Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: No, Phoebe and Monica have not kissed each other either. Ross and Monica kissed in college (we find out in series 10) - she was asleep on a bed and Ross thought it was Rachel covered by coats. Ross and Chandler may have kissed - in "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Remember Which Sister", it's implied he drunkenly kissed Monica, Rachel, and Ross, but Ross may just be joking.

Jon Sandys

Actually phoebe and Monica did for a brief moment in the London episodes. At the beginning the leave the apartment and for some reason all the girls kiss on the lips.

Question: What is the significance of the very last shot? We see see Jen (Zhang Ziyi) flying into the clouds and then a mountain/forest shot, in which nothing happens, for about a second and then the credits roll.

Answer: It is an open question. Interpretation of the last scene is really left to the audience. But to those of you who completely missed the whole point of the jump, it refers to the "Legend of the Mountain" as told to Jen by Lo "Dark Cloud". He told her that if a person makes a wish and jumps from the mountain, the wish will be granted and, occasionally, the jumper's life will be spared. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is actually a fourth book in the series of five books. In the book, Jen survives the fall, but never returns to Lo, fearing her parents shame and prosecution. Popular opinion seems to be that Jen was in fact in love with Li Mu Bai and the jump was an attempt of escaping the live lover towards the dead one.

Question: At the scene where Bartlett is running away from the pursuing Germans in the town, a car stops him. Bartlett says something in a foreign language to the German who steps out the car which makes the Germans drive away. Could someone please tell me what is said in the Bartlett/German conversation and what language does Bartlett speak in.

Answer: It's German, although I can't quite make it all out. The Germans tell him to stop (sounds like one says "hey you" in English). He asks what this is all about and, in English, the soldier accuses him of being English. Bartlett acts offended at the idea, and at being threatened with a pistol. The soldier then asks if he's German, he says something in the affirmative, and the soldiers apologize as they climb back in the car.

It sounds like the last line from the German Officer is" Free to Go" in English.

Answer: I am German and just watched the movie. From memory the conversation went something like this: German guard talks in English and Bartlett responded in German "English? What are you thinking?" German guard: "Oh so you're German?" Bartlett: "Yes why! Of course I am German. What is the meaning of this? Threatening me with this pistol?" German guard: "Well all right then." And they leave him alone. Although his accent would have given him away, it's a lot less strong than most English people's German, but still noticeable.

Question: During one scene in the Mirthmobile, Wayne pulls up alongside another driver, winds down the window and says "Pardon me, do you have any gray poopah?" and then begins to laugh. What's he talking about?

Answer: There was a series of commercials for a mustard called Grey Poupon in the late 80s and early 90s. It usually involved someone driving up next to a limo in a cheaper car, rolling their window down and asking them "pardon me sir, do you have any Grey Poupon?". Then the richer man in the limo would say "certainly" and pass it to the guy in the other car. They were incredibly stupid commercials and wayne's world makes fun of them.


Question: How did Sy know that William and Maya had ordered room service in the first place?

Answer: It's an easy assumption to make. And who wouldn't open the door to room service?

Kirill Ostapenko

Answer: Patty and Selma are twins (this is mentioned several times throughout the series), though Selma is older by about 2 minutes.


Answer: A history of the game can be found at

J I Cohen

Question: Why does Gary Oldman speak with a Russian accent when Lee Harvey Oswald was from New Orleans?

Answer: Lee Harvey Oswald was very sympathetic to the communist ideal, and lived in Russia for a while. He probably adopted the accent as an affectation towards that end.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Will is discovered by the professor, he is solving a math problem using what appear to be stick figures. Is there a branch of mathematics that deals with these stick figures?

Answer: I looked at it and it seems to be a graph-theoretical problem. Graph theory is a branch of mathematics dealing with figures that look like stick figures (which can be interpreted for example as streets connecting cities, and one tries to find the shortest way from one city to another). The exact problem is to give all the possible unique trees with 10 points, without redundant connections.


Answer: It's a reference to Harry Chapin's 1974 song of that name, about an inconsiderate father too busy too spend time with his son. The son then treats his father the same way later in life. Ugly Kid Joe also had a hit with a cover version in 1993. See

J I Cohen

Question: I am just wondering where we can find a list of added scenes for the extended version that isn't just gossip. Has anyone actually seen a shotlist/etc.?

Answer: Most of the lists doing the rounds are rather more than gossip - most are based on statements by Peter Jackson and others involved closely with the production, so they should be taken as correct. No definitive list of changes has been issued, however, nor, I suspect, is there likely to be - lists that appeared for the previous Extended Editions all proved to be incomplete when that version was released.


Question: How is Sloth, a decomposed corpse, able to miraculously come back to life?

Answer: He never technically comes back to life. Apparently, he digressed into a coma like state, at some point he becomes startled and brain activity comes back on some sort of primitive defense level. From what the doctor says later on, there's no chance at all he'll survive, he's basically just a bundle of reflexes.


Maybe he was started because he thought it was John Doe leaning over him versus the police officer.

Question: Why is Hilts the only prisoner out of the 11 or so who are returned to the camp after the great escape the *only* one to be sent to the Cooler? Shouldn't the other escapees be sent there, too?

Answer: The other escapees undoubtedly faced some sort of punishment - Hilts was singled out for the Cooler as he caused the most disruption while free.


Answer: Hilts was a habitual prison camp escapee. No matter how many times he was recaptured and punished, he continued to escape, agitating the Germans. He was called the "Cooler King" because of how much time he spent in isolation. That is likely why his punishment was swifter and more severe than the other prisoners. He also caused quite a bit of mayhem before being recaptured.


Question: Metatron tells Bethany that Bartleby and Loki have been clued into a loophole in catholic dogma that would allow them back into heaven. What does he mean by "catholic dogma"?

Answer: Roman Catholic is the oldest of the Christian Churches, and the one from which all others (Eastern Orthodox and Protestant) have separated. Dogma is the core tenets of a given religion, the ideas that make up that religion and which can never be changed, because to do so would destroy the entire belief system (contrasted with doctrine, common beliefs and interpretations held by a church that can change over time). So Catholic dogma is the specific, basic beliefs of the Catholic Church, in this case, "God is infallible."


Yes, the Orthodox Church did separate, but you're false in that the Roman Catholic Church is the oldest of the Christian churches. Historically, the Greek Orthodox Church is the oldest.

The first Pentecost was Shavuot. The first Church was Assembled in the Wilderness. #HolyBartender.

Answer: There is a difference between Catholic with a capital c and catholic with a small c. With a capital c it is in reference to the catholic church. With a small c it is in reference to the christian faith. For example in the protestant apostles creed it says I believe in the holy catholic church meaning the christian faith.

Chosen answer: In the episode Phases, Oz-Wolf was played by Keith Campbell, a stuntman who regularly doubles for Tom Cruise. I don't know about other episodes, but it seems unlikely that they'd choose not to use Seth Green in one episode, then change to using him to play the Oz-Wolf later on.


Question: I heard someone say that Jar Jar was going to be burned alive in this film, but he obviously wasn't. Will this happen in the 3rd film, or my my friend misinformed?

Answer: Unless your friend has a direct pipeline to Lucasfilm somehow, he's misinformed - Lucas rarely reveals information ahead of time. While there are obviously to be a number of deaths in Episode 3, due to the extermination of the Jedi, there's nothing to indicate that Jar Jar is to be one of them - it's more likely fanboy wishful thinking. There are distinct indications from the Episode 3 production that a character will fall into lava during the film, which might be what is being thought of. In the interest of not spoiling it, I won't tell you which character, but it's not Jar Jar.


Question: Why did Van Helsing blow that knockout dust into Anna's face? It seemed to have no connection to the plot of the movie.

Answer: To prevent her from going off to find Dracula or his brides - she was refusing to wait until the next day to go with Van Helsing as he had repeatedly asked.


Question: If Van Helsing murdered Dracula 400 years or more ago and took his ring, how come he is still alive. Dracula is 'alive' because he is one of the undead, but what about Van Helsing?

Answer: Carl reveals that Dracula was originally killed by "the Left Hand of God." Dracula refers to Van Helsing as Gabriel. Put together, the two facts imply that Van Helsing is actually the Archangel Gabriel, responsible for informing Mary of her pregnancy with Christ among other things. So Van Helsing is not a mere human, he is also supernatural and not subject to human lifespan.


Question: What is the song played near the end, and who sings it? (The "Alleluia" one.)

Answer: The song is called Hallelujah, written by Leonard Cohen and performed by Rufus Wainwright. Although the film version was done by John Cale.

Dr Wilson

Question: At the end of the movie, when Hermione is out of hospital, she hugs Harry and only shakes hands with Ron. I haven't read the books, so is there any reason why she does this? Does she like Harry or something?

Answer: It's more that she actually likes Ron, but, in typical teenage style, is highly reluctant to show it. Harry's a good friend, so gets a hug. Ron's potentially more, but she's afraid to show it. There's a scene in the trailers for the Prisoner of Azkaban where she grabs Ron's hand when frightened, then lets go immediately looking embarrassed, which seems to fit this.


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