Question: What happened to George's real parents and family? It's been years since the plane crash. Didn't they even search for him?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Why does Darth Vader's mask need to alter his vision (there are digital symbols and a red shade to the lenses)? I had a classmate who had been burned in a fire, including his face, but he could see normally.
Answer: Anakin Skywalker's eyes were fine, the mask visor just gives him extras probably like heat vision and a HUD. Since he was wearing the mask, he might as well wear a visor with technology that enhances his vision.
He had become Darth Vader before the fight with Obi-Wan on Mustafar. He is no longer Anakin Skywalker when he first receives the mask.
Question: Is it ever said what Otto Delaney did to be put in prison?
Answer: He was initially given a 6-year sentence for grand theft auto and 2nd degree murder, but then he committed various criminal acts for samcro and kept getting his sentence extended. At the end of season 3 it's implied he'll be set to death row for murdering Squirrel and because he's continuously aggressive. (Although, an initial 6-year sentence for 2nd degree murder doesn't seem likely without some plea bargain where Otto also gives someone else up or gives useful information, that results in arrest, about some criminal enterprise. This seems out of character for Otto, especially since he stabbed a rat while in prison. And I don't recall any information given about how he had such a short, initial prison term).
Question: How much time passes between the first Rush Hour and Rush Hour 2?
Answer: Four days later.
Question: Who was the twelfth member that they added?
Answer: It was Tess.
Question: How could Ames have received the death penalty if he didn't actually kill Clyde's wife and daughter?
Answer: They made a deal with Darby. Darby testified saying Ames was the one who killed the wife and daughter in order to get a reduced sentence. Since Shelton's testimony was inadmissible because he blacked out it was Darby's word again Ames'.
Answer: He was a participant in a felony during which someone died. That means the felony murder rule applies. Felony murder is a capital crime.
Question: How did Robert know Edward was gonna double cross him?
Answer: He didn't know for a fact that it would happen, but he was experienced enough in these kind of high-stakes operations to plan for literally every contingency, including a double-cross.
Question: After Willy takes Sam's wallet, why did Sam attack him? The scene happened so fast I can't figure out why.
Answer: Willy struck Molly (knocking her to the ground) when she tried to intervene, thus making Sam attack him in response. This fight led to Sam getting shot.
Question: As Jason's body is being brought into the hospital, the camera focuses on a room with a crying girl, and presumably her parents, her face is obscured so who is this suppose to be? Is it suppose to be Chris from the last movie?
Answer: The way I look at it there's more than one possibility: 1. The crying relatives are totally unrelated, so to speak, to the events of the film. B) they are relatives of one of the victims, be it Andy or Debbie or Shelly. The girl does not look like Chris from part 3.
Answer: I suspect that the girl was intended to be Chris, hence her face being very obviously obscured (as Dana Kimmel did not return for this movie). The lack of a resemblance may be an error, though, with her face being away from the camera, it's not very noticeable.
Answer: The original idea for this one was Jason causing havoc in a hospital and I think Chris was supposed to come back, so your guess is as good as mine.
Question: Why, when Cornell walks out on the attorney General, did they not arrest him for assassination of the archbishop?
Answer: They had a 'first person' witness to conspiracy to kidnap.
Answer: Maybe the crime was committed outside the United States, and they simply didn't have the jurisdiction to charge him.
Question: When young Nickerson has to crawl inside a dead whale's head to harvest the rest of its oil, Peterson gives him something to put between his teeth. What is it and for what?
Answer: Nickerson is told "put that between your teeth" and is given a piece of whale bone for him to bite down hard, to help him deal with the foul stench, which can cause nausea, coughing, gagging, and vomiting.
Question: I don't get it. What was the purpose of the aliens coming to Earth? And what exactly happened to them? Where did they go?
Answer: It's left unclear, though the film proposes several possible theories, and there are other possible explanations as well. One major theory brought up in the film is that the aliens were there to acquire Earth's resources after using up their own. Another theory proposed at the end of the movie is that the aliens wanted humans for whatever reason, as a radio DJ mentions seeing his friend's family being dragged away. There is also a very popular fan theory that the aliens are supposed to represent demons that are merely there to create chaos and test the moral strength of humanity, as the film is ultimately about Graham losing and then regaining his faith, although this is more subtext than anything and may not be literally true.
Answer: Near the end of the movie... The morning after in the basement... The guy on the radio says the aliens were there not for the planet, but to harvest humans. For what purpose is unknown, maybe as an energy source, Matrix-style.
Chosen answer: According to the theory in the movie they were there to take the planet for their own because they used up all the resources their own planet. They left the planet when it became apparent to them that the water on Earth was too dangerous.
Question: If, as Odin says, Mjolnir was never the source of Thor's power, then how come that "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor"?
Answer: If other people are worthy, they can gain the power of Thor (this is something that has happened in the comics), but Thor can muster that power alone. In his case, the hammer simply allows him to focus his powers.
How come then that in the first movie when Odin wants to remove Thor's power he "confiscates" Mjolnir? If Thor's power is intrinsically inside him, how could Odin remove it? Then, he reacquire those powers only after holding Mjolnir again, which implies Thor's powers come from Mjolnir. This is poorly explained in the movies.
"Poorly explained" doesn't make it a mistake. Odin suppressed Thor's innate powers and removed the hammer both symbolically and to prevent Thor from using it to reacquire his powers.
Question: Was Moulin Rouge the only musical to purely use pre-existing songs, or have there been others?
Answer: Come What May was an original film composition, albeit for Romeo + Juliet, but it ended up not being used until Moulin Rouge! So, depending on how you want to look at that technicality, there could be an argument made that Moulin Rouge! did not use only "pre-existing songs." However, there have been other such musicals; Mamma Mia! being an example. Interesting to note that they both have exclamation marks as part of their titles.
Answer: Knights Tale being another.
Answer: Musicals that use pre-existing songs, or unreleased songs (i.e. songs written before the musical was written), are often called "jukebox musicals" and there's a long list of them going back to the 40's. Jukebox musicals also included musicals centering around an artist or band's album (sometimes these are referred to as "rock operas" and included "Tommy" by The Who and "The Wall" by Pink Floyd.
Answer: Also Rock of Ages is another example.
Answer: A musical that used preexisting songs is called a jukebox musical.
Question: How is Camp Green Lake legal? Aren't there laws against forced child labor? Also, what would happen if Stanley refused to dig holes?
Answer: It is illegal. That's why everyone in charge gets arrested at the end. It only lasted as long as it did because they were in the middle of nowhere with little to no oversight and no on knew what was really going on until Stanley's release.
Wait then why did the judge know about it? Did he get arrested too?
There are a lot of kids at Green Lake, sentenced by various judges. The court system either was unaware of the conditions at the camp, or didn't care.
Answer: Stanley and his fellow prisoners are convicted criminals, and as such, the authorities are allowed to work them. The conditions in the movie are rather extreme, but what recourse do the boys have? The warden and her flunkies are brutal people, and it's likely Stanley would have been in a world of hurt had he refused to dig. All they'd have to say is Stanley attacked them and whatever force they used would have been justified. That's the penal system for you.
Question: At the arrow shooting contest, how did Prince John know it was Robin Hood in disguise?
Answer: Because he was firing perfect shots and only Robin Hood is that good.
Question: Even though Isabel committed suicide, shouldn't she have gone to heaven? She willfully sacrificed herself to insure that Mammon couldn't cross on to earth so in a way, she was saving billions of people, so that should have guaranteed her entry into heaven.
Answer: Sin for a good reason is still sin, and as Gabriel says earlier, you can't buy your way into Heaven. Real Catholic dogma, however, doesn't hold the mentally ill as condemned for committing suicide.
Except Isabel wasn't mentally ill. She saw angels and demons just like Constantine did. It was her parents who believed she was mentally ill.
While suicide is a mortal sin, it's shown later (as in major plot point) that sacrificing yourself to save the world is a redeeming act.
Yes, but Constantine also said "My parents were normal. They did what most parents would do. They made it worse. You think you're crazy long enough, you find a way out" which could relate to Isabel losing her sanity in a way as well because of her family and how they saw her. The whole Isabel's sacrifice is added by the novelization but the movie is ambiguous about the suicide.
Except Isabel wasn't mentally ill. She saw half breeds just like John did.
Sacrificing yourself for others isn't a sin.
Answer: If a soldier jumps on a grenade and dies to save his fellow soldiers, it's considered giving one's life for others. To my understanding, that isn't considered a "sin." If it was a mental health issue, a just God would give her a pass. If she was doing it to thwart Mammon's plans, again she was sacrificing herself. If she did it to get Constantine involved to help stop Mammon, again is was self sacrifice. (Notice how she says "Constantine" just before jumping when her sister views the video?). As a plot device, I understand it, but from a theological standpoint it is weak.
Answer: It is shown in the movie that it was Balthazar who whispered into her ear, gave her suggestions. Eventually she committed suicide to escape that, to escape her torment. She certainly didn't sacrifice herself to keep Mammon out because Mammon needed twin psychics, one in hell and one on Earth to do it, which Balthazar achieved for him.
The film doesn't give information about the need of having one twin in hell and the other on earth to complete Mammon's plan; the movie states Mammon needs a powerful psychic and God's help. It isn't shown either that Balthazar was the one whispering to Isabel's ear considering she was apparently hearing Hellspeak, but no individual besides her appeared on the death scene; therefore, it was left ambiguous. Otherwise, provide evidence of the statement above.
When John and Angela are walking back to the elevator after taking care of Balthasar they specifically mention Mammon needed twin psychics. The only reason would be for their connection. One is in hell, the other on Earth. Through their connection Mammon is able to posses Angela. As for the second thing. When Isabel commits suicide you both hear Balthasar whisper to her and she has the mark on her wrist, like Hennessy had on his hand palm, the sign of Mammon. They wanted her in Hell.
The dialogue, when they are walking towards the elevator, is "Constantine: Beeman said Mammon needed divine assistance to cross over. How's the blood of God's only son? Ángela: The stains on the spear. Constantine: Yeah. Ángela: So he gets the spear. He still has to locate a powerful psychic. Constantine: Not really. Ángela: Twins." Angela says "twins" after hearing Constantine say "Not really." (while looking at her) which made Angela realise that she was Isabel's replacement as a powerful psychic since they had the same gift, but the former's was dormant up until that moment. It's not because the plan needed one in hell and the other on earth. That's never stated as far as we know from the information provided by the film. As for Balthazar, it's never stated it was him who whispered to Isabel. That's an assumption based on hearing the voice alone. Also, the mark appeared on the guy's hand at beginning of the film after he found the spear and Balthazar was probably not there.
It's not an assumption when it's his voice. It doesn't all have to be "stated." And the whole twin part is just a coincidence? Are you saying Gabriel and Balthasar found twin psychics so they have a backup if one of them dies? That's ridiculous. They needed twin psychics specifically, and they make one of them commit suicide. That's not just a random thing, it's what needed to be done. And it's Mammon's sign, not Balthasar's.
It's an assumption because there is insufficient evidence to prove it, and there were other voices in the film to assume it was specifically Balthazar's given that Angela heard a similar voice calling her name when she was in hell and Mammon appeared, which could indicate that maybe it was Mammon who whispered to Isabel too but still not clear though. It's more speculation. Yes, not everything has to be stated since some things are implicitly given although it also depends because it can become ambiguous if it lack details which is open to interpretation, but the movie dismisses any possibility of your theory of "one in hell and the other on earth" by stating what the "villain" needed and with that the argument doesn't work. Otherwise, it would be a plot hole for creating an inconsistency with the rules established before. Angela just realised she was the powerful psychic since they had the same gift, so Mammon didn't have to locate another one since it was there in the other twin.
There is no inconsistency with the rules, there is help from god, there is a psychic. All that fits, the Hell Bible just wasn't specific enough, they didn't know the full plan. There is something significant about them being twins. Both because Isabel was killed and Angela and Constantine realise that's what Mammon was looking for.
Now, all that is just speculation, and misinterpretation of what has been explained in the reply above yours. Not continuing the discussion.
Answer: The film itself can't be blamed for that really because it was left ambiguous; the novelization added the part of Isabel's sacrifice to the story. If we go by what the film gave us then Isabel might have been an unstable person considering even Angela didn't back her up about what they could see which could've led her to believe that maybe she was indeed crazy, and as Constantine said "You think you're crazy long enough, you find a way out." Perhaps she just wanted to end everything that was happening to her. There isn't enough information in the movie to confirm or deny it.
Question: Was the ghostwriter murdered? Why? The book had already been published, and he only discovered the truth about Ruth minutes before, so who would have wanted him dead?
Answer: Who would want him dead? Ruth, for one, as well as Professor Emmett (her CIA recruiter) and others involved in the conspiracy. Yes, the book had been published, but the secret message only comes across if one is in possession of all the knowledge that the writer had acquired, which the casual reader would not have. And minutes is plenty of time for Ruth, Emmett, or anyone else to make a phone call and arrange the hit.
The published book was a rewrite and would not have the secret message in the chapter beginnings.
The published book was a rewrite of the original manuscript. He gives her the original manuscript that he was working off, not a final draft.
We know the beginning of the book was rewritten as he didn't like it. Almost certainly, the clue is not in the published version of the book. Ruth was shocked to read the note and is delivering her speech so is unlikely to be complicit in the murder of the Ghostwriter. The ending suggests that Ruth, too, is little more than a pawn in the whole conspiracy.
Makes no sense, he was run down 2 minutes after she read it.
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Answer: They never mention what ultimately happens to his parents. However it's mentioned they "searched high and low" for George and never found him. The animation even shows all the passengers calling out for George, to suggest they also aided in the search.