Question: In the preview for this movie, there is chanting in the background of something that ends with 'When you see him count to five, pray that you will stay alive.' What, if anything, is this?
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Answer: It's from the TV Spot for the Boogeyman from 2005. This is the clip that it comes from. The rhyme haunted me for a long time and I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers it! It goes: When you're scared just count to ten, you will feel all good again. When it's dark just count to eight, the Boogeyman will hide and hate. When you see him count to five, pray that you will stay alive.
Question: I was trying to find online who plays Chloe, the girl that worked at CTU. She looked very familiar. Does anyone know?
Answer: Her name is Mary Lynn Rajskub. This info can be found on See this link:
Question: When Luke is about to take off in his X-Wing while training on Dagobah to save Leia and Han, Obi-Wan says "That boy was our only hope," but Yoda says "No. There is another." Who is this "other" Yoda is talking about?
Answer: As we find out in Return of the Jedi, Luke's twin sister, Leia.
Question: What happened at the end? How did they get out of that fix?
Answer: Michael Caine himself once suggested in an interview that all they had to do was wait until the bus, the engine of which was still running, ran out of fuel. The fuel tank was at the rear of the bus, hanging over the cliff and so adding weight at that end. As it emptied, the balance would shift to the front and they would be able to move the gold forward. How they could then get it off the bus, or transport it from the roadside is another matter.
Question: I know that two of Blaster's cassette robots are called Cubbie and Bolts, but what are the other two's names?
Answer: Actually, you are wrong about the first two. The cassettes are: Eject (robot), Grand Slam (tank), Raindance (jet), Ramhorn (rhino), Rewind (robot), and Steeljaw (lion).
Question: In the scene where the infantry is retreating from the first attack on the arachnid planet (the night attack) we see that Rico has been seriously wounded to his leg and cannot even stand up. He was all alone and then we see him kill the first attacking bug with a shotgun mode of the rifle, but when the second bug attacks it seems that he didn't kill the bug and it killed Rico (he screams a lot). Later on, he is in a liquid tank, and his leg is being healed. My questions are these: Who saved him ? How did someone saved him when he died, or even if he didn't die who bothered returning for him when no one was sure if he's dead or just missing in the squad being somewhere else? How come he was in a healing tank while the military filed him as "DEAD" ?
Answer: When Rico, Diz and Ace report to the Roughnecks, they find out that Lt. Rasczak saved him. He was listed as dead, because Carmen checked just hours after the battle. With the MI's huge personnel losses, all the dead and wounded hadn't been confirmed yet. He was listed as dead because he didn't return with his unit.
Question: Even though Worf keeps jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe, he never encounters his double (i.e., the Worf from the universe he jumped into). At the end, when the Enterprise from Worf's final alternate universe contacts the "real" Enterprise, there's a Worf on the bridge with the "real" crew. Does this mean that every time Worf moved into a different reality, all the other Worfs shifted around as well?
Answer: When Worf jumps to another dimension, whatever Worf is on that ship is immediately sent to the dimension that the original Worf comes from. As an example, when Prime Worf jumps to the dimension where he is married to Counselor Troi, the Worf from that dimension is immediately sent to Prime Worfs dimension. All of the other Worfs stay in their own dimension until Prime Worf is inadvertently sent to one of theirs. After Prime Worf leaves that dimension, the Worf that had been sent to Prime Enterprise would end up back in his own dimension. Not shunted to another one.
Chosen answer: Correct. When Worf jumps, the other Worfs jumped also. That is how the other Enterprise (the one with the same signature as the Worf the episode follows) knew what was going on.
Question: Not sure if there is a definite answer to this question. But was it Ace who murdered Chris Chambers in later years?
Question: Why does Napoleon, who appears to be a junior or senior in high school, ride the bus with a bunch of little kids?
Answer: Because it is such a small town that the school system can not afford buses for grade level so they have to share them, plus it has comedic value as well.
Small town schools are usually K-12. The other older "cooler" students drive to school or get ride with their friends.
Question: I may have just missed it, but what happened to J's female partner, the lady who worked in the morgue, from the end of the first film?
Answer: In "Men in Black: The Series" the 1997 animated series that takes place after the second movie, L is Zed's assistant and chief scientific officer.
It should be pointed out that the series had so many various changes, it shouldn't be considered part of the film's continuity or timeline. While there are some references to events in the first film, most of the characters have slightly altered appearances and Agent K was never neuralized in the series. In the series, Agent L is also a senior staff member while J seems to remain a rookie.
Question: Does anyone know the name of the song played in the very beginning of the movie (intro with the police cars)?
Answer: It's "What the Hell Have I?" by Alice in Chains. Megadeth's "Angry Again" is what is played for the opening credits of "Jack Slater IV."
Answer: It is Angry Again by Megadeth.
Oh, You're No Fun Anymore - S1-E7
Question: In this episode, the first man to be changed into a Scotsman is named Harold Potter. Is this an inspiration for the name of Harry Potter?
Answer: No, it's just coincidence. J K Rowling took the surname from Ian Potter, a childhood friend, and she simply picked a first name that she liked.
Question: Does 1138 appear at all in this movie? I don't remember seeing it.
Answer: At the end of the film, after Anakin destroys the control ship and all the wardroids shut down, it can be seen written on the back of one of the droids that were guarding Jar-Jar and Captain Tarpals.
Question: Is there a reason why all planets (except earth) have a number attached to their names? Or is that never explained?
Chosen answer: Planets that don't actually have a specific name tend to be referred to by the name of the star which they orbit and a number indicating how far out they are - so the planet Tau Ceti IV would be the fourth planet out from the star Tau Ceti. Under this system, our planet could be referred to as Sol III, but as it has a given name, that is used instead.
Question: Why was there dog food on board in the first place? I thought that Red Dwarf wasn't meant to have any animals on board- so why was it needed?
Answer: It's entirely possible there were animals on board. Lister mentions lab mice, there could have been other lab animals too, or pets. Lister got in trouble with the cat because it hadn't been quarantined or vaccinated.
Question: Is it really true that a character swears in this children's rated film?
Chosen answer: Kehaar says "P*ss off!" to one of the rabbits.
Question: Is there any particular reason Julia Robert's dress was changed from the blue and white dress she wears at the beginning of the movie to a black and pink version of the same dress on the movie poster and film/disc cover? I've always wondered why - there's really no reason for the change.
Chosen answer: Posters are usually designed long after the film has been made, and by the marketing department. Decisions about the outfit may have been based solely on what was considered best by the marketing department (for instance, to match the color of the lettering in the title.) Also, Julia Roberts' head has been super-imposed onto a model's body in the poster image (just as Richard Gere's hair has been darkened). These are all creative marketing decisions.
Question: Why does the helicopter explode at the end? Did the high-tension electrical wire set it off? I never see it hit the chopper, no matter how many times I see the scene. Or does he fact that the helicopter blades hit the pole have something to do with it?
Answer: Willis' character shot the power lines, which fell from the pole and got tangled up in the helicopter blades. Since the blades couldn't spin, the helicopter fell from the air and exploded as it hit the ground.
That's not what happened. John shot the power lines and in an effort to avoid them the helicopter pilot clipped a pole which took them down.
Answer: The sparks seen above the helicopter is meant to be the live wire wrapping around the blades. The helicopter does try to avoid the wire, but it's too late. If you look closely, it doesn't seem like the helicopter hit the pylon, maybe the blades knick it. But the helicopter explodes while in the air before it hit the ground.
Question: Is it true that this film is a blast against religion?
Answer: I doubt it's "anti-religion," although the organ-player says that he couldn't believe in god, especially with all of the death and suffering that was going on in the world. The televangelist is the closest you're going to get for religion setting a "bad example" in the movie.
Question: Is it me, or just before Hot Rod smashes through the barrier at the beginning of the movie, you see the Autobots who were building it run away to avoid being hit, isn't one of them Brawn?, but he died only minutes before the scene with Hot Rod.
Answer: A lot of people get confused by this, but the Transformer you see at the road block is actually Huffer, who is of a very similar design to Brawn.
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Answer: This is a made up children's rhyme just like the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series has "One, two, Freddy's coming for you, three, four, better lock the door,..."