Question: In the scene where Swagger and Memphis go to talk to the old man, why does the old man look at their hands? What is he looking for?
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Answer: Just to see if he's a working man with rough hands. Shooters get bad callouses on elbows, not so much hands.
Question: I don't know if this is true or just an urban legend, but did Michael Jackson body double (from the waist down) for the moonwalk/dance moves that Marty did during the scene where Mad Dog Tannen shot at his feet?
Answer: There appears to be purely an urban legend. While the repeated use of lower-body shots does suggest that Michael J Fox didn't perform the moves himself, there's no evidence that indicates that it was Jackson himself who stepped in. In the end, the moonwalk is not actually a particularly complicated dance move; if Fox didn't do it himself, it would not have been difficult for the production to locate somebody with a matching build who could do the steps.
Sozin's Comet (4): Avatar Aang - S3-E21
Question: What happened to Prince Zuko's mom?
Answer: She was banished by her husband, Ozai, for High Treason. She planned and played a significant role in Ozai's seizure of the throne from Fire Lord Azulon. Without her aide, Ozai would have been forced to kill his son, Zuko. Ozai's elder brother, Iroh, would have taken the thrown upon Azulon's death. It is assumed, though never specified, that either she or Ozai killed Azulon to ensure Ozai could be crowned Fire Lord before Iroh's return from the failed siege of Ba Sing Se. In the comics it is revealed that she met a spirit and changed her face and mind so she couldn't remember her kids. She also reunites with her old love and has daughter. When Zuko first meets her he doesn't know who she is, but in the end she asks for her face and memory back. Its also revealed she killed Azulon with a colorless and untraceable poison.
Question: Was there ever an explanation given for how the humans and the prawns learned each others languages? Both speak only their native dialects yet they're able to communicate with each other perfectly fine.
Answer: There's no specific explanation given, but it's not difficult to work out. A basic vocabulary could be worked out relatively easily simply by producing a series of items and learning the respective words for them. Over time, this vocabulary would build up until rudimentary communication was possible, which could then be refined over the decades since the prawns first arrived.
Question: Can someone please tell me why Kurt Russell is playing his own father in the flashback scenes. I just don't understand why.
Chosen answer: Why not? There's no reason why an actor couldn't play his own father at the same age - indeed, it can serve to emphasise a family resemblence between father and son. It can also serve as a swift way of letting the audience know that this is the father, rather than having a different actor come in and have to have the relationship established through dialogue.
Question: When they settle on New Caprica, is (roughly) 49,000 people sufficiently genetically diverse enough to ensure survival or would the colony start to run into trouble after a few generations?
Chosen answer: 100 breeding couples would be plenty with genetic screening, which Colonial tech seems easily capable of. 50,000 would be more than sufficient even with old-fashioned random pairings.
Question: Where do the staff and crew of Jurassic Park go after the dinosaurs escape? I mean you see a staff member tending to the triceratops, there were many scientists in the dinosaur lab, and would assume that there would be many more people on the island but they are nowhere to be seen after the dinosaurs escape.
Chosen answer: They all left on the same boat Nedry was trying to get on with the embryos. You can hear Samuel L Jackson's character announce that the boat will be leaving at a specific time and everyone had to be there or be left behind.
Question: During the curfew, if a human was seen acting dangerously, an NS5 would approach them and grab them by the neck saying "You have been deemed hazardous, will you comply?" This happened to Spooner and Farber. What would the outcome be if one did comply? What would the NS5 do?
Question: When the Joker and Vicky are going up the cathedral, Vicky trips and loses her left shoe; the Joker kisses it and throws it over the railing. When they reach the top both her shoes are gone and she's barefoot. Where did her right shoe go?
Chosen answer: It's quite hard to walk properly with only one shoe on and the stairs they're climbing are not the most even surfaces in the world. It would make sense that she simply kicked the other one off so that she could walk evenly rather than risk tripping again.
Nightmares and Daydreams - S3-E9
Question: In Aang's first dream, his hair, dress, and movements are supposed to resemble Naruto. In his second dream, he's looks like Vash from Trigun. However in the last dream (the one where Aang tells the Firelord that he is the one without pants), I can't quite place who he's supposed to look like. Any help?
Answer: Aang is meant to resemble Goku from Dragon Ball Z in the first nightmare. Though Naruto's and Goku's outfits are very similar, the hair is the clue here. In the final dream, Aang is a caricature of Jin from Samurai Champloo.
Question: Did Patrick Stewart physically perform for this film as Charles Xavier, or was the scene with him either computer-generated or shot with a look-alike?
Answer: Yes, that was Patrick Stewart, digitally de-aged in post-production to look younger than he does in the later-set X-Men films.
Question: Was Vanessa a fembot all along? Or did they get a robot that looked like her?
Answer: There is one theory that is that Vanessa is converted or replaced before we see her being brought into the room by Alotta Fagina.
Question: Exactly what happened at the end? I didn't get it. She stabbed herself and then commits her dad. What did it mean?
Answer: Molly attempts to commit suicide to avoid having to join the Devil. Unfortunately for her, the clock strikes midnight before she can kill herself, and thus, having reached her 18th birthday, her soul now belongs to the Devil, who preserves her life. Molly, now one of the Devil's minions, has her father committed to the asylum, presumably having framed her father for her self-inflicted injuries, leaving her free to continue her life working for her new master.
Question: When the Death Race is being aired, it describes it as having 100 different angles, including angles from inside the driver's car, but Jason Statham's character, imitating Frankenstein, has his masks off, and doesn't have a face "ruined by crashes so he has to wear a mask". Surely if anyone viewed this angle, they could see it wasn't really Frankenstein at all?
Question: I'm a little confused as to the reason why Esther wore dentures. Obviously she had to conceal her bad teeth to A) have a better chance of getting adopted and B) try to seduce the men in the families she lived with. But why didn't she just let someone in one of the orphanages see her real teeth and take her to a dentist/orthodontist? Seems a lot easier than having to wear dentures all the time, not to mention always being worried about someone discovering them.
Answer: Also, the dentist would have realised her age.
Answer: Esther wanted to look like a young child who still had her baby teeth. Tooth size is not linked to pituitary hormones so her normal sized adult teeth would make people wonder about her age.
Ester's real teeth were baby teeth; people with hypopituitarism retain their baby teeth well into their 40s. She did not wear dentures, she wore veneers to make it look like she had adult teeth like a normal nine-year old, Shirley Temple wore them to hide her braces they are purely cosmetic and not designed for eating which explains why Ester ate funny and didn't want to go to the dentist. She probably murdered the dentist that made them for her in some horrible way.
Question: In the legend of Cibola, the ship landed in Florida. Why did they show him the City of Gold in South Dakota? In those days for an entire group of people to travel that far (on foot) would have been deadly.
Chosen answer: You (or the movie) have your legends confused. Cibola was supposed to be somewhere north of New Spain (now Mexico). The Spanish conquistadors explored much of the southwest looking for it. Coronado travelled from central Mexico all the way to the northwest of Kansas and back (without dying!) looking for Cibola and Quivera.
They mention he wrecked off Florida but when they find the city it's under Mt. Rushmore which is in south Dakota.
Question: Does any episode of Friends make a reference to the destruction of the World Trade Center towers?
Answer: No, although shortly after the event, there was a "I *heart* NY" seen written on the small message board that hangs on Joey and Chandler's front door. A small tribute, no doubt. Also, during the end-credits of the 2001 Season Eight episode, 'The One After "I Do"' there is a dedication to the people of New York. Joey wears an FDNY shirt as well.
Answer: They actually had to re-shoot the episode following 9/11. Chandler had made a joke about a bomb on a plane while in the airport during the honeymoon episode, so they changed that subplot.
Question: When Shrek and Donkey are lost in the woods, one of them says something about passing a bush that looks like Shirley Bassey. Who is she?
Answer: Welsh-born internationally famous singer, who started her career back in the fifties and is still singing today. Probably most famous for her involvement with three different James Bond movies, having performed the theme songs for Goldfinger, Diamonds Are Forever and Moonraker. For further information, try her Wikipedia article.
Answer: A Black Bush whiskey is also known as a Shirley Bassey.
Shirley Bassey What I find most interesting is the animated and nicknamed shrub was inspired by a real bush! Link to pic here: They stopped to sketch my larger than life topiary lady (A Personable Hello in Ligustrum sp.) on a main route to the lake one fine summer day. She used to be part of an overgrown hedgerow and was salvaged from a driveway widening project.
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Answer: He's looking for callouses on the hands. Professional snipers end up getting hard skin inbetween the webbed part of the skin between the thumb and forefinger because of constant rubbing on the trigger guard. By checking the hands, he could tell whether or not he was talking to a proper sniper, and in particular Swagger.
The webbing between the thumb and forefinger would rub on the stock or grip not the trigger guard.