Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the trailer it shows a pig singing "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga but this song is not on the soundtrack. Why is that? Also "Anaconda" on the soundtrack is "Oh.My.Gosh" instead of its proper title. Again, why is that? It doesn't make sense for one song to be in the movie but not on the soundtrack and for another song to not have its proper title.

Answer: It would have to do with paying royalties to the artists if the songs were included on the soundtrack album. The artists would be paid a one-time flat fee for their songs to be used in the movies or the trailers, but for albums being sold would mean some of the profits would have go to the artists. The movie studio can make just as much on the soundtrack album without certain songs being included. Regarding the title, it may be the artist wanted it changed for some reason, or the filmmakers felt it didn't fit in.


Question: How was the mayor able to drown Mr. Merrimack in the desert?

Answer: The Mayor, along with Bad Bill and his crew, drowned Mr. Merrimack with the water from the jug. That's why his glasses are seen in the jug after the chase seen with the dysfunctional family.

Answer: It's not specifically explained how but it's a clue about the water pipeline that runs to Las Vegas. It has a secret shut-off valve that the mayor has been manipulating to create a drought so he could buy the land cheap.


Question: Wouldn't Aurora and Jim eat up all the food before the spaceship got to its destination? It's 2 people and 90 years, that's a lot of food and liquids.

Mark Elrod

Answer: The ship is equipped to feed five thousand people for three months. That's 450,000 days' worth of food, which would last 2 people over 600 years. So they have plenty but even if you consider the idea that they lost a lot of food because the ship malfunctioned it's quite possible more food is stored than originally needed, they grow their own food or have found others ways to synthesize food with the future technology they have available.


Question: Why did Winston give John a marker? Does Winston consider delaying his contract a favor?

Answer: A marker can be given to any assassin. It's purpose is to allow no questions asked favors between assassins and their employers. Winston does consider delaying the contract a favor, he is quite fond of John.

Question: I have so many questions. Sorry 1. At the end of the film, Winston only meets with John to tell him he is excommunicated from all underground services and that it takes place in one hour. If he is just excommunicated but the contract is still open, why didn't the assassins who were already in the park just kill him right then and there? 2. How did John get to Rome and get out? Sounds stupid, I know, but we never see a plane or anything. Plus the head of the Roman Continental just shows him to an elevator. 3. I know that the men were transporting cell phone chips through birds, but why? 4. When John is given the Kimber 1911 from the Bowery King, he cocks it 3 times. The first when there's no mag, the second when the mag is inserted, and then again. Why did he cock it 3 times? Wouldn't that have wasted a bullet? 5. At the end of the film... All the people who were looking at John as he ran by them. Where they assassins or just standbyers in the park just watching by? 6. After Santino was killed in the lounge of the New York Continental, why didn't the guards deal with him (kick him out or kill him) as the guards of the Roman Continental were prepared to do when Cassian and John crashed through the window? 7. Can someone understand the high table, Santino taking the seat at the high table, what he plans to do with his new seat at the high table (I remember the King and John talking about it before giving him a gun), and why they doubled the Santino's bounty?

Answer: 1) As a favor to John, and to show his power, Winston orders everyone to stand down. 2) He gets in and out of places the same as everyone: flying, driving, and walking. We just aren't shown every step of his journey because it would be boring and pointless. 3) The phone SIM cards are for the King's network of informants, the supposedly homeless men all around the city. 4) He is checking that the gun will actually chamber a round. The last time he checks he only pulls back the slide part way to see if the round chambered properly, not far enough to actually eject an unspent cartridge. 5) The point is that John, and by extension the audience, doesn't know. They could all be assassins, only some of them may be assassins, none of them may be assassins. John must now distrust every single person he ever sees. 6) The guards were content waiting for Winston's orders. John isn't posing a threat and fighting him, as these movies routinely point out, is a bad idea. 7) The High Table is a vague cabal of the most powerful heads of organized crime in the world. Santino is an incredibly dishonorable man, giving him a seat of power would potentially be bad for everyone. What exactly he plans to do is not specified, it is only vaguely implied he will shake up the very structured world or organized crime somehow. Santino's bounty on John is doubled to entice more assassins to try and stop Wick.


Question: I don't get it, how is it that Stitch's glitch was happening in this movie and didn't happen in the first movie?

Answer: It has to do with his molecules breaking down. In this film, he needs to have his molecules "charged". They had not broken down enough in the first film to cause the glitch.


Question: Near the ending, when the kids fly very close to the sun, how were they able to survive its super-intense heat?

Answer: This is not meant to be a realistic film.


Question: A "war" started when McCluskey and Sollozzo were killed at the diner. Wouldn't the murder of the heads of the other families cause another war that would leave the Corleones outnumbered 4 to 1?

Answer: Perhaps, but it would be a war the Corleones could win fairly easily. The murder of the heads of the other families would also render them leaderless and with multiple potential heirs, and while they fought amongst themselves for control, the Corleones would be able to fill the power vacuum the infighting created. But more likely, outside of a few hotheaded revenge killings, the other families would see this swift and brutal demonstration as a sign that the Corleones are too powerful to take on (Michael's powerful position in the next film would seem to attest to this).

It was mentioned in the book that a significant number of soldiers from the other mafia families immediately defected to the Corleone side, causing disarray and further fortifying their strength.


Question: Sounds like a stupid question. Why were the cops at the wedding writing down license plate numbers? Wasn't it a private party at the Corleone's residence?

Answer: Yes, and although Vito keeps his hands relatively clean, he is still well-known to the FBI as the chief of one of New York's larger organized crime families. So they are interested in knowing who is associating with him, so they can investigate and maybe find some evidence of his criminality to use against him. Since they never enter the property, they are within their rights to record the plate numbers.

Question: Why would the killing of a police captain cause an "All out war?"

Answer: In short, because of the unwanted attention it would bring. The syndicate (Mafia) operates outside the law, which they are able to do in part through bribes to the police and the lawmakers to turn a blind eye to their activities. Murder a police chief, or some other high profile public servant, and the authorities would have no choice but to come after the mob, bribes or no bribes, because of the public outcry and demand for justice. Hence, the other families would turn on the Corleones for causing such problems. This is why, as Tom Hagen later states, the family uses their contacts in the newspapers to spread stories of McCloskey's corruption, which causes the pressure to solve his murder to wane and the other families to ease up.

Question: Is Don Tommasino a paraplegic?

Answer: Yes. As revealed in Godfather Part II, he was shot in the legs with a shotgun in Sicily while helping Vito Corleone exact revenge on Don Ciccio for the murder of his (Vito's) family. This rendered his legs disabled for the rest of his life.

Question: In the list of the cast at the end credits, one of the role names is "Chickenfish" which I don't remember at all. Please just tell me when this fish appears in the film? I have no idea what it looks like.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Kathy "Chickenfish" is a reoccurring, although minor character. She was in Finding Nemo as well. She's blue and green with spots and has buck teeth. She was concerned about Mr. Ray coming back from migration. (In Finding Nemo she was the one who said "Oh, my gosh! Nemo's swimming out to sea!").


Question: This question and answer may contain spoilers. The film made it seem like once the mutant children cross the Canadian border, they would be safe. Dr. Rice (I believe it was him) even says they (the Reavers) need to hurry or they'll lose the children if they cross. My question is why? Did I miss something? Who was suppose to meet the children in Canada? Or is Dr. Rice saying they can't follow the children into Canada, and if so, why not? Alkali Lake was in Canada and it doesn't seem they have any regards for laws and borders. And surely if the children were that valuable, or the need to destroy them so important, why would Dr. Rice not send his army of Reavers to battle whoever was helping the children?


Chosen answer: It is subtly shown that Rice has a deal with the US government to conduct his business without conflict, something he won't have in Canada. There is also a strong theory that the people helping the children is Department H. The Canadian organization that started the super team, Alpha Flight.


Question: Anyone know what Beni said to Rick? I'm referring to what he said (I'm assuming Hebrew) before Rick said "What did you say?!" followed by "I'm not gonna tell you" by Beni.

Answer: Beni: As long as I serve him, I am immune. Rick: Immune from what? Beni: Piszkos állat [this is Hungarian for "filthy animal," an insult directed at Rick]. Rick: What did you say? Beni: I don't want to tell you. You'll just hurt me some more.

Charles Austin Miller

But how come he speaks Hungarian throughout the movie? Is he portrayed as a Hungarian in the film?

Beni is shown to speak many languages, as evident when he is confronted by the mummy and tries to pray to different religions.


Beni was a native Hungarian, but he was multilingual.

Charles Austin Miller

Model Misbehavior - S4-E10

Question: When Lois brings in the newspaper and says "look at this" Peter grabs it from her and says "movable printed type. We must hide this from the serfs lest they gain literacy and threaten the landed gentry." "What have you got there my lord?" "Nothing, go back to your turnips." What's the meaning behind this joke?

Christopher Burke

Chosen answer: Peter is acting as if he were a feudal lord in the middle ages, and that newsprint and the printed word were recent innovations, threatening to educate the peasantry and jeopardizing their hereditary rights as the ruling class. Just another one of the show's bizarre asides.

Brian Katcher

Question: I can understand why Batman would take the blame for the murders Harvey committed but why would he also take the blame for the ones the Joker is responsible for?

Answer: He doesn't, he only takes the blame for Harvey's murders. He personally blames himself for the Joker because of escalation but he most certainly does not accept any public blame for the Joker's crimes.


Question: When Alex Kintner (the boy on the raft) gets eaten by the shark, I distinctly remember a shot right after the shark rolls over the raft, that the inflatable raft pops with a loud "POP", then there were two streams of blood coming out of the water almost 5 feet in the air, in a V-type pattern. Nobody remembers it. Nobody knows. It was only in the cinema in its original release. It's never made it to any re-release or home video media version or TV broadcast. This scene was forever etched in my memory because I knew the shark had punctured the boy's back and severed the two arteries/veins that are as thick as garden hoses. Please somebody, does anyone remember this scene?

Answer: While there was an alternate (and more gruesome) Kintner-boy attack scene that was filmed late in production, Spielberg chose not to use it, and it never made it into the film. The only released Kintner-boy attack scene shows the shark roll the boy's raft, then the boy is seen lifted out of the water (by a film crew scuba diver) as fountains of bloody water appear several feet in front of the boy.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: This question applies to the whole series. Why do some of the people who actually manage to survive Jigsaw's traps end up working with him instead of either helping capture him or killing him and insuring that no more innocent people get killed?

Answer: Jigsaw's traps would more than likely leave a person mentally unstable, which could result in Stockholm Syndrome, a condition which involves a victim sympathising with their captor. In fact, after Lawrence Gordon escapes the bathroom after severing his own foot, Jigsaw nursed him back to full health, thus gaining his trust (this is shown in Saw VII). He also plays mind games on people, which is shown in a flashback in Saw III in which he convinced Amanda to side with him. In her unstable state of mind, she realised that he was the first person in her life she could actually relate to, and thus became an accomplice.


Question: If the police had tech teams (as shown in Saw II), then why didn't the tech teams locate the nerve gas house/bathroom via the security cameras that Zep was using to observe Adam and Lawrence in the latter's house? The brief shootout between Zep and Tapp didn't destroy the computers and monitors, and Zep didn't disable or shut them down before leaving, either.

Answer: They weren't in the nerve gas house. They were in Dr Gordon's house.


Answer: Before Zep told Allison and Diana that Lawrence's time was up, he shut the cameras down.

Answer: I assume that Jigsaw would have disabled the camera in the bathroom so no signal would have been emitted for them to locate the bathroom/nerve gas house.

420 - S7-E12

Question: What is the theme song that Peter is humming when he does the "siren luring sailors" cut-away?

Answer: He is humming the theme song to the TV show The Rockford Files.

Casual Person

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