Question: What happens to the Bag End after the story ends?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: Who was the man shot by Gerrard in the house after Richard went in the woman's car for a ride?
Answer: That's Copeland, the other fugitive besides Richard Kimble.
Question: After Edward saves Bella from a car crash, she sees him, Carlisle, and Rosalie talking in the hospital. What were they saying? I heard some of the words but not all.
Chosen answer: Basically, Rosalie is complaining that Edward having saved Bella by stopping the truck with his hand has risked him exposing their family as vampires. Edward responds saying what else could he have done and should he have just stood by and let Bella die. Rosalie thinks he should have if it protected the family. Carlisle then says they need to move the conversation to his office when he notices Bella watching them.
Question: Why did all the police officers destroy the shantytown? And why did they beat the blind priest to death?
Answer: As part of the alien takeover, they're suppressing any resistance and discussion of the plot. They know there's a group, led by the preacher, who are onto the conspiracy and that they're somewhere in the camp. They destroy the camp to disburse them and prevent word from getting out.
Question: At the end of the movie Finn opens a drawer to get a blanket for Rose. My husband thought he saw the sacred Jedi books in that drawer. Could that be true?
Answer: Yes Rey takes the books. That is why Yoda says that there is nothing in the books that she does not already know.
Actually, what Yoda says is that there's nothing in there (the sacred place) that Rey doesn't already possess. At the time it's assumed he's being somewhat mystical about her being about to learn without the teachings. But as we see with that scene at the end, what he meant was she took the books with her.
Question: Why did nobody warn the FBI that Hannibal Lecter had escaped? Isn't it absurd that Clarice Starling only found out about that by being called by Hannibal himself?
Answer: Clarice knew that he escaped before Hannibal called. There is a scene after he escapes with Clarice and her friend They found the ambulance in a parking garage at the airport. Crew was dead He killed a tourist, too. Got his clothes, cash By now he could be anywhere. - He won't come after me. Oh, really? - He won't. I can't explain it. He would consider that rude.
Answer: When Hannibal sits up in the ambulance and removes his skinned face, there is a quick cut to Clarice's roommate dropping the pay phone and running down the hallway. That's when she knows Hannibal has escaped.
Question: Are there any other Alan Parrish references in this movie other than the treehouse Alex had been living in?
Answer: The elephant figurine is Alan Parrish's playing piece from the original game.
Answer: Adult Alex named his son Alan.
Actually, the son's name is Andy.
Question: In the opening scenes when Poirot confronts the rabbi, priest, and imam - the priest is Catholic / Western Rite. But from the setting of their dispute in Jerusalem, shouldn't the priest be Orthodox / Eastern Rite?
Answer: Not necessarily. Jerusalem is a meeting place of many religions and faiths - and there's nothing to suggest that the Catholic priest isn't there on holiday.
Except it's stated that priest was negotiating market use (with the imam and rabbi). He was a local.
Question: Did Boromir join the Fellowship just to take the ring from Frodo?
Answer: There is a little bit more to it. There is a scene in the Extended Edition of the second movie where Faramir flashes back to when he and Boromir successfully reclaimed Osgiliath from the forces of Mordor, and in the celebration afterwards, they are approached by Denethor, who informs Boromir of the Council of Elrond and that he suspects it's about the Ring. Denethor wants Boromir to get the ring and bring it to Gondor, to use it. That is why he is so hell-bent on leading the Fellowship past Minas Tirith: he wants to take the ring there.
Chosen answer: No. He joined the Fellowship to help destroy the ring, but he did not have enough willpower to resist its call. He thought he could then use that power to defeat the enemies of Gondor.
Answer: Initially the Fellowship was meant to accompany Frodo to the south, with Gimli and Legolas branching off to go home and then Aragorn with Boromir headed for Minas Tirith. As the journey continued the band bonded and after Gandalf went down with the Balrog priorities shifted; Aragorn and Legolas now wanted to go to Minas Tirith with Boromir with Gimli wanting to go with the Hobbits. Boromir was haunted by his dedication to his father and his city throughout, something Galadriel noted when they met. We get a better view of this in the Two Towers; Faramir warns Frodo that if they went to Minas Tirith with Boromir they would not recognize that Boromir, who was tempted with the Ring in a way his brother was able to resist. Boromir did not want to take the ring initially but his lack of options made him want it at last, leading to Frodo abandoning everyone.
Question: What was the significance of the father being an absentee dad? Did that make Reagan more vulnerable to being possessed?
Answer: The demon wants everyone to lose hope for the girl and give up on her. Her father, having already flown the coop, just makes this goal that much easier.
Answer: It's possible it made her more vulnerable, but the mother, being a big movie star with an adolescent child would probably be divorced at this stage. It was more likely a literary choice by the author. Fewer characters make for a less complicated plot and eliminates the need to add an additional character who may not serve the story in a meaningful way.
Question: Does anyone know why Zulu, who played Kono, left the show?
Answer: He was fired. He never really appreciated his character. He felt Kono was portrayed as a big dumb Hawaiian and that the stereotype was racist. He also felt underutilized. He was fired after a heated argument with the show's publicist regarding his character. It seems there's not much details given regarding the incident or the firing, so it's seems possible he upset the show's producers as well.
No he said something derogatory about one of the Jewish producers that's why he was fired.
Answer: He was asked to speak at a local organization event but the producer insisted that Jack Lord be also there. It was an event in honor of Hawaiians and that set him off. He used a derogatory name for the Jewish producer and that pretty much ended his stint on the show.
Question: Eugene says that he was "saved" from transferring to another school because a student had come to school with a knife to kill his teacher, which would've been him if he hadn't transferred at all. This is obviously a reference to Alex when Billy had thought that he killed Mrs. Lewton with a knife, but not only was Alex innocent, her death happened at her own home. Since all of the other stories consist of everyone being somewhere at the exact same time when the original group died, this really doesn't make much sense at all. Am I missing something or did I hear Eugene wrong?
Answer: Eugene was substituting for Valerie Lewton at Mt. Abraham High School when he learned that one of his students at his original school brought a knife to class and killed his substitute teacher.
Question: What happened to the other 20 kids that were running in the field?
Answer: The Creeper only selected a handful of the kids, not all of them. Therefore it's safe to assume the rest made it out alive.
Answer: They got away, presumably.
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Answer: Sam inherits Bag End from Frodo after Frodo sails to the West.