Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Paul Ruebens does the voice of Max but why in the credits does it say that the voice of Max was done by Paul Mall?

Answer: According to IMDB, Paul Mall is just another one of his names people know him by.

Sir William

Answer: It was Paul Reubens' idea to use a pseudonym, so as to keep the voice of Max a mystery and to surprise any fans of his.


Parallel Universe - S2-E6

Question: When Lister, Rimmer, and the Cat are waiting for the pregnancy test to change color, and Rimmer wants it to turn red, he cheers it on saying, "Come on you reds." Is this a cultural reference?

Answer: Sort of. A common colour for football teams in the U.K is Red (or blue). "Come on you reds!" is a chant sometimes shouted at football games in support of whatever team is wearing red at the time, although nowadays it's more of a "generic football chant" rather than something used heartily by fans of a certain team. Rimmer is just indicating he's hoping for a positive on the test, but pretending he's cheering for a football team (to break the joke down).

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: The Reds are a nickname for Liverpool FC, which of course is where Lister hails from, so there's a certain irony in Rimmer's line there.

Question: Does anyone know of a website or other source that tells you how to mimic Hugh Grant's dance scene? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Watching the film would seem to be the best source. The moves don't appear to be terribly difficult and shouldn't be hard to work out.


Chosen answer: She was upset becasue her father was suppose to hang out with her, but he ditched her again.


Show generally

Question: What's the name of the "theme" song, the one played at the beginning of every episode?

Answer: It is a version of "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley.

Stacey Kotlarczyk

Question: How did Balian, a peasant, get to be literate at the beginning of the film, before he leaves with his father? He reads what's carved into the wooden beam over his workplace.


Chosen answer: Who says he was reading it, someone could have told him what it said, so he knew what the beam says rather than read it.


Answer: It refers to the "gift" that Danny and Mr. Halloran shared as in this quote from Mr. Halloran: "I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it shining."


Question: I know the film is set in the 1920s, but did anyone see a specific year (i.e., 1925) mentioned anywhere in the film (in a newspaper, maybe)?

Answer: According to the story takes place in 1924. Link provided to confirm and more info:


Chosen answer: One of them says "He had to go and do..." and Richard Donner sort of looks at him with understanding and nods his head. So I guess he had some other engagement. Something Lord of the Rings related perhaps?

Soylent Purple

Answer: Sean Astin had to leave halfway through recording DVD commentary for "The Goonies" because the recording session started late, and Sean had an earlier commitment to introduce friend Joe Pantoliano at a local theatre.

Question: I have two questions. 1) What exactly does Mr. Smith do with the DVDs? 2) I don't understand the final scene, is Mr. Smith helping Jeff Talley or is he helping the masked men?

Answer: The purpose of the DVD is that the information the criminals are after is hidden in the code of the DVD. The illegal bank accounts and funds and such are all encrypted on the disk. He is also helping Jeff after he realizes that he put his life on the line for his family and saved his children.


Question: How old was Blade's mother when she gave birth to him back in 1967?

Answer: Blade's mother was 23. Its hard to see but if you pause the DVD at the beginning where the wallet drops, zoom in and the date of birth says 2/16/44.


Answer: None have been announced. (To update, a limited series, "And Just Like That" is now on HBOMax. A second season has been announced).


Answer: 'And Just Like That...' is now available on Sky.

A vogue idea - S4-E17

Question: Why are the girls families never mentioned/they never mention them? I know Carrie talks about her father in series 4, episode 17, and I know Miranda's mum dies around then too, but what about Charlotte and Samantha? Where's all their family gone?

Answer: Introducing too many family characters would have cluttered the storyline and detracted from the show's basic premise of the single life in NYC. The focus remained on the girls' friendship, their relationships, and female views about sex and love. However, in addition to the relatives you mentioned, we also met Charlotte's brother--who slept with Samantha.


Carrie mentions her father disappeared when she was 5, and she never saw him again. Samantha mentions working at a Dairy Queen as a teenager, but other than that, not much mention of family life.

The one - S6-E12

Question: In the beginning of the epsiode when Carrie first meets Aleksandr in the gallery there is instrumental music playing in the background. This music also shows up in different scenes throughout the episode. Does anyone know the name of this piece of music and where I can find it?

Answer: It's called 'Pavane' by Regina Carter and can be found on the CD "Paganini: After a Dream".


Question: Can someone explain the significance of Draco Malfoy tearing out and pocketing the page from the book during the scene in the bookstore in Diagon Alley in the beginning of the movie?


Chosen answer: I think it is just meant to show that he has no respect for other peoples possessions. He must have seen a spell he liked, and 'stole' it. I have read the book and don't remember any significant reference to it in there either.

Sam Johnson

Show generally

Question: Does Leela have super strength? I've never seen it explicitly stated, but the are quite a few instances in which she is shown to be much stronger than the other characters, or where she'll do something that requires great strength.

Answer: No I wouldn't say she has super strength (besides the one episode where she actually does have super strength) but she is fit and adept in some form of martial arts. Besides the rest of the Planet Express crew are pretty pathetic, physically speaking.


Answer: The show was originally cancelled because of poor ratings, but many people believe this is because although people *wanted* to watch the show, Fox kept changing its time slot so no one knew when it was on. However, new series are being made (and aired) right now due to the high sales figures of the DVDs.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: In the second film, the T-800 stated that Skynet launched the nuclear missiles in response to the government trying to shut it down. This is not the case here (as John states that Skynet has little-to-no-chance of being destroyed by conventional means). It just preps launching them as soon as it becomes active. It is not longer motivated by any clear threat to its existence. What, then, causes Skynet to identify humans as the enemy and initiate Judgement Day?

Answer: In this reality (which is subtly altered from the "original" Terminator timeline due to the changes made in T1 and T2) SkyNet became conscious quite a bit before T3 and eventually determined that it should be in control of the world. To pursue that goal, it launched the virus discussed throughout the film which was intended to trick the government into launching SkyNet world-wide. In other words, its new motivation was paternalism/global domination, and humanity (in its current form, anyway) gets in the way.

Question: When Aunt Marge starts to inflate, Uncle Vernon starts kind of whining. He's supposed to be really tough, why doesn't he growl or yell instead? Or at least try to save his sister?

Answer: He is a big bully. He isn't tough at all, he just acts that way to Harry. When confronted by something scary, he wusses out!

Grumpy Scot

Question: In the bathtub sex scene with Alotta Fagina and Austin, why does Fagina kick her leg up into the air when Austin strips?

Answer: Cuz it's sexy. She's showing off her assets for him!

Grumpy Scot

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