Question: Is the guy who plays Russ Ross with a fake nose (or make up), because the credits say Snaro plays Russ, but it looks so much like Ross so can some one tell me who plays Russ.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Jackson, the sniper of Miller's crew, states that if he was in a mile of Adolf Hitler, he would kill him. So, as they were driven to the beach, why didn't Jackson and other snipers try to pick off the the German guys who were firing the at the boats as the Americans left them?
Answer: Sniping needs stability - the movement of the waves under the boat would disrupt their aim so badly that they wouldn't have much hope of hitting anything.
Answer: Also, the machine gunners were under heavy cover. No one had a good shot at them.
Question: Sean Bean's character is 006 in this film, 009 died in Octopussy, 003 died in A View to a Kill, and 007 is obviously James Bond. My question is this: have any of the remaining 00's been seen in other Bond films (or perhaps in the novels)?
Answer: 002 and 004 are both seen in the opening sequence to The Living Daylights. There are also numerous other 00 agents who appear in briefing scenes during both Thunderball and The World Is Not Enough, although their actual numbers are not revealed.
Question: In the James Bond universe, are 00 numbers unique, as in only one person can ever have them? For example, Sean Bean's character was 006. So after he died, would his designation be given to someone else, or is the number considered "retired"?
Answer: The numbers appear to be passed on to other agents: it is mentioned that Scaramanga killed 002, and another 002 is killed in "The Living Daylights".
Question: I've seen the movie once or twice, but I must've missed something. Could someone please tell me why Noah stabbed Lucius? Was it just something the director put in as an excuse to have someone go into the woods?
Answer: Jealousy. Noah wanted Ivy to himself, but Ivy was in love with Lucius. So Noah stabbed him.
Question: I've heard that Kovu means "Scar" in Swahili, and that Kiara means small dark thing, but do any other names mean anything? Like Simba, Mufasa, Nala, Zira, Nuka and Vitani?
Answer: Simba means "lion". Nala means "gift". Zira means "hate". Nuka means "smell". Vitani means something like "warrior" or "at war". Mufasa is a proper name in the language used - it was reportedly the name of the last king of the Bagada people, who were dispersed during the English colonisation of Kenya.
Question: People have said that Maggie has the right to refuse the breathing tube. But wouldn't that kill her? That would be suicide and suicide is illegal. Isn't that why Frankie needs to help her? Surely the doctors know if you cut off her breathing source that would be suicide and she doesn't have the right to do that. But I don't know very much about this issue either.
Answer: Refusing medical treatment is not considered suicide. Anyway, suicide's not illegal:
Answer: I think it's because he was so disturbed to find out his Dad was having an affair. People do strange things when they get bad news... eat lots of ice cream, retail therapy etc. For Joey, being of Italian descent, his reaction was to make lots of pasta sauce.
He does it when he has to sleep with someone for a part?
Question: I've recently noticed while watching my collection of Stargate SG-1 tapes that one of the team, with the possible exception of Teal'c, seems to say an obligatory "What?" in each episode in such a way that it seems like a ritual signature of the series or an inside game being played by the cast. Has anyone else noticed this, and is it done in each and every episode?
Answer: I can't say I've noticed it every episode, but I agree it happens a lot, most noticably with Daniel Jackson and O'Neill. With the amount of exposition Carter and Jackson have to deliver each episode, after saying "What?" it tends to lead to a long technical or archiological explanation, I wouldn't be suprised if it had now become an in-joke. Much of season 8 seemed to be in-jokes and digs at the show in general.
An american girl in paris (part deux) - S6-E20
Question: Did Carrie go back to her hotel room for her wardrobe after leaving Aleksandr and getting with Big? Surely she returned for all her Manolo's and stuff, or are we left to believe she gave it all up as the ultimate sacrifice for Mr. Big?
Question: Why does Mrs Conehead begin screaming when she sees the eggplant in the grocery store?
Answer: Because they resemble infant coneheads. To her, it would appear that they were selling babies.
Question: I know that Minnie Driver's vocals were dubbed for the singing roles by a true opera singer, but were her speaking roles dubbed as well? Did she lip-sync her entire script?
Answer: Margaret Preece provided the "Singing Voice of Carlotta" only (as listed in the closing credits). Minnie Driver provided all remaining aspects of her performance herself as documented in numerous interviews both live and in print media.
Question: Why is David known as "the gay friend"? There is no point in the movie where he or anyone else says he's gay.
Answer: When he and the girl are talking in the start of the movie they clearly reference a past boyfriend of his - she says "you loved him right", and the response was "but then his mother found our love letters and that was then end of that."
Question: Can someone please tell me the order in which the Hellboy graphic novels take place? I want to start collecting, but they don't have numbers or anything on the spine, so I don't know where to begin.
Answer: They run as follows; Seed Of Destruction, Wake The Devil, The Chained Coffin, The Right Hand Of Doom and Conqueror Worm. There are several other books which collect various stories about the character (often by different authors) - these generally take place in different eras and can be read in any order.
Question: I know the phrase "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is supposed to be scary, but I don't understand. Why is it scary and what does it mean?
Answer: The phrase depicts how in the 20s while doing the human flesh butcher job over and over, Jack had started to become dull. This is also visible in 80s Jack's behavior. This ultimately led him to take extreme step of killing his wife and kid out of hunger.
Question: In the scene where Hermione grabs Ron's hand, you can see Malfoy in the background pointing and laughing at something. Is he pointing at Harry and Buckbeak or has he noticed Ron and Hermione's awkward hand-grab?
Answer: He's laughing at Harry's situation, expecting him to get mauled at any moment.
Question: I don't understand how Lincoln Six Echo ended up with Tom Lincoln's memories. If they explained it, I missed it.
Answer: This is a concept usually referred to as genetic memory or racial memory, which suggests that an individual can receive memories and knowledge from their forebears even without direct contact with them - that the information is, in some way, coded into DNA. Lincoln Six Echo is created from a sample of Tom Lincoln's DNA and has therefore inherited some of his memories, albeit in an apparently disjointed and vague form. There's no scientific evidence that genetic memory transferral actually occurs in human beings (although some scientists have claimed to have observed it in chimpanzees), but it has nevertheless formed a major plot point in numerous works of science fiction.
Question: Tom Hardy puts his shotgun shells in his mouth before swimming from his patrol boat to the larger boat. Why is this?
Answer: Because they'd be completely useless if he allowed them to get soaked by the water.
But his head comes out of the water. So the shells got wet anyway.
Answer: That's not true but the shotgun shells he was using are waterproof.
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Answer: It is David Schwimmer playing Russ. A couple of behind-the-scenes Friends books say that he chose to put this in the credits as a tribute to a friend.
Dr Muppet