Meet the Fockers

Question: The scene where Greg calls his parents to tell them they are arriving earlier than expected before entering the RV looks like he is "green screen." Does anyone else see it?

Question: I probably missed this, but why does Dina keep saying, "muskrat" to Jack?

Answer: Muskrat is a "code word" they use to remind Jack to keep his temper under control.


Question: How come Gaylord 'admits' to being Jorge's father after being injected with the truth serum? We find out later that Jorge's actual father was the baseball player, so why would Gaylord lie about being the father - especially after being injected with truth serum?.

Answer: Truth serum doesn't automatically make you speak the absolute truth - all it can do is make you say what you believe to be the truth. If Gaylord believed himself to be Jorge's father, then he would say that under the truth serum, even if it ultimately turned out not to be the case.


Gaylord (Greg) was also drunk when he went on his monologue of spilling "secrets" about others in the room.

Question: Does Sodium Pentothal really erase memories of events that happened during and after you take it?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It doesn't exactly erase your memories, rather it causes a form of apnea and drowsiness, causing you to be semi-concious or not fully awake, similar to blacking out. This causes you to not remember events that took place during your dosage and during the course of time it is in your bloodstream. Since it puts you in a physical and mental state where the easiest things to do are all you can manage the mental strength to do, it is used as a truth serum, since lying is much more complicated than telling the truth. Because of these properties the drug possesses, higher doses can also be used for Euthanasia, Medical Induced Comas, and even Lethal Injections.


Question: I'm confused. Is Pam really having a baby or not 'cause when the credits were rolling gaylord said Pam wasn't really having a baby. Then when he noticed the camera he said he was joking. So is Pam having a baby or not?

Answer: Pam is pregnant. This scene echoes one in Meet the Parents where Ben Stiller talks into a picture frame, revealing that he did smoke hash, did flush the toilet and all the other stuff he said he didn't do. Except this time, he knows the camera is there and plays up to it.


Question: What is all this about "Muscrat" or something like that? Dina keeps saying "Muscrat" when Jack is a bit rude to Greg, but I don't understand the whole point of that.

Answer: It's a "safety signal", a word they have agreed she should say to remind Jack to keep his cool. Like most such words, they have chosen one that will not come up in a normal conversation, as it would then not have the impact needed to remind Jack to calm down. One can only guess as to where they picked up this technique, but it does not seem unlikely that Jack has had to have some anger management courses.


Question: Is there such thing as "Baby Sign Language" in real life or was it made just for the film?

Answer: There is definitely such a thing. There is a theory that teaching babies and toddlers sign language, allows them to communicate their needs, which they cannot do verbally. This allows them to be less frustrated and, hopefully, less cranky.


Answer: The baby in this movie was selected because his parents had taught him to sign. Therefore it was useful to the movie.


Question: I'm not sure if this is a mistake or not, but shouldn't Greg be wearing a yarmulke during his wedding? He and his family are Jewish so why would he not be wearing one?


Chosen answer: Wearing a yarmulke is a custom, not a religious law. There are orthodox jews who don't wear them, as well, since it's a cultural thing.

Not so. Many Jews don't wear yarmulkes, but Orthodox male Jews do-as a religious law, not a custom.


Question: How did Jack know Greg was in the bathroom to give him the truth serum? Jack was outside and we simply heard Bernie call out "Gay Gay", but still he could have been anywhere?

Answer: It's not exactly hard to find someone in a small/mid-sized establishment like they one they were in. There's only so many places Greg could be. Jack probably just correctly presumed he was in the bathroom since he wasn't outside.


Question: What is the meaning of the symbols on Little Jack's blue T-shirt when he first appears in Jack's learning lab?


Answer: They are the mathematical symbols of pi, infinity, and square root. I'm not a math person, and this is only what I read regarding calculating the square root of pi: "Pi is the constant equal to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The number (3.14) has been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond its decimal point. Calculations can continue infinitely without repetition or pattern, because Pi is an irrational number." I'm sure the more scientifically-minded members here can provide a better explanation. I interpreted the symbols on Little Jack's T-shirt as meaning his future has infinite possibilities.


Question: Just two things I was curious about whilst watching. Does anyone know how they trained the boy who plays Little Jack to do the hand signals and cry on cue etc.? I imagine it would be quite difficult to teach a toddler all of that. Also, how did they get a boy who looks so much like Ben Stiller for the part of Jorge? Is he related in any way or is it just luck that they found a boy like that?

Answer: Little Jack is played by twins so both twins did not necessarily have to learn all of the "tricks". Ray Santiago is not related to Ben Stiller and there are quite a lot of make-up effects applied to his face especially around the nose, ears and eyebrows.


Answer: The boy was already taught to sign by his parents before he was discovered.


Question: When Greg, Pam and their parents are in the garden drinking, one of them gets onto the fact that Greg is an only child. Jack says to Greg 'You said you had a sister. You milked your sister's cat'. Then Greg looks at him strangely and looks away. I never get that. Why did he lie about having a sister?

Answer: In Meet the Parents, the film to which this is the sequel, Greg says something about how you can milk anything, even cats "I once milked my sister's cat". Obviously, Greg was clutching at straws and concocted this story about his fictious sister's cat to try get out of it. Of course, Jack being a former CIA man picked up on this.


Answer: Greg is also a nurse so the head nurse tends to be called a sister.

Question: What do the symbols on Lil' Jack's onesie mean in the opening scene?

Answer: The symbols are pi, infinity and square root - they don't really mean anything together like that, but seem to be part of Jack's trying to tutor Little Jack to be a genius by teaching him mathematics.


Continuity mistake: Jack drops the two vials into the Tom Collins glass, while in the bathroom. At the hand-off, when he places the drink on the tray, there are no vials in the glass - there is no ice blocking them from view, just a skewer holding a maraschino cherry, a wedge of lemon, and a straw - no vials. Even Jack can't make the two vials invisible. (01:23:40)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Meet the Fockers

Jack Byrnes: We use the Ferber method.
Bernie Focker: We use the Focker method. We hugged and kissed that little boy like there was no tomorrow. We Fockerized him.

More quotes from Meet the Fockers

Trivia: In the scene where the three men are in jail towards the end of the movie, the jailer that comes to let them out (but is stopped by Ben Stiller) actually plays a cop in the Comedy Central show "Reno 9-1-1". In fact, he may even be wearing the exact uniform he wears in the series. Also, the sheriff deputy who comes off the motorhome yelling "Look, he has rubber boobie!" is also a cop on Reno 9-1-1.

More trivia for Meet the Fockers

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