Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: There is one point in the movie where Satan is carrying a demon-like baby. Who is the baby meant to be, or what does the baby symbolise?


Chosen answer: The baby is meant to taunt Jesus; to show him that Satan cares for his children while God sends His to be tortured and killed.


Question: In the foursome dinner scene, Cathy checks under the table and sees something about Sarah's feet that heightens her suspicion about the affair. What does Cathy see? The camera seems to focus on Sarah's painted toenails, but I don't understand why that would arouse suspicion.

Answer: In the book it explains that the color is one that only a young teen would like, and a mature woman would never wear, unless she were too in love to notice that it was gaudy.


Question: Who moved the mannequin to the snare trap? Was it Will Smith's character who did it, but couldn't remember because of his fragile mental state or was it someone else?

Answer: The creatures, or at least the creature that seemed to be in charge, and copied what Will Smith did earlier, did it. This showed that his theory of them being mindless was wrong.


Question: What is the creature that roars at the maid in the Leaky Cauldron scene?

Answer: We're never told. This scene is not in the book, and it is never elaborated on in the film. It was just added to be amusing.


Question: How did they manage to film the deserted New York city scenes? Was it a mixture of studio/CGI work?

Answer: They actually shut down and cleared the streets in New York to film some of these scenes. in an interview with an Australian Magazine Will Smith admits he was not very popular after doing this and recieved "a lot of middle fingers".


Chosen answer: Because it verifies the story that the Gates family has passed down, that the pages were burned to protect the city of gold's location, not to hide his name as a plotter.


Question: In the flashback that shows Josie at her house before prom, how could Billy have called her right before his limo appeared in front of her house? The year would have had to be 1990 or 1991, when Josie was a senior (or earlier, if she was younger but senior Billy asked her to prom). Were cell phones common during that time?

Answer: Cell phones perhaps not, but car phones would have been common in limousines.


Question: Am I mistaken or does Malfoy mean Bad Dragon?

Answer: According to Language Realm - Malfoy can be taken as "mal" and "foi" or translated to "bad faith or evil belief". Draco, of course, is akin to the Greek "drakon" for dragon. So where Draco refers to a dragon, the name Malfoy itself, does not mean Bad Dragon - but Bad Faith (which in itself makes sense in the Rowling realm).

Zwn Annwn

Question: I heard the reason this movie is so popular and gets shown on TV a lot is that due to a copyright error it is free for TV stations to show. Is this true?

Answer: Essentially, the answer is no. While there was indeed a clerical error in 1974 that caused a lapse in the copyright television stations were still required to pay royalties. While a box-office flop the film was lauded critically from the start and was nominated for multiple Academy and Golden Globe Awards. Its popularity grew over the years as the movie gained the status of a Classic Holiday Favorite and won the favor of new generations through annual airing of the movie and the success of DVD sales.


Question: At the end of the movie where Jack is looking at the map for the Fountain of Youth, I'm pretty sure I saw in faint red writing "To Jerry." And then there is some other writing. Possibly a signature? Jerry is the producer's first name. Did anyone else see this? It is on the left side of the map.

Answer: I could see it, but it's simply too faint to read what it actually says, although it bears a slight resemblance to those words. It's not inconceivable that it says that, however, as movie makers sometimes include hidden messages and/or graphics into their films, such as George Lucas inserting icons of C3PO and R2D2 into "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark".


Question: What is meant by Crouch Jr's line "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" and Dumbledore's sudden lurch to reveal Harry's scar (The scar that Wormtail makes, not his thunderbolt one)?


Chosen answer: Crouch, Jr. is referring to the fact that both he and Harry now have marks on their arms given in service to Voldemort. At this point Dumbledore doesn't realize that Harry has been cut and had his blood removed to bring Voldemort back. Given his immense knowledge however, Dumbledore is probably aware of the spells that can be used to bring someone back. When Crouch, Jr. says this (referring to his own Dark Mark), it triggers the recognition of what might have happened to Harry and Dumbledore rushes to confirm Harry's forearm scar for himself.


Question: In the scene where Jack, Barbossa, Elizabeth meets with Beckett, Davy Jones, and Will on the little island. Beckett tells Jack that he honored their deal to bring him to the Brethren court and lure the pirates out, but then why does Beckett then hand Jack over to Davy Jones? wasn't the deal that he would keep Jack safe from Jones if Jack led him to Pirate's Cove? He even says "come collect your reward." was he just being sarcastic?

Answer: Beckett's ruthless and untrustworthy. He's simply not keeping to the deal. The reference to a reward is entirely sarcastic.


Question: Near the end of the film, what was the "zombie" who was on the roof trying to do? was he trying to get out? Make a bigger hole for others to come in? I didn't get this part.

Answer: He was making a hole big enough for the others to get in. When the final "assault" happens, you see all of the zombie/mutants climbing up the building, presumably to get into that hole.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: It's obvious that both Giselle and Edward know that jumping back into the sewer will get them back to where they came from, so why doesn't Giselle jump back in right away when she is first tossed into New York?

Answer: Obviously, Giselle didn't know. She was shoved into the wishing well by the hag and had no idea what had happened to her. Edward, being familiar with his stepmother's magic, was better prepared.

Super Grover

Question: What's the name of the music heard when Tom Hagen first arrives to Hollywood to meet with the film Director?

Answer: It's 'Manhattan Serenade' performed by Tommy Dorsey.


Question: **END OF MOVIE SPOILER WARNING** At the end of the film, Will Smith dramatically sacrifices himself with a grenade, just after telling Anna and Ethan to hide until dawn. However, they are currently below ground in his basement, meaning no natural light. Wouldn't this mean that any Zombies surviving the grenade would still be able to attack Ethan & Anna?

Answer: He may have installed an escape tunnel in the old coal chute. Being a virologist, he'd know the protocol of having two exits from every lab. Therefore they could have escaped out the top of the coal chute once it got bright. Also, the implication is that the main mutant was only after Robert. Once he (and Robert) was dead, they wouldn't have bothered chasing Anna.


Question: In the scene with Cutler Beckett, Davy Jones, and Will Turner, when they are discussing the brethren court and the first meeting, Davy Jones speaks to Beckett like he was there. Does this mean that Beckett was a former pirate and is this what Jack Sparrow meant by leaving his mark on Beckett?

Answer: No, Beckett is not a former pirate. The first meeting of the Brethren Court, from all indications in the film, was well over a hundred years before the events shown here, long before any of the human characters were born. Exactly how Jack left his mark on Beckett is never explained in the films; given Jack's ability to outwit people, Beckett may be referring to something psychological rather than an actual physical scar.


Question: The premise of "Santa Clause 2" is that the new Santa must find a wife or he goes back to being a normal guy. So, what happened to the prior Mrs. Claus, the one that was married to the Santa that fell off the roof in the first movie - or for that matter, the ones married to any of the prior Santas? Do they just disappear when their husbands are no longer Santa?

Answer: They become widows, presumably, stop being "Mrs. Claus", and go back to living a normal life.


Answer: When a Santa dies, the previous Mrs. Claus goes back into the human world and loses all memory of the north pole and Santa.

Answer: The previous Santas probably didn't have wives and then would die or retire before the elves could find out about the marriage clause.

Then why would Scott need to get married if Mrs. Claus wasn't important?

But that doesn't make sense because Scott Calvin, the current Santa, automatically started to reverse naturally without the elves doing anything.

Question: When Sonny and Layla are in the Laundry, why does Layla put coins in 3 different washing machines? I'm guessing it's because she has a lot of laundry but that would have to be a lot of clothes to wash in one go.

Joe Mc

Chosen answer: I used to have to use the local laundromat and I would use anywhere from four to six machines at once. When you have to leave your home to do laundry you tend to put it off as long as possible. She's also probably separating the different types - light, dark, delicates, etc.


Question: This is a strange question, but is it possible that Isolde could sleep with both the King and Tristan so many times and not get pregnant? Was there any kind of birth control at this time?

Answer: Without going into detail, two possible birth control options would be the withdrawal method or earlier versions of condoms. It's unlikely that Marke and Isolde were using these methods, because Marke, as a king, would probably want children to be his heirs. But Isolde might have at least been taking precautions with Tristan, especially during the time that she was betrothed to Morholt. There would be trouble if she became pregnant while her betrothed was away. Also, as Tailkinker wrote, maybe she simply did not conceive.

Answer: Yes, it's entirely possible. Even in this day and age, with our relatively detailed knowledge of the processes and timing involved, couples trying for children can sometimes try for months or even years before a successful conception.


Answer: Three answers. ONE: Manuscript medical texts survive from Anglo-Saxon England. These describe folk wisdom and empirical medical tradition handed down from generation to generation. Herbs and herbal products were used as cures and prophylactics. These say little about contraception (they were written by monks or nuns who lived celibate lives) but it could be inferred that women used herbs and herbal products for women's issues (including contraception), knowledge refined over generations and handed down orally that has been lost or forgotten. TWO In the middle ages diet, nutrition and health conditions were such that, in general, people were not as healthy as they are today, so women may have been less "fertile" and less likely to become pregnant after sex. THREE: The legend of Tristan and Isolde is not accurate history. It began to circulate in the twelfth century, but even then it was a story, told to entertain, and this cinema version is a fictional, fantasy re-imagining of medieval life (similar to Game Of Thrones or Lord of the Rings) so such logical details do not necessarily apply.

Rob Halliday

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