Question: Who exactly are the masked cult of which the Sheriff is a member, shown at the beginning when he unmasks and demands that Robin's father join them or die? If memory serves, the cult and the Sheriff's affiliation with them isn't referenced again at any point in the film. I know the Sheriff and the Witch are dark magic practitioners, but that was suggested to be a private thing between them in the bowels of the castle.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Did the Comedian know that he was the biological father of Laurie/Silk Spectre II? His interaction with her during a flashback doesn't seem to indicate so, but since Sally knew the truth of the matter, wouldn't the Comedian have at least some suspicion that he was Laurie's father?
Chosen answer: Yes he knew, when he first meets Laurie and Sally scolds him for talking to her he is distraught and asks why he can't talk to his own... he cuts off there but he is saying he knows she's his daughter.
Question: Did K meet J when he was a boy in the original timeline as well? I mean the one where Boris was arrested?
Chosen answer: Yes, he did. Mentioned earlier in the movie, it was stated something happened to K when he stopped Boris the Animal at Cape Canaveral. This event was when he met J as a child after Boris killed his father and that he erased this from younger J's memory.
Question: Exactly what was that phone call between K and J about when J was playing a video game?
Chosen answer: K was trying to explain to J why he suspended him, but without fully having to explain to him why. Later on in the movie, we find out that Boris killed J's father and that K erased it from J's memory as a child and the reason why he suspended J was because he did not want J to try and continue searching for Boris or it may lead him to finding out the truth. He called J to try and explain why he suspended him the best way he could without having to reveal everything to him.
Question: How long did Baby serve time in prison?
Answer: Baby is sentenced to twenty five years in prison, and is given a parole hearing after serving five years of the sentence. Baby is then released after the parole hearing, spending five years in prison.
Five years is correct - for one interpretation of the ending. Another possibility is that the ending we see is a fantasy and Baby served the full sentence. Some fans have this theory because Baby and Debora have not aged, and the car and her outfit are almost dreamlike in their presentation.
Question: Why did Baby Driver surrender himself to the police when he and Deborah could've gotten away?
Answer: Baby had spent years being coerced into a life of crime, something which he was never happy with, and by that point had gotten tired of continuously running from his problems. He surrendered because he knew he had done a lot of terrible things and realised it was time to pay the price for it, as well as that he did not want Deborah to go through the same life of crime that he has gone through.
Question: Why is Mathilda abused by her father, mother, and older sister?
Answer: No specific reason is given; it's most likely intended to highlight that her family are bad people (they are drug dealers after all) and to show in contrast that Mathilda and her little brother are not, so we feel badly for them.
Question: Was J lying when he said that Boris kills K at the Apollo launch? If not, how did he know he died there?
Chosen answer: This can be a little confusing, but here goes: Early in the film, Boris escapes from the lunar prison and returns to Earth, confronting both agents K and J and telling Agent K that he's "already dead" (Boris was implying that he was going back to 1969 to kill K at the Apollo launch site, thus preventing K from deploying the ArcNet). When Boris does kill K in 1969, it changes the timeline, so only Agent J can remember K's existence in 2012. When Agent J goes to MIB headquarters the next day, he is baffled that nobody remembers K, and Agent J has to convince Chief Agent O that K was alive just the day prior. It is Chief Agent O who deduces the timeline fracture, and J suddenly understands that Boris killed Agent K in 1969 at the Apollo launch, preventing K from deploying the ArcNet (which necessitates J going back in time to save Agent K). Although J tried to keep all of this a secret from 1969 Agent K, he eventually admits to K that Boris killed K at the Apollo launch.
Question: Why did Peter Dawson lie to the shell-shocked soldier about George and not retaliate or have him charged for George's death?
Answer: When George got injured, before he died, Peter did not understand what the soldier had been through. In fact he was honest with him when he asked if George was OK the first time. After he got to Dunkirk he saw what happens in war. What people went through. He understood why someone would be shell-shocked and empathized with the soldier more. After that he wanted to spare the soldiers feelings and not make him feel worse.
Question: When Harry returns with Cedric's body, and the students are in the stands, shocked and saddened, who is the girl standing to Neville's right? Pretty girl with long strawberry blonde hair and bangs. My husband thinks it's Susan Bones.
Answer: The girl is not identified. If it is Susan Bones, it's a different actress playing her. Eleanor Columbus, daughter of director/producer Chris Columbus, played Susan Bones in the first two Harry Potter films. The Susan Bones character is not in the cast listing on IMDB for HP and the Goblet of Fire. This looks like Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff, who was played by Charlotte Skeoch.
Question: At the start of the movie, Connie hates Michael. Was it just the death of their mother that made her change her feelings towards Michael? Or were there other factors?
Answer: Connie always hated Michael for ordering the death of Carlo (unaware that he was responsible for Sonny's murder) however she puts away her hatred to get Michael and Fredo to make up.
Connie didn't hate Michael. In the book, she was initially upset and angry that he had Carlo killed and confronted him, but within a few days, she apologized, telling Kay, Michael's wife, that it was all a mistake. Carlo was a physically abusive husband who never loved Connie and only married her because she was Don Corleone's daughter. Connie quickly realised she was far happier and much better off without Carlo.
Answer: Connie never hated Michael. Their relationship became strained because he disapproved of her jet-set, life-style, she was neglecting her children, and he dislikes the men she has relationships with. She is dependent on her brother for money and resents having to beg for more. She changes somewhat towards the end of the movie, partially because of her mother's death and Fredo being killed, and after Michael so cruelly cut Kay out of his life. Gradually, Connie starts to become more like Michael and by the third film, takes a more active role in the family business.
Answer: In the movie Connie says to Michael when she wants to come back that she hated him when Carlo died, and she did things to hurt Michael and herself, but she had come to realise that Michael is only doing what he has to do for the family, being strong for the family. She wanted to come back and take care of Michael and the children.
Question: If John Connor and the resistance are so good at reprogramming Terminators (They have done it 3 times during the series), why don't they just use them to help fight the war? Continuously sending them back in time may have kept Connor alive, but has achieved little else.
Chosen answer: As long as Skynet kept sending other Terminators into the past to kill John Connor before he became the leader of the human resistance, it was necessary to keep sending reprogrammed Terminators into the past as well so that the timeline would not be altered, thus resulting in a Skynet victory. While it is possible that John and the resistance may have used reprogrammed Terminators to help them in the future, this was never depicted or otherwise mentioned within the film series.
Question: In terms of martial arts, what film did Keanu Reeves practice more for? John Wick 1 and 2 or The Matrix trilogy?
Answer: The Matrix trilogy. John Wick focuses much more an gunplay vs hand-to-hand combat than The Matrix did, though both series featured both elements.
Question: In a movie where a person is waterboarded, is the actor literally waterboarded? Or is there a type of trick or method that directors use?
Question: Does anyone know what Jessica's maiden name was before she married Roger? Does she even have one?
Answer: An earlier version of the script (which may or may not be canon) gave her maiden name as "Krupnick".
Question: When Adaline gets arrested is it because she is she is suspected of being a communist or something else entirely?
Chosen answer: It was because she had used so many fake I.D. the F.B.I. had become suspicious, possibly believing she was involved in some type of criminal activity, which is often why people assume different identities.
No, that can't be right because she doesn't start using fake names until AFTER the incident with the FBI. She was still using her normal name, Adeline, when the FBI grabbed her. The implication of the story is that they grabbed her because she didn't age and they wanted to use her as a lab rat.
Question: Why did the scourging of the Shire never take place in the film?
Chosen answer: The film was already quite long and the plot was complicated with many characters. Adding the Shire scourge would be nearly impossible to incorporate without completely bogging down the story and the pacing. It was implied in one scene as a shadowy premonition that this could happen to the Shire if Sauron wasn't defeated.
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Chosen answer: The masked men weren't part of a cult, they were the Sheriff's soldiers, the same ones that Robin meets when he first returns home. They are just in hoods and masks to appear intimidating while trying to kill the noblemen, like Locksley.