Question: Why would Grevious choose to face Obi-Wan alone? He could have a one-shot chance to defeat Obi-Wan completely with his droid army.
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Answer: Being the sort of character that he is Grievous had a big ego so to simply let his droids take out Kenobi would be a waste of his abilities. Like in the clone wars where he would earn trophies of sorts by collecting defeated Jedis' lightsabers - he references this earlier in the film by taunting Anakin and Obi-wan.
Question: Did the clones really know that Palpatine was Darth Sidious all this time, considering they easily agreed to the Sith Lord's orders (Separatist ally), and respond with "Yes, my lord"? If so, how hard was this to keep from the rest of the Republic (Jedi, senators, etc.) for all this time that they were really under control of a Sith Lord, they were his right-hand men, took orders from him, and would turn on the Jedi when the time is right? Also, why would they even take orders from a Sith Lord (even if it was Palpatine, which the Jedi didn't know, it seems they wouldn't do this)? They didn't seem to like Dooku or Grievous, who were also a part of the Separatists? It just all seems quite confusing.
Answer: The clone troops weren't loyal to the Jedi, they were loyal to the republic and its leader Palpatine. Darth Sidious and Palpatine are one and the same person, to the clone troops there is no difference between the 2. Order 66 changed the viewpoint of the clones as seeing the Jedi as traitors that need to be eliminated and they executed the order immediately. The clone troops were not aware of the double play by Sidious and the separatists but by the time order 66 was executed the separatists were pretty much beaten already. Palpatine wasn't a Separatist ally, he used them to excuse the use of the clone army to take control of the galaxy and eliminate the Jedi at the same time.
Question: Is it true that missing footage from the movie has been found?
Answer: Yes, director George Romero announced in 2015 that he had rediscovered some 16mm working footage that never made it into the movie, including a full 9-minute sequence (a jump-cut of the basement scene) featuring the largest zombie attack in the film. Although Romero died earlier this year, film legend Martin Scorsese was said to be overseeing the film's restoration including the found footage. Http://
Question: When Eric Stoltz was in this film, did he dye his hair black? It looks black in behind the scenes footage.
Chosen answer: Eric Stoltz's hair was actually more red than Michael J. Fox's; but Stoltz's original "Marty" was overall a visually darker character with a 1980s punk-rock or teen-idol look, wearing a full-sleeved black jacket, black pants and black sneakers. His hair was also dyed black for the part. Director Robert Zemeckis decided, after his 5-week ordeal with the dark and humor-challenged Stoltz, that the Marty character needed to be brighter, more colorful, and a lot funnier. So, Marty's appearance was changed to a more casual teen look, with a faded Levi's jacket, sleeveless orange vest, bluejeans and white sneakers. Michael J. Fox's hair was darkened slightly for the role, but it was still a noticeably lighter color than Stoltz's.
The Opening Night Excitation - S9-E11
Question: Leonard thought Penny would want to join them in seeing the new Star Wars movie but why would he think that? He knows Penny does not like Star Wars at all.
Chosen answer: Probably because part of being in a relationship with someone means sharing their interests, even if you yourself are indifferent, to grow closer together. Penny feels otherwise.
Answer: Ray's little daughter, Rachel, was prone to panic attacks in tense situations (depicted a couple of times early in the movie). When Ray and Rachel are hiding out in the basement with the neurotic Harlan Ogilvy, Ray realises that Harlan is completely losing his mind, and Ray knows the only way to save himself and Rachel is to kill Harlan. Ray even says to Harlan, "You KNOW what I have to do." Ray then goes to Rachel, blindfolds her, tells her to cover her ears and sing a lullaby. This was to prevent Rachel from seeing or hearing the violence that followed (which would surely send her into a panic attack, giving away their location to the aliens outside).
Question: What happened to Curtis, Burton Mercer (Jake's correctional officer)? After Jake and Elwood have escaped from the concert and after Burton Mercer and the two other officers smash into a truck, we don't see them again for the rest of the film.
Answer: The truck they landed in was going the other way maybe for hours. By the time they get out and get back the brothers have already been arrested. We don't really need to know what happened to them.
Question: In the scene when J meets the Zarthin (Rosario Dawson) in the pizza place after Ben gets killed. He asked her about the killer. He asked male she said female. He says Caucasian? She says grey. What in the world is grey? Thanks everyone for the help.
Answer: The killer was an alien and Laura was replying "grey", but not in regards to any race on earth (Caucasian, Asian, etc). Typically, there are 2 types of aliens that people claim they see (in real life when claiming to see UFO's and aliens), little green men or grey aliens. Grey aliens are the Area 51 types, with grey skin, big black eyes, and long skinny arms, etc. She didn't want to come across as crazy by saying the killer was an alien, so she just replied "grey".
Question: What is in a frozen margarita?
Answer: Typically a frozen Margarita is tequila, triple sec, lime juice, and ice. Bud appears to make his Margarita with a store bought mix and adds the tequila and ice.
Question: Why did Hayes hate the fame he was receiving?
Answer: It's hard to truly understand why some people aren't comfortable in the spotlight. But Hayes was known for saying "I am not a hero" and that the real heroes were "the brave men who died." He really didn't want to be known as a hero for raising the flag, especially when so many of his friends died and didn't earn the respect he was getting. Unfortunately, he turned to alcohol and developed a drinking problem, which lead him to shun fame even more. However, these things are not unique to him. Many soldiers, especially those who suffer PTSD, which Hayes may have had, feel guilt or remorse for surviving when friends didn't. Fame and the spotlight only exasperates these feelings as it becomes a constant reminder of their survival. Alcoholism also leads some to want to be left alone for numerous reasons.
Question: At the end, Dumbledore awards the trio back their 150 points, considering that he knew that them sneaking out to Hagrid was in good judgment. But then he gives 10 points to Neville for what? I know Slytherin had the house cup for 7 years straight, but was Dumbledore actually favoring Gryffindor to win the whole time or was not wanting Slytherin to win? I think a headmaster like him wouldn't be that slippery and would keep his opinions about the house cup to himself, even if for some reason he opposes Slytherin.
Answer: Neville had the courage to stand up to three people very dear to him when he knew that they were doing something wrong. There are a lot of teens out there who will just go with the flow no matter what, but Neville had the courage to break that and try to stop them. Dumbledore awarded him the points for that.
Question: Is it ever explained how Dobby found out about the Chambers of Secrets and how he believed Harry might be involved? I doubt Lucius or any of his peers would have discussed anything about this in front of Dobby.
Answer: The Malfoys would have had no concerns about discussing anything within earshot of their house elves. Dobby may very well have overheard the Malfoys' conversations. House elves are magically bound to guard everything about their masters' secrets. Breaking that would result in severe punishment or death. Dobby circumvented this restriction as much as he possibly could to warn and protect Harry.
Question: Did Eddie Murphy improvise his hotel meltdown speech (where he claims to be a reporter) or was it scripted?
Chosen answer: Much of Axel Foley's lines were improvised, including this scene, according to the commentary. But many other actors improvised their lines too, most notably Bronson Pinchot. The script was originally written with the intent of Sylvester Stallone playing Axel and as such, the issue of his race wasn't scripted and the director tried to avoid mentioning race in the film. It was Eddie Murphy that would bring it up in improvised lines.
Question: Why didn't they just tell Cochrane about the Borg? Why didn't Cochrane want to be famous?
Answer: Telling him about the Borg would violate the Prime Directive by giving too much information about the future. The Borg were not supposed to be in that timeline, unlike the Vulcans who, historically, made First Contact with humans at that time. Cochrane does not say why he doesn't want to be famous. There are many reasons people shun celebrity-some are shy and prefer privacy, others don't want to deal with the pressure of having to live up to a reputation that may be inaccurate, it interferes with the work they are trying to achieve, and so on.
Actually, they did tell him about the Borg. You can tell they told him about the Borg because he said a group of cybernetic creatures from the future have traveled back through time to enslave the human race.
They told him a general story about what's going on. They don't reveal their name, where they are from or their nature.
What harm could telling Cochrane about the Borg possibly do?
That could potentially change the timeline too much. They want to preserve the timeline they came from.
I'd care more about saving humans from being killed, or enslaved, than about preserving timelines.
It might set humanity on the wrong path, that will lead to more deaths. For example, it could prevent the federation alliance. One can only imagine how the Alpha quadrant will survive Romulan, Klingon and Dominion attacks without the alliance.
"Telling him about the Borg would violate the prime directive by giving information about the future." Which is more important, obeying the prime directive, or stopping the Borg from enslaving the human race?
They are first attempting to give as little information as possible to anyone in the past in an attempt to follow the Temporal Prime Directive. Any small change could have larger changes in the future via the butterfly effect.
Answer: When Riker and Cochrane are doing the pre-flight check in the ship, Riker is talking about the historical significance of this launch. Cochrance tells him to shut up, he is tired of everyone he meets telling him what a hero he is, and what this launch means to mankind. He says, "You want why I want I'm doing this. Money and women. I want to buy an island and be served drinks by native girls. I hate space travel. I take trains." However, once the Vulcans land, he truly realises what he's done.
Answer: Cochrane wanted to be famous but in order to get money and women. Cochrane didn't want the hero title and was sick of hearing about all the good he had done.
The Show Where Woody Shows Up - S6-E13
Question: Niles tells Frasier, "You would never make it in private practice" (after Frasier complains about discussing the same stories with Woody). If Frasier has never operated his own practice, how did he work as a psychiatrist before his radio show?
Answer: Like any doctor, not all psychiatrists have a private practice...some work on the staff in hospitals. When he was on Cheers, before moving to Seattle and his own show, Frasier worked at Boston General.
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Answer: Grievous collects the lightsabers of Jedi he has killed as trophies, so as a warrior he believes there is considerable prestige to be had by defeating them in single combat (particularly one of Kenobi's ability) rather than relying on his droids to do it.
Sierra1 ★