Question: In the middle of Kermit and Fozzy's song "Movin' Right Along", they meet up with Big Bird who says, "I'm on my way to New York City". Is this meeting on another movie starring Big Bird or am I sadly mistaken?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: In the early seasons, the Charmed Ones were able to communicate telepathically but they don't use this ability anymore. Why?
Answer: There was one episode where Piper an Pru cast a spell to hear other people's thoughts. That was the only time they communicated with each other telepathically (just Pru and Piper).
They also had the ability in the episode with the Crone, Leo mentioned that the bond had always been there. Unsure of why it was never displayed again. It could have something to do with them only being able to fully use the ability when their senses were stolen.
Question: When Scarlett visits Rhett in jail to get the $300 for taxes, can anyone speculate as to her plan? Why does she pretend to be rich when she's actually dirt poor? Why would that make her request for money more convincing? Did she plan to ask for a loan, and needed to make it appear as if she would be able to repay it in a reasonable amount of time? I read the book, but this wasn't made clear there either. Can anyone help me?
Answer: If she looked rich she could trick him into thinking she wasn't marrying him for his money.
Answer: Scarlett tries fooling Rhett that she is in love him, thinking that will persuade him to give her the money. She believes if Rhett is in love with her, she can manipulate him, which is what she did with her other husbands and various suitors. If she appears desperate and powerless, then Rhett will have the upper hand. He sees through her scheme, however.
Answer: In the book Scarlett's motivation for dressing up to see Rhett is so that she can go to him 'looking like a queen granting favors." She believes that her way of getting the money is by acting carefree and not desperate as if she looks desperate Rhett will guess it's money she's after (only) and any warmness towards him will look like a ruse to get his money. She is playing on his attraction towards her. Remember the last time she saw him she slapped him and said she hoped a canon ball would land "slap on him." So now she has to appear to be over her venom and her pride will not let her look desperate, also. She's not after marriage to him. If she looks sweet and helpless and gorgeous she figures she'll get the money out of him! (He does say he's tired of looking at women in mourning so she is partly right with her instincts).
Question: In the film a specific group of friends are murdered as they are the only witnesses to the wedding. The women are watched and followed so the identity of each woman must have been known to the murderer or at least to 'special branch'. If they are willing to go to such lengths to cover up the royal secret then why is it that the french girl is murdered in place of Mary Kelley? Mary has bright red hair in the film and surely the killer might have noticed before he set to work on her that she wasn't the right woman? Or at least whoever tracked her down, they must have known which woman they were looking for so why didn't they realise that it wasn't Mary in the room? Am I missing something?
Answer: At this point the murderer (Dr. Gull) has been completely taken over by his insanity and bloodthirst, as indicated by his completely black eyes. He was not thinking rationally, and was even having hallucinations while carrying out the murder. He was absolutely, wholeheartedly convinced he was killing the right person and fulfilling his mission, so he never stopped to notice the details of her appearance.
Question: I read in the trivia section that something falls out of a tree while the letters "Gone with the Wind" go across the screen. I watched the movie and it's true, but does anyone have any information about it? (Was there any controversy? What was the object? Did they try to edit it out? etc.).
Chosen answer: It looks to me like a bird flying from the tree to the ground. Nothing controversial there and no reason to edit it out.
Question: Why does everyone call Jonathan R-M 'Harry'? Isn't he Henry VIII?
Answer: While Harry can be a given name, it is also a standard "informal" version of the name Henry. For example, in the UK Royal Family, the younger son of Prince Charles, officially named Prince Henry, is commonly referred to as Prince Harry.
Question: On Law & Order: SVU the character Alex Cabot had to enter the witness protection program. How did they bring her back for the show Conviction?
Answer: It was never explained on the show. The series only lasted 13 episodes so they didn't have time to go into how or why Cabot returned.
Question: Is Riddick's trick with the knife when the Lord Marshal first shows it to him physically possible? I can't tell if it's just CG or simply a very talented hand at work.
Answer: Completely CGI, and in my opinion, pretty bad CGI too. There's no way you can flip a knife underneath your hand they way that he did. Also, the entire scene is pretty herky-jerky, a good tip-off that it's CGI.
Question: Just before Michael shoots Sollozzo and McCluskey, what are Michael and Sollozzo saying to each other in Italian?
Chosen answer: Solozzo: (indicating Michael's broken jaw) I'm sorry.Michael: Are you serious?Solozzo: You must understand that what happened between me and your father was a business matter. I have great respect for your father, but your father is an old-fashioned man. He doesn't understand that I am a man of honor.Michael: Don't tell me these things. I know them.Solozzo: You know? You know, I have helped the Tattaglia family. I think, we can come to an agreement. I want peace. And let's stop all that nonsense.Michael: Do you want to play...umSolozzo: What?Michael: How do you say..? What I want, what is most important to me is that I have a guarantee.
Question: Has anybody been able to find the easter egg on the DVD-set?
Answer: It's on the Special Features disc. With "Season 7 Preview" selected, press up on the remote. There should be a small "24" that appears. Press that, and you'll get the scene of Jack and Chloe on "The Simpsons."
Question: Gandalf explains in this movie how he survives fighting that fire creature from the 1st movie. But I am confused here. They show in flashbacks him and the fire creature falling down the crevice and landing in a pool of water. Next scene they are on the top of the mountain fighting in snow. How did they get from the pool of water to the mountain of snow?
Question: Does Legolas marry after the battle ends, and where were his kin throughout the battle? Does Gimli marry, and where were the other Dwarfs?
Answer: Sauron's assault on Middle-Earth took place on many fronts; it wasn't limited to the assault on Minas Tirith. The elven kingdom of Lorien came under attack, as did the dwarven realm of Erebor; the elves and dwarves were busy fighting their own battles. Tolkien never mentions whether Gimli or Legolas later marry, although both settled with their kin after the fall of Sauron, Legolas in Ithilien and Gimli in the Glittering Caves of Helm's Deep, so both had the opportunity to have done so before sailing into the West together after Aragorn's death in the year 120 of the Fourth Age.
Question: Why was Bloody Mary's singing voice dubbed, given that Juanita Hall was a strong singer who had performed the role on Broadway?
Answer: Richard Rogers preferred the vocal performance of Muriel Smith who played the part in London. Since the vocal tracks for musicals was recorded separately from the filming back then, dubbing occurred for many reasons other than lack of singing ability of an actor, scheduling problems, budget, etc.
Answer: Richard Rodgers was just being Richard Rodgers. He allowed her to sing in 'Flower drum Song' on stage the following year, 1958/9, and allowed her to use her own voice in the film of 'Flower Drum Song' in 1961. He had his own demons then and was just reacting.
Question: Did anyone play him- or herself in this movie? That seems to be typical for many movies of this kind, but I'm not aware of anyone doing it in Apollo 13 (yes, I know Jim Lovell had a cameo at the end).
Answer: Other than a few individuals who appears in archive footage taken from the era, who could technically be said to be playing themselves, no, there's nobody. Too much time has really passed since the original events for anybody to be convincing as their younger selves.
Answer: Marilyn Lovell also played herself. She is in the viewing stands clapping.
Marilyn Lovell doesn't play herself, she just has a cameo (the same as Jim Lovell) where she plays on onlooker at the site.
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Answer: This is Big Bird's only movie where he says this line. It is a reference to his going to New York hoping to get a role on Public Television (the station that created "Sesame Street") This is verified in TV interviews with the late Jim Henson and on Wikipedia.