Question: Who put Nancy in the asylum? That and how did Bonnie get those scars on her back?
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Question: I haven't been able to find a proper answer elsewhere, so I figured I'd give it a go here: The Arrow Video Blu-Ray version of "Hellbound: Hellraiser II" is getting a re-release in the US soon. (It's the same disc from the 2013/2014-era "Scarlet Box" Blu-Ray set.) Does anyone know if the version of the film on that particular release is the unrated cut? Amazon only says "Rated R" in the description... but at the same time, Amazon also isn't always super-reliable with its information. I'm very interested in picking up the disc since I don't own the film on Blu-Ray, but only want to buy it if it includes the proper unrated cut.
Answer: I jumped the gun and bought it, so I'll answer my own question. Yes, it does have the uncut, unrated version of the film. For some reason, the packaging says "Rated R," but it's definitely the uncut version.
Question: Charles said it was two days since he last took his medicine. But it was only one day. Right when Logan was saying "You can't have an attack out there. Do you understand?" So why would Charles say two days?
Answer: Charles has dementia, which might explain if his memory is poor, but in this case it actually was two days since he took his tablets. He took two before they escaped the warehouse, they stayed at the hotel in Oklahoma that night and the next day Logan tells Laura to give Charles two tablets as he leaves (which she doesn't) and he has the attack. When Logan asks him "How long has it been since you took your meds?" that is the next day, as Logan then says "You saw what happened yesterday" referring to the incident at the casino. Logan did inject him with something which stopped the attack, but Charles may not have been aware of that given his state.
Question: Near the end of the movie, Beverly is captured by Pennywise. A few minutes later, Pennywise is making a weird dance: is that actually Bill Skarsgard dancing, or a stand-in dancer?
Answer: Bill Skarsgard did all his stunts.
Answer: Standin.
Question: Redfoot is the whole reason they ended up in LA (he was the fence), and the reason they got connected to Kobayashi through the attack on the drug dealer. So if he's just a made-up part of Verbal's story, how did they end up in LA, and how did they end up connected to Kobayashi?
Answer: The fence did exist, he just gave him a fake name. His real name wasn't Redfoot.
Question: Why did Noah stab Lucas?
Answer: Noah stabs Lucius (not "Lucas") because he's jealous. Noah is in love with Ivy, but Ivy and Lucius are in love and are together. It's also important to note that Noah also has a severe mental handicap, and thus doesn't know how to handle his anger, so he lashes out and does terrible things.
Question: So does Rita Repulsa die when she goes into space? It seems unlikely she could survive mainly without oxygen.
Answer: No, she's not dead. This show seems to be following similarly to the original TV show. In the show, she was in a stasis like state trapped in a "trash can" on the moon. After she escapes this prison, she sets up her evil base with Lord Zed on the moon and continues to attack Angel Grove and the Rangers from the Moon. So her being blasted towards the Moon at the end of this reboot is a set up for her establishing a similar base of operations like in the show in the sequels. If the sequels ever get out of development hell.
Question: Why does Liz put up with all the craziness? She couldn't quit and work on another show?
Question: Given how organized she's supposed to be why didn't she sign those papers prior to going home for Jake's signature? That and why not tell her boyfriend the truth? He looked like he'd understand.
Answer: Melanie didn't sign the papers because, deep down, she still loved Jake, and probably, subconsciously, hoped they'd get back together. She didn't tell her fiance' because she mostly was in denial about the state of her feelings and her marriage. She'd fooled herself into believing she had signed the papers.
Answer: If Melanie was happy, why did she take her engagement ring off when she stopped by Jakes and it's obvious he was still her everything seeing as she went there first before her parents.
Answer: Also the director made a point it was never about rediscovering herself or Jake, it was choosing between what she had planned and what she truly wanted. The director also talked about how she did not pack enough clothes, so she wore her old clothes, she was supposed to be there for a long weekend but she wanted to be there, so it was obvious she wanted to stay.
Answer: She didn't sign the divorce papers on purpose. That is why Jake never signed them because then he might have to face the fact that it was over. That is why Melanie never went home, she might have to accept that it was over and Jake might have moved on, that is why she said yes to Andrew's proposal. Also when Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding, when she dumped Andrew, that was the first time that Melanie was honest to herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for, for the last seven years.
The only reason Melanie said yes to Andrew's proposal is because she did not know that Jake felt the same way. The reason that Melanie did not sign the papers at the wedding because she had to be honest with herself and the people around her about how she felt and what she had longed for since she left.
Question: Did the scene where Herb Brooks has his players do sprints after a 3-3 tie against Norway really happen?
Answer: Yes it did. They did the "Herbies" for over an hour according to player Ken Morrow. The lights being shut off was also true.
Why did Herb have his players do the sprints?
Because they were paying attention to the pretty girls in the stands and not to the game and their opponents.
Because all of the team was not focused on the game they were focused on the girls in the stands.
Because they didn't do a good game, the were all out of their heads.
He was trying to bring them together. He felt he still had 26 individuals, rather than one team. By making them suffer together, he gave them a common purpose - hating him.
Something tells me that wasn't the only time a hockey coach had his players stay after a game to do sprints.
Question: Tommy Lee Jones killed his crew 16 years ago, but the corpses are still inside the ship, some of them without signs of decomposition! Is not it stinky living with rotten bodies? Why are they still on board?
Answer: He killed the crew by shutting down the life support. The vacuum would prevent them from decomposing. Since he was now a single person, he would not need to regain access to the entire ship.
But one corpse's head was deformed, presumably rotten, while the others were intact. Why is there a difference?
Answer: He also mentions that his last few loyal crew members recently attempted to return home. This is what damaged the reactor and caused the surges. It is likely that these are the crew Brad Pitt encounters.
Question: How did Ronnie do what he did to the guy who was about to sack him during the Groveton game? Is that even possible?
Question: What city and state do the movies take place in?
Answer: A fictional location in the San Francisco Bay Area referred to as "Tri-County Area." - says google.
Question: The theatrical release of this movie had a live-action prologue where Brad Bird, Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, and Samuel L. Jackson thanked us for being patient for 14 years, and telling us to enjoy the movie. Was this clip ever released outside of theaters? If so, where can I find it?
Answer: I've only seen the movie once in theaters, but I've viewed both DVD and Blu Ray openings on YouTube and didn't see it included, but you can find it if you search "the incredibles 2 theater opening." If it has or ever does air on TV, I don't think you'd see it there.
Question: Why did Principal McGee look so upset during ChaCha and Danny's dance?
Answer: They had mentioned as part of the rules that any vulgar dancing would result in disqualification, so I think her reaction wasn't just displeasure about the dance moves, but she's stressed and on the fence about whether or not to step in and disqualify them.
Answer: They were dancing in a very suggestive manner, and it made her uncomfortable.
So what? She could've had it broken up, them tossed out but logic's not used in musicals.
Breaking them up and tossing them out, that was not as easy as you make it sound. Before the contest started, McGee even said rule #3 was "tasteless or vulgar" dancing will be "disqualified," however she was not judging the contest. Despite McGee's uneasiness with Danny and Cha Cha's very suggestive dance moves, she chose not to have the popular pair disqualified. Rydell's dance was being televised, and at that point Danny and Cha Cha were the only two dancers left on the floor, surrounded by everyone else's exuberant enthusiastic support.
She was not judging the contest nor was she enforcing the rules, thus making her powerless in this situation.
Question: Where was Gamora during the funeral scene and when the Guardians leave at the end. Was she just hiding on earth or something?
Answer: This version of Gamora had abandoned Thanos, but she is also not a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, so she flees to parts unknown. There's an alternate version of the scene when Tony dies showing all the heroes bowing to him, with Gamora looking back at Tony momentarily before heading off all by herself.
Question: What would have been the legal status of Widow Winship's unborn baby if the Horseman hadn't killed her or the baby?
Answer: Van Garrett amended his will naming the widow Winship as his beneficiary, so had the child been born, she likely would have been the heir apparent of the widow.
But, what would the legal status of the baby be?
They were married in secret before they were killed, so the baby would have been legitimate.
Legal as in what? If she's born on U.S. soil and her mother lives as well, then she's a protected citizen entitled to her father's name and whatever rights a female would have been granted by the U.S. Constitution at the time. If the mother dies, she presumably becomes a ward of the state until someone adopts her.
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Answer: Bonnie's scars were the result of a previous auto accident. As for Nancy, it's not specifically shown how or by who she was committed to a psychiatric hospital.
raywest ★