Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the UK there was a children's programme called 'SMTV Live', on this programme they had a competition where the winner could have a small part in Shrek 2. Does anyone know who won and what part they play?

Answer: A young girl named Victoria Glover won the part. She doesn't have a credit on IMDB but all I know is the line she recorded for the film was "Star maps, get your star maps".


Answer: According to IMDB, Sally Dworsky was the singing voice for Miriam, who was Sanda Bullock's character.


Show generally

Question: I remember watching two particular episodes when younger, and are curious to know what the titles of the episodes were called. One was about a doll that came alive and the other about the trees coming alive, and the tree roots etc. killing people. What are the episode titles of those two?


Chosen answer: The tree root episode is season five, episode nine and is called Schizogeny. And the doll one sounds like it could be the very next episode (season five, episode 10) called Chinga.


Gunshow - S10-E1

Question: In regards to the judge's rules for the case at the end with the gun manufacturers, can someone explain what he McCoy had to prove? It was something about that he had to prove that the gun manufacturer designed the gun to made as was the use. Does this mean they had to prove it was going to be used for deadly force because of the fault in the guns? It just sounded strange because they were gun manufacturers so I wasn't too sure why they had to prove that.


Chosen answer: McCoy had to prove that the gun manufacturers knew that they gun was being used illegally and that all it took was a simply adjustment. He had to prove that they knew that they (the gun manufacturers) would sell more guns because of the faulty design.


Question: Did the Warden know about the "Randall Stevens" character? At first it would seem that he didn't, since Andy used the identity to clean out the bank accounts and escape to Mexico. On the other hand, how could the Warden make deposits and withdrawals (before Andy's escape) from his bank accounts without noticing?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: He probably only knows the name. He doesn't want to know anymore, so he can pin the blame on Andy should anything go wrong. He no doubt hasn't even considered that Andy might have ID so he can access the accounts after his escape.

Grumpy Scot

Also, Andy indicated that the deposits were night deposits, which were in envelopes. So, the warden may not have known the "Randall Stevens" name.

The One With Barry & Mindy's Wedding - S2-E24

Question: In the episode where Richard and Monica break up at Barry and Mindy's wedding, we see that Chandler is chatting on the computer with a girl (that ends up being Janice). When Joey comes in and Phoebe tells him that they are wondering whether or not the girl Chandler is talking with is actually a girl. Joey says, "Ask her how long she is going to live. Girls live longer" and Chandler says, "Why don't you fall down more?" What does he mean?

Answer: Joey has just made an incredibly stupid remark (how would she know how long she's going to live?), so he wonders how Joey is even smart enough to walk. It's just a joke.


Question: Was the doctor (the owner of the sailboat in the beginning) in on Laura's planned disappearance? Or was the bad weather just a coincidence and gave her the chance to escape? Just though it was weird because her husband commented that she only gets on a boat like once a year, so I don't know how she could have planned her escape so perfectly.


Chosen answer: No, the doctor was not in on her plan. She had her escape planned for a long time, but was waiting for the right time. The stormy weather on the boat provided the "perfect" time for her to put her plan into action.


Question: Concerning Peter and Judy's parents - Did Judy, Peter, Allan and Sarah finishing the game somehow "change history" and allow the parents to survive until later? They had originally died in an accident on the Canadian Rockies but at the end they meet an adult Alan and when they mention their holiday plans Alan tries to dissuade them, knowing about their "fated" deaths.

Answer: Finishing the game allowed Robin Williams to grow up. Since he knew that the parents were going to be killed in the mountains, he is trying to dissuade them from going knowing what will happen. If the parents follow what they said (that they would NOT go) then that means they did not die in the mountains.


But *HOW* did he know they'd die in the mountains in the first place? I just rewatched it, and Judy tells Alan their parents are dead too, while Peter tells him their dad was in advertising, but neither mentions how or where they died. The viewer knows from when Nora says it earlier in the movie, but neither Alan or Sarah were told during their time with Judy and Peter, so why would they freak out about a ski vacation?

We don't see every minute of every conversation everyone has with each other. There are scenes where they have obviously been walking for quite some time and whatever conversation they had while walking is left out of the movie as movies don't have time to be that detailed as audiences don't want to sit in theaters for 6 hours. It can be safely assumed that during one of the off screen conversations Alan and/or Sarah was told how the parents died.

Question: When Marty returns to 1985, we see that the "Twin Pines Mall" sign has changed to "Lone Pine Mall," but then Marty sees himself travel to the past. Wouldn't we see it alter the instant the DeLorean vanishes, not before he goes back (because technically, he hasn't changed the past yet)?

Answer: This is a time loop type of question that could be argued for a lifetime. Basically, he did already change the past in the "universe" the movie is set in, so seeing the sign is correct.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Why did script writer Brandon Boyce change the ending of the story? In Stephen King's book, Todd Boyden commits suicide but he doesn't in the film.

Answer: He didnt commit suicide in the book, he took his rifle to a fortified spot alongside a highway, and began shooting at cars. The police killed him. The film seems to tone down the story a lot, so I guess the only answer is they didn't really want to end it in such a violent way.


Answer: The director, Bryan Singer, was quoted as saying, "I told [King] the ending reads so beautifully. I could never measure up to it; I would have killed it." It also gives a darker ending to most people, since Todd gets away with everything rather than being shot down by the police.

Question: How does Brodie know Dante and Randall?

Answer: Brodie and Randall are cousins - they share the same cousin Walt and the same Grandma.

Answer: He must shop at the Quick Stop regularly, it's only a minute or two from the comic shop (I've been to both.)

Grumpy Scot

Question: In the cave when Barbossa is about to kill Will and Jack stops it, Will says: "You've been planning this from the beginning" Has he? Or is this all an elaborate ruse to double cross the pirates? Are they working together both in the scheme or not?

Answer: It seems reasonably clear from the look that Jack gives Will as he says "Wait to lift the curse... until the opportune moment" that he's planning the double-cross at that point, with the aim of getting the majority of the pirates out of the cave and into a place where they'll be left at a massive disadvantage once the curse lifts. Will's not really in on the plan, but he seems to get what Jack's up to and plays along, hence the "you've been planning this from the beginning" stuff.


Question: Why, when Shrek pushes over the potion, do the two birds in the cage become dancers and two guys turn into Cogsworth and Lumiere (from Beauty and the Beast) while almost everybody else in the room turn into doves?

Answer: They are jokes making reference to Disney films.

Grumpy Scot

Show generally

Question: Throughout the series Cartman makes a lot of money (His double myrrh Christian album, the theme park he briefly owned, etc) Any idea where it all goes?

Answer: He always loses it in some way because he is a stupid jerk. His amusement park money was taken by the IRS for example.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Dark Helmet says that there are two sides to every Schwartz, is this an obscure reference to something else, besides the obvious light side and dark side of the force?

Answer: "There are two sides to every sword" is a common saying.

Grumpy Scot

Question: In the boggart scene, is all of the scene filmed in the mirror? To begin with, when Lupin says, "Fascinating, isn't it' the camera comes 'out' of the mirror, and at the end of the scene, the camera comes 'out' again when Harry is staring at the cupboard, so was it all filmed in the mirror?

Answer: The opening shot behind Parvati Patel, as Lupin muses, "Intriguing, isn't it?" is actually the reflection, note the stairs on the left leading to Lupin's office. The camera then pans into the mirror and it is then the real world, so to speak, for the entire scene, note the stairs again and more importantly Harry's scar. When the balloon Boggart re-enters the wardrobe, the camera pans back into the mirror and this is once again the reflection as Lupin dismisses the class.

Super Grover

Question: What is the brand and make of truck which Marty gets at the end of the film?

Answer: It appears to be the same truck as the first movie. If so, it would be a 1986 Toyota SR5 4x4 with aftermarket wheels, bumpers and roll bar.


Show generally

Question: In regards to two of the characters, Plankton and Sandy Cheeks. I have seen all the episodes but cannot figure out a few things on them. Sandy - Can someone tell me why Sandy lives under the ocean? I know she is very smart and is a keen scientist but what exactly made her move to the bottom of the sea? She seems to miss Texas a lot and it seems strange she decided to move to the bottom of the ocean. I know it's a cartoon but what's her motive? Plankton - I understand Plankton is always trying to steal the Krabby patty secret formula but has there been a reason exactly for stealing it? Was it to try and run Krabs out of business or use it for his own restaurant?


Chosen answer: Plankton has his own restaurant that is a flop. He wants the secret formula so he can be successful and beat Mr. Krabs in business. No reasons have been given for why Sandy moved underwater. Though she is an extreme daredevil personality, so maybe she did it to be different.

Grumpy Scot

In the season 4 episode "Chimps Ahoy" there's a reason given about why Sandy lives at the bottom of the sea. Sandy's three bosses from Treedome Enterprises are coming to evaluate her inventions while she's been living under water, at the bottom of the sea. If she passes she will continue to receive their funding and can stay in Bikini Bottom, but if she fails she has to go back to Texas.


Question: Why does Bob Wolverton have a psychology manual in his car when he's a children's psychiatrist?

Answer: Even experts in a given field occasionally like to consult a text on the subject.


Question: I heard that Max Cavallera from Sepultura provided all the yells and the shouting for the rock. Is this true?

Answer: Yes. According to IMDB 'Max Cavalera' was the voice of The Scorpion King, who was played by The Rock.


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