Question: Was this series cancelled or simply ended?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: Maybe I missed something while watching the movie. In a couple of brief scenes, they showed the severely deformed face of a woman. What was that all about?
Answer: It's actually a boy named Ruben. It's alluded to him being disfigured due to being the product of incest. In the context of the movie, Ruben is supposed to be an "oracle" who comes up with sacred scriptures, runes, etc. From what I understand, due to his deformities and cognitive disabilities, he's considered to be less "constrained" by typical mental/emotional limitations, and thus more open-minded spiritually. (Basically, they believe that because he's so simple-minded and childlike, he's open-minded enough to able to communicate with higher powers).
The House That Peg Lost - S3-E16
Question: After Al and Peggy snoop through the Rhoades' safe, Al wonders if Steve knows that the house is only in Marcy's name. If Steve thinks the house is also in his name, wouldn't he have signed mortgage paperwork at some point?
Answer: If you recall, Marcy worked in a bank. Perhaps she told Steve she'd taken care of all the paperwork. And the Rhodes were somewhat well-to-do, maybe they paid cash for their home or borrowed money from family.
Question: At the Lunar-Max prison, Boris asks the guard to cut the cake for them. But then the guard proceeds to just shove his finger into the center of it why? Was he going to crudely cut the cake with his finger? Is he further checking it? Is he just being a jerk and trying to ruin the cake?
Answer: The last one. He is bullying Boris by ruining his cake.
Question: I know there's a few different releases of this film with different scenes. Has it ever been revealed how the Aliens managed to get inside the complex? Ripley states they must have missed an entrance to which Hudson replies they didn't miss anything. Is there a deleted scene, director's cut etc that shows how the aliens got in?
Answer: It's shown in the film (both versions) that the Aliens use the space in the drop ceiling to get into the complex. The drop ceiling doesn't show on the blueprints so Ripley and the Marines didn't think about it. When Ripley wonders if they missed anything Hicks replies "We didn't miss anything." Hicks is technically correct, but Ripley then says "Something not on the blueprints, I don't know." They did not account for the fact the ceiling grates aren't the actual top of the room because they made their plans based on the blueprints.
The aliens used the space above the drop ceilings to move around the complex once inside, but it is never revealed how they actually got in from outside.
Alien: Resurrection shows the aliens are happy to sacrifice one of their own to use their blood to help them escape captivity - possible something similar happened here if they knew it was worth them getting inside.
Question: Would Marcy even be allowed to marry Jefferson considering that she and Steve never actually got divorced?
Answer: It's implied that Steve filed for divorce since in s04e16, "You Gotta Know When to Hold 'Em", Marcy says that Steve is suing for alimony. Alimony is something that has to be requested when filing for divorce. Although the show doesn't spend time on the actual legal proceedings of their divorce.
Question: If the Vishanti bracelets stop prisoners from using their powers how was America able to punch through her cage?
Answer: This suggests her powers are stronger than the bracelets.
Or that the bracelets may only be able to constrain powers from Earth-838, and don't work as well on people from other earths.
Question: Didn't the Snowflake virus also infect other life besides humanity, such as animals and plants?
Question: In the pilot episode, Helen says to Stanley that he's now going to have to get a job (assuming to afford living in this pricey townhome), but throughout the entire two-season series, Stanley is shown never getting a job and sits around at home all the time. How did they never run out of money?
Answer: Assuming they made enough income from rentals fees, Helen may have wanted Stanley to find a job solely to get him out of the house and out of her hair. Many women dislike having their husbands home all the time, and, if they're retired, encourage them to find some work or activity outside of the house.
That's possible, though a bit doubtful since they lived in their old apartment building (the Three's Company one) for 14 years. That was 14 years of Stanley being at home without Helen wanting him to get a job "away from home."
She also isn't shown telling him to get a job for any reason after the pilot episode. Rather than continually nagging him, Helen apparently accepted that he wasn't going to get one. Also, it's a TV show. Writers continually change character dynamics, plot lines, running gags, etc. as the show progresses, which can create either deliberate or unintentional inconsistencies. It was probably something the writers saw no reason to pursue.
Answer: He owned the entire apartment complex in "Three's Company." Even the sales prices back in the 1970's were in the millions.
But if that's the case, why would Helen tell Stanley he'd have to get a job when they first moved to their new place? Even Stanley gave a worried look when he was questioned that. If they had all money, that scene would not have taken place and Helen never would have brought that up.
Question: In the comic books, animated series, etc, was there a passage connecting the facility to the bat cave like there was in the game? I thought that the bat cave was further away, like under Wayne Manor.
Answer: It's not the actual Batcave, it's a secondary location Batman set up in case of emergency. Oracle actually makes a comment along those lines the first time you access it.
Answer: To add to the answer, Batman tells Oracle that he found the cave after saving an inmate from committing suicide and had secretly been moving supplies to the cave after discovering its location.
Question: When the Fratellis stumble upon the skeleton corpse, why did Mama think the kids ate him?
Answer: She knew the kids didn't eat him. Jake thought the kids had stolen the money from Chester Copperpot's wallet. Mama made the sarcastic comment to basically say that if the body had been there long enough to decompose, then anyone could have stolen his money in that time.
Answer: She was being sarcastic toward Jake since he made a stupid comment about the kids taking money from the corpse.
Question: Why did Anastasia's grandmother wait an entire decade to offer a reward to anyone who could find her granddaughter? This doesn't seem logical since it's clear Empress Marie loves Anastasia very much and is devastated when she gets separated from her by the train. You would think at some point when she got off that train she could've made some effort to get her granddaughter back and not wait so much time to do it.
Answer: She may have tried to find her, but thought she was lost forever. Later in the movie she was getting old and was afraid that her family's legacy would die with her. It was then that she offered a large reward to find her.
Question: What is Cobb watching on the TV after his first war flashback, right before the kid appears in the window?
Answer: That's the horror movie Don't Look in the Basement (1973), at its own timecode 01:09:30 within that movie.
Question: Why did Diana destroy the mall's security cameras, and why did she want the little girl to stay quiet?
Answer: At this point in time, her gig as a superhero is not public knowledge, and she wants it to stay that way.
How would that accomplish anything considering there were many people in the mall who saw what happened?
As the other answer indicated, Diana/Wonder Woman wasn't yet known publicly as a super-hero. A video recording is different from eye-witness accounts of what people actually saw or believe they saw. Memories are faulty, they fade, and everyone sees and remembers things differently. Regarding the child, I interpreted it as Diana just motioning in a friendly way for the rather precocious girl to stay put, behave, and quietly wait for her mother.
In my opinion, it wouldn't, and it's just another example of the shoddy writing in this film.
Answer: This was long before the age of superheroes, when everything was normal and meta-humans were just theories in a lab. It was her appearances which stated it all. Remember the tagline, "The Dawn of Justice Begins with Her."
Question: Why is Arthur voiced by two actors?
Answer: Arthur was voiced by three actors. Rickie Sorenson and Richard and Robert Reitherman. Rickie originally voiced Arthur but, during production of the film, Rickie hit puberty causing his voice to change, so Wolfgang Reitherman chose to use his own sons to replace Rickie.
Question: The Missouri Breaks starred Jack Nicholson (as Tom Logan, a rustler) and Marlon Brando (as Robert E Lee Clayton, a "regulator" tasked with eliminating him). Yet they never appear together. Brando is absent from over half the scenes featuring Nicholson, and vice-versa. When they do meet, there is a close up of Nicholson speaking to Brando, followed by a close up of Brando replying to Nicholson, and so on. Why do Nicholson and Brando never appear on screen together?
Answer: At this point, Brando used cue cards for his dialogue and liked to improvise lines. Nicholson found this difficult and distracting because Brando continually shifted his gaze to the cue card behind the cameraman and went off script. Although Nicholson said Brando was exceedingly cooperative and "gentle as a lamb" on the set, the two actors took an instant dislike to one another. Each actor was filmed separately while reciting their lines.
Question: What led Axel Foley to know that agent Fulbright was in on the scheme? He didn't seem to show any suspicion earlier. Was it just because Fulbright was at the park at the end? The way Foley talked made it seem like he figured it out before know Fulbright was there.
Answer: Just before Uncle Dave is shot earlier in the film Axel figures out that the note he was given was written on treasury mint sample paper - I believe it's at this point that Axel know Fulbright was in on it since the "matter of life and death" note was written some time before the treasury mint paper truck heist.
Answer: Axel was suspicious of Fulbright of knowing everything that was going on in Wonderland but did nothing. He said, they were investigating but Axel was the only one making any progress. Plus, to get the materials needed to make counterfeit bills they were using authentic paper and ink, something only a Treasury Agent would have access to.
Question: In therapy, Susanna says that her parents are having a "Christmas party crisis." What does she mean?
Answer: She thinks that her parents are mostly concerned about their social image. They don't want people to criticize and avoid them, because their daughter is in a mental institution. They are probably wondering what to tell the guests at their next party.
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Answer: According to Internet sources, Ultimate Spider-Man was cancelled after three seasons to make room for the new series, Marvel's Spider-Man.
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