just leave, or do we assume that the Pearl, Dutchman, and the rest of the pirates turned tail and fled? I doubt the armada would have just let them go because they sank one ship.
Question: During "Cool, Considerate Men," what does John Hancock mean by "British half-crown" when he says, ". . . traitors to what? The British crown, or the British half-crown"?
Chosen answer: By "the British Crown" he meant the king. By "the British half Crown" he was just referring to the money in use by the British at the time.
Exactly contrasting loyalty to the country with loyalty to profit.
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Answer: Pretty much, yes. He carried out his duties faithfully for the first ten years, then returned to shore, to find Calypso missing. After that, he refused to continue, leading to his current state.
Tailkinker ★