Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Members of the family might have pulled the wheelchair up the stairs if he couldn't get to the top himself.

Casual Person

The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

Answer: It's not specified. She recovered from the beating and presumably lived as a slave either until the end of the Civil War or until her death.


Answer: In this episode I think Monica knew Phoebe had to clean so she asked if she wanted to go to the movies, knowing she would say no, and she had brought her label maker with her so she could help.

Question: When they're in Paris, and the three-wheeler (I forget his name) sees them, he makes an attempt to escape. If he was on their side, why'd he try to get away from them?

Answer: There was another car with the three wheel car. He was probably just being incognito to help them. In other words if the lemons found out he was working for Finn, he would be targeted.

Question: Was the whole pileup because death tried to kill the survivors of the pileup? I mean he tried to fix their earlier survival due to the survivors of flight 180. I don't get the whole relation of the survivors of the pileup to the survivors of flight 180.

Answer: There is a scene later on where several of the characters realise they were 'supposed to die' in the first film but were spared because Death tied up the loose ends from the people who got off 180. They are loosely linked to the survivors of the first film, yes. Death is catching up in this film by causing the pile up, but because of the girls premonition, they basically cheated death twice.

Question: During the scene with "live it up" playing in the background, what was it and where were they? With Simone being there it is obviously full of hookers but was it a party, and if so, whose and why? The whole scene just feels weird.


Answer: It is a party thrown by one of Sue's socialite friends, presumably the husky-voiced woman whose crotch Mick grabs. The party is not "full of hookers", Simone is there as the hired escort of the old man she is dancing with, who Mick naively believes to be her father. We can assume the old man paid for Simone to be his date to the party and likely for some time alone with her afterwards. There is no stated reason for why the party is being thrown.


Answer: The bulldozer could be disassembled, the individual pieces carried down, and then reassembled once underground.


Episode #2.7 - S2-E7

Question: Mary states that Sybil is 21 in 1919, but says he's born in 1895. Also she dies in 1920, so that makes her 24-25, was that an age mistake?

Answer: According to various Downton Abbey online sources, Sybil Crawley was born between May - June 1895 and died between April - August 1920, (exact months were not listed). She would have been 24 years old when she died. Mary's comment can be attributed as a character mistake or, more likely, the screenwriters were careless.


Question: Did Alice tell Dan the truth at the end? Did she really stop loving him that moment and for what? It wasn't the fact he played her, not telling that she new, because she told him it was over before he told her he knew.

Answer: Earlier in the movie, Alice said, "I'm the one who leaves. I'm supposed to leave you. I'm the one who leaves." To me, this implies that she likes to control relationships. Dan has begun asking questions about Larry. She realises that he will not leave the issue alone. Even though he insists that the truth does not matter to him, he will not stop questioning her. Therefore, she ends the relationship before *he* can possibly end it someday. She wants to leave him before he can possibly change his mind and leave her. Over time, her encounter with Larry might have bothered him more and more.

Answer: It wasn't just that she sang a song he likes, she sang arguably the most well-known song from his favorite film in front of a huge crowd of people. It was a public, heartfelt apology rather than the abrupt, private apology she gave earlier.


Question: Why wasn't Erickson punished for being out of tune and not knowing it? Also, what would Fletcher have done if Metz said he was out of tune?


Answer: Erickson isn't punished because, in Fletcher's mind, the greater sin is not being out of tune, or even of not admitting to it, but of not knowing it...Erickson knew he was out of tune (or at least, Fletcher thinks he did), so Fletcher let it slide. As to the second you mean, if Metz had said that Erickson was out of tune (because he does say he, himself, is)? Given Fletcher's personality and volatile nature, it's hard to say...he might have respected Metz for being able to identify who was out of tune, or he may have been even angrier at him for being a snitch. Probably the only person who can say for sure is Damien Chazelle. But I don't think there was anything Metz could have said in that moment that would have saved him.

Question: Whenever the detective watches the surveillance tape from Susan's work, why does Kayako say "I know something about Peter"?

Answer: Because she was in love with him.

Question: How did the sad core memory end up in the memory dump?

Answer: Joy made her drop it.

Answer: The four of them had just returned from a three month expedition in the North Pole. They were exhausted, they haven't had a proper wash or shave, they had loads of scientific equipment with them in addition to their own personal luggage. They probably just needed a place to go to in order to cool down, sit and have a rest, put down the equipment used for the expedition and sort through which of their belongings were which. And since Sheldon was the one in charge of the expedition and the apartment is home to half the people there, it was likely the most suitable place to settle down in. Once they had some time to rest and get back up on their feet, they would have gotten their belongings and gone home.

Casual Person

Question: Did Bruce Lee manage to film all his scenes before he died?

Answer: Yes, he filmed all of his scenes before he died. He died on July 20, 1973 - only six days before the film debuted in Hong Kong, and only a month before the film's US debut.


Question: What was the red sports car Will Smith was driving - the one that was smashed? Perhaps a Ferrari California?

Answer: It was a 2013 Peugeot RCZ.


Question: How did Jack know Greg was in the bathroom to give him the truth serum? Jack was outside and we simply heard Bernie call out "Gay Gay", but still he could have been anywhere?

Answer: It's not exactly hard to find someone in a small/mid-sized establishment like they one they were in. There's only so many places Greg could be. Jack probably just correctly presumed he was in the bathroom since he wasn't outside.


Blood - S2-E3

Question: When people are affected by the pesticide, they are experiencing their worst fears and receive messages to kill. Mulder receives two messages. "DO IT NOW" and at The End of the episode, "ALL DONE. BYE BYE." What do these messages that Mulder received have to do with his fear?

Answer: His fear of a conspiracy, that someone was control the entire experiment, like the Cigarette Smoking Man.The messages were part of his fear of being controlled. DO IT NOW. When he stopped the shooter in the tower, he knew the experiment was over, hence the message. ALL DONE.BYE.BYE. But it being the X-Files, was the last message real or an hallucination.

Question: How would they have gained access to the command ring from the main ship? The main ship arms are spinning anti clockwise and the command ring is spinning clockwise, so they're out of sync. The command ring also appears to be spinning faster.

Answer: With difficulty is the answer! Question is why are command ring and engine room spinning in different directions, to make this an issue?

Answer: To spin the ship on its axis, you have to spin it against something. You can use side rockets to push it against the thrust of the rockets, or you could push it against a core rotating in the opposite direction. The conservation of momentum, with the right balance of mass between the inner core and the outer spirals, will make the two parts rotate one against the other, without carrying fuel for the rockets.


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