Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the very end of the movie, when Lorna is ejected from the car and lands in the pool, the man that has frizzy orange hair, that Johnny claimed was an assailant earlier in the movie, is looking over his newspaper. Who played that guy?

Answer: Simon Bernstein played the assailant.


Answer: Simon Bernstein plays the assailant.

Question: What is the significance of Latveria? It is referenced to a few times in the movie.

Answer: Latveria, in the comics, is a small country in the Balkans that Dr. Doom took over and became king of, see


Question: Why is the scene where Bonnie meets her family so different from the rest of the movie? What is the significance in the change of lighting, sound etc?

Answer: To create an atmosphere and mood that shows how Bonnie's family life contrasted with her life of crime.


Question: During the final fight Mr. Fantastic makes a remark about hot metal cooling fast, what is this about?

Answer: Ever see Aliens 3? When a metal gets hot, it expands. When it suddenly cools, it doesn't contract evenly and often shatters or pops. It would seem he was made of a tougher metal than we thought, as he's still in one piece, but immobilised (for the moment...).

James King III

Question: Bond kills Kananga at the end by placing the bullet with the air pellet in his mouth which causes him to inflate and explode. But Bond had the bullet in his own mouth before when he was concealing it. Why didn't it kill him?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Bond just stored the bullet in his own mouth to hide it. As he puts it in Kananga's mouth he presumably pulls a pin, or forces Kananga to bite it.

Soylent Purple

Answer: Bond knew to not bite down. Kananga had no such knowledge. He didn't realise what he was doing, or the effect that it would have on him; hence, boom.


Question: What happens to the dinosaurs of this island (Isla Nublar) after the characters fly to safety? Are they killed? The hurricane that is mentioned in the sequel affects only the buildings of the other island (Isla Sorna), not the dinosaurs on this island.

Answer: In the book, the island is saturation bombed, killing all the dinosaurs. In Jurassic World, it is revealed that at least the T-Rex was recaptured and put into a new paddock.


Answer: Probably as something ironic to play with the title of the episode. The title refers to the Jack Lemmon movie "The Days of Wine and Roses" which is a tragic movie about alcoholism and the devastating effects it has on the addict(s) and the people around them. Since Barney is drunk or drinking booze in every episode he's in it added a sense of irony that he was sober in this one.

Tobin OReilly

Question: What is the music playing when The Bride is surrounded by the Yakuza and she's rolling on the floor to cut their legs off?

Answer: The song is Nobody But Me by Human Beinz. This is the best song in the movie but ironically is not on the soundtrack.

The One Where Joey Moves Out - S2-E16

Question: When Jack and Judy are talking in the bathroom, Jack says something like "It's like a scene from 'Cocoon'." I haven't seen 'Cocoon', so can someone tell me what he's talking about?

Answer: In the movie Cocoon, some retired elderly people swim in a pool with some alien cocoons in them. The energy produced from these cocoons gives them a new lease of life, giving them more energy like when they were younger. Jack's reference to the movie in relation to Richard is that he is acting the same since he has started seeing his "twinky" (Monica).

Question: They're nearly sunk and killed when trying to get through Gibraltar, but through some miracle they make it anyway. Then suddenly they're heading back to La Rochelle. If it was so impossible to get in to the Mediterranean, how come it was so easy to get out?

Answer: They don't make it into the Mediterranean, but sit on the bottom for a long time. The depth of the Straits is about 300m which is 100m deeper than the submarine was rated for. Getting through the Straits was a death trap for German submarines because the Straits of Gibraltar are only about 14km at their narrowest point. Also the Med was dangerous for subs as the waters of the Med are quite clear and even submerged submarines can be spotted from the air. This is why the crew was dismayed to learn they were to go to the Med.

John Elwen

Question: What is the "slide" that Mark finds in his room?

Answer: It's never explained - possibly a fire escape or heating vent.


Question: Near the beginning of the movie during the lightning storm Ray says "where's the thunder?", Isn't thunder just the sound lightning makes and if you were close enough to the lightning wouldn't the sound occur at the same time as the flash?

Answer: Precisely - Ray is seeing the lightning but there is no sound of thunder at all - there is also no sound of the thunder as the lightning is getting closer too, it's just the lightning itself and that 'whooshing' sound, but the sound doesn't sound like thunder.

Sam Johnson

Question: We've only seen Sith like Dooku and Palpatine generate force lightning. We've also seen Jedi like Yoda, Mace Windu, and Obi-Wan repel it, but not generate force lightning, so is force lightning a weapon used only by the Sith?

Answer: Yes force lightning is a dark side power. Dark side powers are aggressive in nature (like the choke hold or force lightning) while light side powers are defensive.


Question: What is the actor who played the Slytherin seeker in this movie called?

Answer: Will Theakston plays Terrence Higgs, the Slytherin seeker, according to the IMDb.

Super Grover

Question: Whatever happened to Jango Fett's son after he dies?

Answer: Boba Fett grows up and becomes a bounty hunter himself. Boba is the bounty hunter who helps Darth Vader capture Han Solo, Leia, Chewie, and C-3PO on Cloud City, and takes the carbonite-frozen Han to Jabba the Hutt.

Cubs Fan

Question: What video game was Mike Teevee playing and what system is it for?

Answer: It's not a real game - the sequence was created specifically for the film by a company called Digi-Guys based in Ealing Studios in the UK. The software used was Softimage XSI and Digital Fusion.

Show generally

Question: I am looking for the name of an episode. In it, a girl riding a horse finds two dead bodies in a pipe. They were sisters, one of which did nothing but order clothing on-line. It turned out that the other sister killed her, and her boyfriend, an ex-prisoner whose screen name was Apollo, killed the other sister. Any ideas?

Answer: According to the "Guest Appearances" section on the IMDB, the episode you're looking for is Episode 2.12, " "You've Got Male."

Cubs Fan

Question: Why is it so important that Landy's phone is engaged when Bourne asks the receptionist at her hotel to ring her? There must have been a reason why he specifically made sure that she is already on the phone before getting the receptionist to ring her, but why? I know that when the receptionist dials, Bourne looks over and finds out Landy's room number, but what was so important about it being engaged when he did this?

Answer: So that the operator couldn't tell Landy that someone is asking to speak to her, and alert her that someone is interested in her.


It's so that Bourne could get Landy's room number and ensure that she was in the room so that he could track/follow her.

Question: Can someone tell me the significance of Thing's girlfriend? Is she some kind of superhero?

Answer: In the comic books, Thing's girlfried, Alicia Masters, was blinded by an explosion of radioactive clay made by her father, the Puppetmaster. She has no super powers, but being blind, she can "see" past Ben Grimm's monstrous exterior.


Question: Did they give a reason why O'Neill was recalled? Did he have special qualifications that made him the only one capable of carrying out the mission?

Answer: He was known to be suicidal. He was picked because they wanted someone who wouldn't mind getting killed as the gate was blown up on the other side.


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