Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why did Roald Dahl hate this movie?

Answer: He hated it for a variety of reasons: the plot changes, what he considered to be sappy songs, and an over-emphasis on the Willy Wonka character rather than Charlie. He also disliked Gene Wilder being cast as Wonka and had wanted British actor/comedian Spike Milligan.


Question: If they needed a virgin for the ritual why does Britt try to seduce him? She could have spoiled everything.

Answer: He was a devout man of faith. They had to test his virtue, to tempt him to break the ten commandments or the seven deadly sins.

Answer: The polygraph machine only works on those with a perceptible change in body physiology while they lie. It really only measures what we consider nervous reactions associated with lying. Psychopaths and sociopaths such as Tooms are extremely difficult to measure with this machine since they do not feel remorse for their actions, and as such typically do not get nervous when lying.


Why We Fight - S1-E9

Question: Was the placement of the Opekta poster in the scene intentional? Opekta was the company that Otto Frank owned and it's headquarters on the Prisengracht in Amsterdam was the site of the "Secret Annexe" that housed Anne Frank and the others in hiding.

Answer: I did some Internet research on this. I didn't find anything specific, but considering how carefully historical movies usually are researched and the detailed way in which art directors create a set, it would be nearly impossible for this to have been coincidental. If I find any additional information, I'll update this.


Question: How is it that Tootles still remembers everything about Neverland and Peter really being Peter Pan, but Peter completely forgets everything about it and his true identity?

Answer: It's not specifically explained, but it's implied this was subconsciously voluntary on Peter's part. After falling in love with Moira, Peter decided to leave Neverland forever to stay with her in the real world. As time passed, all memories of being Peter Pan were completely suppressed, probably so he would not be tempted to return. The memories had become so deeply buried that it took much encouragement from others for him to unlock them.


Answer: Tootles suffers from dementia, dementia turns old people back into children. The final scene is Tootles dying and going back to Neverland. Yes, it makes that scene infinitely harder to watch without crying.

Tootles did not die as everyone saw him flying back to Neverland after Peter gave him back his marbles.

Question: Ruby claims that the Mangalores stink. If so, what's the point in disguising their appearance (like Aknot did)? The stench would blow their cover no matter the mascara.


Answer: I can't give a complete answer but in the spaceport there seems to be a garbage strike which might mask the Mangalores' smell (although no characters comment on the garbage smelling). Also, Mangalores are thuggish fighters, not clever spies, so they may not have thought of it. But I agree that doesn't explain this mistake fully.

Show generally

Question: Which episode is it where they referenced Beetlejuice's wife being angry because Lydia calls him?

Answer: I believe you're thinking about "Robot Chicken."

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: The movie was completely finished over a year ago. It was the pandemic that delayed it. So it was the finished product that was released.

Question: Is there a scene involving Joseph violently hitting a soldier over the head during his escape to Egypt with Mary and Jesus? This would appear to be missing from all usual prints of the film though many attest to images of it being inside comic book versions of the film issued in cinemas when it was released.

Answer: I agree with the other answer. This could possibly be a scene in another movie from this era. Biblical films were quite popular and plentiful in the 1950s and early 60s. The Greatest Story Ever Told, Ben Hur, The Robe, Spartacus, The Bible, Quo Vadis, Demetrius and the Gladiator, are just a few. The movie you're thinking of could be one of those.


Answer: I've been watching "King of Kings" for decades, and I've never seen that scene.

Question: When Andy was cured of the werewolf curse, what happened to undead Amy? Was she freed or will she remain in limbo since he didn't actually die?

Answer: Once you're cured of the curse, everything that comes with it goes away.

Question: Mr. Chagall, the man who told Madeline about Lisle, what was the deal with his eye? It twitched seemingly uncontrollably in his first scene, but then when he's giving his speech at the party it seems completely fine.

Answer: Like all zombies his body was falling apart. He was pushing it back into place.

Question: When Grey questions Walker about calling children services, why did she keep asking Walker if he did call them? Grey wanted a yes or no from him but, every answer Walker gave was pretty much his way of saying yes.

Answer: He knew if he said, no, it would have been a lie. He tried to answer in a way that would not make him sound like a villain.

Question: What happened to Jimmy's brother in the movie?

Answer: It's never fully revealed, it seems David and his brother were playing, probably doing something that requires parental supervisor and was unable to save him. Again, probably David was the older one and his father believed he should have known better.

Answer: Luthor needed only to duplicate his powers not his appearance. That's what he did in his lab and why he has the voice of Luthor.

Question: How were they able to see the withered lover at the end without using glasses?

Answer: She was a trapped soul in a house full of magical spells forcing her into a pivotal configuration. When it was destroyed, she was free. Like at the end of the movie, "Ghost," a bright light shined upon her to say goodbye to her loved ones.

Question: How was Evan writing about the moments that happened during the blackouts if they were in fact blackouts, and he didn't remember what happened at those times?


Answer: He writes about what happened immediately before and after the blackouts, and when he flashes back, his mind fills in the gaps and allows him to manipulate the events.

Question: Why did Vincent even bother with getting a cab? It seems like just renting a car would have made more sense.

Answer: Because the cabbie driver would be only 1 eye witness and I believe he planned to kill him at the end anyway.

Answer: Renting a car requires ID, a credit card, and a whole lot of other documentation that can be traced. Plus he'd be seen by many people and likely security cameras. Even if he faked all the paperwork, it's still far less risk to only be seen by a single cabbie.

Question: What exactly happens to a host's body once the symbiote emerges? At the end of Venom, when Venom is threatening the robber, he partially opens his face, and we see Eddie's face. In this movie, when Cletus/Carnage is escaping from prison, guards start shooting at Carnage who then splits open his entire midsection but Cletus is nowhere to be seen.

Answer: The host and symbiote merge fully. So the symbiote can totally disappear into the host and the host can totally disappear into the symbiote. They can also split again, or partially, at will. It just depends on who gets to be the active version at that time.


I am not up to speed with recent Marvel canon, but in the comics it's never been that way? The symbiote can surely slink inside the host (especially Carnage in Kasady's blood), but the humans can't turn into shapeless goo. Comics aside, that sequence from the movie is mind-boggling; I can sorta explain it thinking the symbiote just tore Kasady's torso in half and then reattached it instantly (in other parts of the movie Eddie gets basically stabbed with what would be lethal wounds).


Actually, in the comics it's long been established that Carnage's healing factor is Deadpool-levels of broken. There are numerous moments where Carnage is impaled, crushed, decapitated, has his neck twisted, even grenades blowing up in his jaws and straight up nailed by military missiles... AND HE'S JUST FINE AND WALKS IT OFF LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED. He absolutely could casually tear himself open with no drawback whatsoever.

"Could" tear himself open, does he usually?"Can turn into shapeless goo", has he? One thing is to regenerate the torso, another thing is to manipulate your body parting before the bullets reach you.I don't really see that from the example posted, but my curiosity aside, given we're talking about the movie anyway, I really don't see Kasady depicted as a shapeshifter, and him and the symbiote in this movie are entirely separated at the end (pending a sequel of course).


Also, for Carnage specifically, the human absolutely can turn into shapeless goo. Makes sense, actually, given that the symbiote canonically merged into Kasady's own cells and microscopic DNA, something even Venom and its hosts can't replicate so the "symbiote-opening-up-the-host-body-with-holes" being a Carnage specific thing isn't surprising at all, in fact, given it's the same body.

Question: Right before Gorman starts briefing the Marines in the hangar, he takes his hat off and has some sort of symbol or something shaved into the hair on the back of his head. Does anyone know what this is or any details about why he would have it?

Answer: I can only guess, but it just looks like bald spots on the actor's (William Hope) head. It could have been from when his head was shaved it got nicked and hadn't grown in yet, or he had some previous injury where the hair doesn't grow there.


Question: How did the guy at the very start know where Ace went? He was back at his car which was parked blocks away, before the guy even realised that the dog had been taken.

Answer: Ace made a very conspicuous exit, either obviously hiding *something* under his shirt, or with the dog's head poking out. So, the guy could have just asked if anyone had seen which way Ace went, and a lot of people would have been able to oblige.

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