Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is is true that there is a third ending to Wolverine? I heard it was about Deadpool picking up Weapon X1's head.

Answer: There were rumours of as many as six different post-credit scenes at one point, but only two have been confirmed. It's possible that others were shot, but were ultimately never included to make things simpler - they may appear on a subsequent DVD release.


Question: Why does Sabertooth look so different in this movie than he does in X-men 1? Even in the comics and the cartoon that was on in the early 90's, he was always shown to be at least 7 feet tall and at least 400 lbs, and in the comics and 1st movie he was very animalistic looking; here he looks like a human with a bad manicure and small fangs. Does anyone know why this is?

Answer: It's quarter of a century earlier - his appearance could easily have changed in that time. It's been shown that mutant powers can evolve over time - Victor may simply have gradually changed to a more animalistic appearance as the years have passed. Longer hair and a bigger beard would cover most of the changes.


Question: If Stryker was capturing mutants and put their powers in Weapon X1, how come he only used 4 powers (Wolverine, Cyclops, Wraith and Deadpool)? He could have used Emma Frost's powers to turn into a diamond, Bradley Bolt's power of telekinesis, Blob's strength, and Agent Zero's skill with weapons. If he used those powers he could win against Wolverine and Sabertooth.

Answer: Stryker makes it clear that they've been experimenting to see which abilities can be successfully combined. They can't just throw in every power going, only those that can work in combination.


Answer: Stryker released weapon XI even though the scientist said the bonding wasn't complete, hence the lines still drawn on him and how crude he looked. They may have been adding those powers at a later stage in the bonding.

Question: Before going to play baseball, Edward says that there's a thunderstorm coming and that's the only time they can play, I heard Bella saying "I see why you need the thunder" but I don't quite understand why that is?

Answer: The Cullens, as vampires, possess extraordinary physical power -- so when they play baseball, the sounds generated when striking the balls are extreme and need to be covered by the thunder (or blamed on thunder, should anyone hear them hitting the balls).

Brenda Elzin

Question: Does anyone know, what is the last word of the quote used on the back of the packaging?


Chosen answer: The quote reads: "Terrific entertainment fueled with endless invention." --Roger Ebert, "Ebert & Roeper"

Jean G

Chosen answer: Logan is sitting in a bar in Japan, drinking. The bartender asks him if he's drinking to forget. Logan replies that he's drinking to remember.


Question: When exactly is the movie set? I think it may be sometime in the 70s, but all of the technology has me confused. It all seems so advanced for the 70s.


Chosen answer: The finale of the film takes place around Three Mile Island and implies that the accident there is actually a result of the events of the film, dating it to March 28th 1979. That's an assumption, but fits with the chronology of the X-Men movie series given how young Professor X looks.


Question: Exactly why did The Terminator raid the police station and kill all those cops? Wouldn't it have been more prudent to wait until Sarah was released, make sure she was unprotected and then kill her?


Chosen answer: From his point of view, she was already unprotected. At least, unprotected enough for him to make an attempt on her life. The police can't stop him and concerns for his own safety do not enter his calculations. But he was programmed with one goal in mind: Kill Sarah Connor. When he sees an opportunity to do so, he takes it. He knew where she was. To wait would be to risk losing that information.


Question: What was the point of bringing the Elves to the Battle of Helm's Deep? I don't mean in terms of the action of the film - I mean, why would the filmmakers add in something that is completely off the book? Legolas and Gimli frequently comment in the books that they wish their kinsmen would come to help them. Legolas then says that war is raging on their lands, and they will not come. Why have them come in the film?


Chosen answer: It's to show that the other races aren't just sitting back and letting the race of Men fight the battles. They could, of course, simply have had Legolas and Gimli saying that their people are fighting elsewhere, much as the books do, but it's more interesting and emphatic to actually show that the elves are participating in the battle against evil, even if it represents a change.


Answer: Yes. The Daleks tried to destroy the Earth's core and replace it with an engine to pilot it through the universe in the first Doctor story "The Dalek Invasion of Earth."

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: First of all, Stryker was in "X2", not 3. Secondly, Wade was never his son. Stryker only has one son, named Jason. In this movie he can be seen encased in ice (to protect people from him), but it is obviously him (note his eye colour - one brown, one blue). It's far from unthinkable that sometime between this movie and "X2", his father's experiments on him put Jason in a wheelchair.


Chosen answer: He'd just mugged somebody in the alley for their trousers.


Chosen answer: Hiro's powers aren't terribly reliable at the time - he's okay with using it himself, but doesn't want to risk her ending up somewhere unsafe.


Question: Towards the end of the film, why does Reese switch on all those machines? He says something about "cover, so it can't track us." What does he mean by this?


Chosen answer: It creates more heat, more noise and more motion in the area. It makes it harder to pick out two people running around, either by sight (machines blocking view), heat sensors (from the heat of the machinery) or listening out (the machines are loud).

Gary O'Reilly

Question: What is the exact timeline for this movie? Is it taking place at the same time that the Tokyo Drift is taking place? Or is it supposed to be before?


Chosen answer: It's a slightly tricky one to answer because the movie doesn't give very many clues. What we do know for a fact is the events at the start during and up to the conclusion of the Petroleum tanker heists was set before Tokyo Drift as evidenced by Dom speaking to Han with a view to returning back to Tokyo. After that it gets a little fuzzy. Some people claim the entire movie is before Tokyo Drift, but that simply cannot be the case as there are lots of 2008/2009 model cars around the movie, so the general consensus is the very start is before Tokyo Drift, and the time when Dom comes out of travelling/hiding and gets the phone call that Letty is dead is now after Tokyo Drift.


This is not right. The entire movie takes place before "Tokyo Drift", as that is where Han dies. He is still around for the next two films and then dies in the seventh where events catch up with "Tokyo Drift" and then continues where it left off.

Yeah, Han's not dead either, he's back in the 9th movie.

Answer: This film, as well as F5 and F6, are all prequels to Tokyo Drift and sequels to 2 Fast 2 Furious. We know this as Han supposedly died in Tokyo Drift (this is retconned in F9), but is alive and well in Fast and Furious, as if nothing ever happened, and the fact we never see Sean, Twinkie or anyone else from Tokyo Drift besides Han returning until Furious 7. The start of Furious 7 crosses over with the end of Tokyo Drift, and then it picks up where Tokyo Drift leaves off after Dom and Sean race each other.


Question: One of the trivia entries states that after the credits there's a scene with Wolverine in it. Yet, one of the question's answers (and the clip I saw) states the scene is of Weapon XI. Are there different endings to this movie, or is the trivia wrong?

mechanical sponge

Chosen answer: There are two additional scenes after the credits, one with Wolverine and one with Deadpool. Which one you get to see depends on which theatre you are in at the time.


Chosen answer: Yes, they were intended as coordinates for the aliens to land and begin their invasion. Merrill comments on this while engrossed in the television coverage of the invasion.

Brenda Elzin

Question: [Minor spoiler] I'm curious, because I can't remember 100%. Ryan Reynolds as Wade is very similar to Deadpool in the comics. The bad guy in the final fight, however, is nothing like the comic Deadpool, and I'm fairly sure that while it's of course strongly implied that he's the product of experiments on Wade, it's never explicitly stated. Stryker makes a reference to a "dead pool", and Wolverine says something like "Wade, is that you?" (with no answer), but as far as I can remember there's no concrete connection between Ryan Reynolds' character at the start and that final bad guy beyond implication/our assumption. I'm largely curious because there was talk of a Deadpool spinoff with Ryan Reynolds, and with the changes to the character, plus the events at the end of the film, that might be difficult, so I'm wondering if they left a deliberate loophole so if they make a Deadpool film they can just say "no, that wasn't him - everyone just assumed it was. The real Deadpool was off somewhere else". Make sense?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: If you stayed past the credits one of the possible bonus scenes was Weapon XI's hand reaching out from the rubble of the nuclear complex to touch his severed head, whereupon the head comes to life and makes a brief hushing sound before the scene fades to black; breaking the fourth wall like the Deadpool comics. So he's not dead, and his mouth is unsealed - chances are if a Deadpool film is made they'll be able to use the excuse of his healing factor to make some changes. Although yes, it's not explicitly stated in the film that Weapon XI is Wade, just heavily implied and assumed by several characters.

Answer: Probably because she knew Larry wouldn't believe her - would you believe someone as mysterious as Alice was actually called 'Jane Jones', especially when you think you know her name is actually Alice? Larry thought she was mocking him so it was safe to reveal this about herself, but her whole relationship with Dan was about keeping a part of her separate from him.

I think it's a combination of what you wrote here, and maybe she wanted to share a secret with Larry. They had both been hurt by Dan and Anna. She decides to tell Larry something that she never told Dan.

Answer: Every time she had pink hair, like in the beginning of the film and during her club scene, she was her true self. The other times were guilted facades of who she really was.

When they met, Alice had pink-reddish hair and lied about her name, after having seen the name in one of the tombstones at the cemetery.

She met Dan in the beginning of the film, with said pink hair, and when asked she picked a name of a women who died helping three strangers in a fire.

She trusted Larry more with her real self.

Question: In the song sequence "Marian the Librarian", anyone know what she says? This couple is on the wall, reaching out for each other, and then Marian yells something that sounds like "Toby!" or something. Can anyone verify what she says?

Answer: In the dance sequence (currently up on YouTube), it wasn't Marion calling out, it's Zaneeta Shin calling out to her boyfriend Tommy who is about to fall. She calls out his name, "TOMMY!!" It's a "looped" vocal and was added after the film, hence no lips are moving when she calls out his name.


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