Question: Could someone tell me what Borden says to himself about two seconds before he dies? I've seen this movie several times now but I can't make out what he says.
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.
Question: This just interests me, but why does Miss Hannigan suddenly show concern for Annie when Rooster says he is going to kill her (just after Annie has torn up the cheque)? She never liked any of the orphans anyway, and earlier when Molly overheard the plan, and Rooster says that they are going to drop Annie in the river, Miss Hannigan never said anything.
Answer: She's a selfish woman, malicious even. But she's no killer. Even if she didn't say anything against the plan, when faced with the execution of the actual deed, she couldn't bring herself to allow it. Also, it is suggested throughout the movie that Annie is her favorite. When Grace Ferrell asks for Annie, Miss Hannigan tries desperately to keep her at the orphanage by saying she's 'trouble' when in reality, Miss Hannigan loved Annie.
Question: Were Jack and Rose actually married? Because I saw the end and it had a clip of them in front of the Grand Staircase probably getting married.
Question: What is the episode where Ralph Wiggum is being interviewed for the news and starts saying numerous curse words?
Chosen answer: "The Great Wife Hope" from Season 21, Episode 3.
Question: At the very end of the film when Angie is dragged, in the background it doesn't look like any figure dragged her? Shouldn't we have seen at least the upper body of a figure grabbing and dragging her? It looks like she was dragged a long way, so why isn't there any evidence of her being dragged by any human figure?
Answer: Purely done for suspense reasons. Seeing the figure of something walking up behind her, grabbing her and dragging her away would have less of a "jump" factor than what happened in the movie, which is her being suddenly dragged away into the darkness.
Question: In the movie 'Pulp Fiction' do they repeat the title anywhere in the movie?
Answer: They do not.
Question: In Revolutions Sati and Seraph are cornered in a room by the Smith army. At one point during the exchange between Seraph and Smith Saraph says "I've fought you before." How can they have fought if the two charters have never met?
Answer: Seraph and the REAL Agent Smith have never met before on screen. That doesn't mean Seraph hadn't encountered Agent Smith at some point before we begin following Neo's story.
Question: Why, when Murphy/Robocop goes to his old house where he lived with his family, why are there burnt pictures/books lying around where he picks up the photo from? Surely, although his wife had moved on, she would not be so heartless as to burn all their memories together, even if she didn't want them she surely would have kept them for her son so he could have them to remember his dad.
Answer: Besides, it's the future. Just like in real life, she may have had those photos stored digitally.
Question: Harry walks into the goblin lair, and there are two gliders. One of them is the Green Goblin's, but there is one that isn't the sky stick from the 3rd movie. What glider is that?
Question: In the ending scene, how come Jean couldn't control the plane, and stop the flood from the inside? Would've been a whole lot easier.
Chosen answer: Because, as we see earlier in the film, Jean's increasing power levels cause problems with electrical equipment. She has to be clear of the plane for it to fly under its own power. From the outside, she can control it without risking it losing power and crashing into the water below.
Question: I know that Hades is the god of the Underworld, but wouldn't he and Persephone get hot from the flames and the fire?
Chosen answer: What exactly are you asking for here? I'm sure they can sense the heat, but "get hot" is a relative term. When I lived in Brazil for a couple of years, I'd be walking down the street, sweating my brains out while the kids on the side of the road would be complaining that it was too cold out for them. Yet we're both still just as human. Now, if Hades is a god -- god of the Underworld, no less, as you point out -- how are we supposed to know how hot is too hot for him?
Question: I previously submitted this as a three-part question, but only the first part was answered, so I am re-submitting the last two parts. 1)It has been said that Superman is able to stop both missiles when he travels back in time because there are now two Supermans. If this is so, what happens to the other Superman? 2) The entire reason Superman travels back in time is to save Lois. Saving her no longer gives him a reason to travel back in time, so shouldn't this have created a paradox?
Question: Even though there was a rope ladder in the bear pit where Alec Baldwin impaled his leg, how could he have climbed the ladder, he was in great agony on the table in the cabin?
Question: I have three questions. One: When the superheroes are fighting the robot at the end, why couldn't Frozone just freeze it completely? Surely that would've been a whole lot simpler. Two: After Violet and Dash are saved by Mr. Incredible (before they're crushed while under the robot), right after it shows Bob flying through the building. It cuts shots, and there is some green floating stuff in the background. Can someone explain to me what it is? Three: After Violet snatches the remote while invisible, the robot falls to the ground, due to the crossed arms, and when Violet is running to her family, in the background, the robot raises his arm to his head, and waves it up and down. What is it doing?
Chosen answer: Three questions? Three answers! First: Frozone couldn't completely freeze the robot because (as seen in the movie) freezing doesn't work! Frozone tried several times and the robot easily broke free. Second: the "green floating stuff" are green tree branches and leaves in the foreground of the robot. Slow the DVD to frame-by-frame and you'll see it! Third: The robots arm moving up and down was an involuntary mechanical jerking movement due to it crashing. Much like "shaking it off" after you fall. It had a mechanical spasm.
Question: Was Spider-Man's identity ever made public at the end of this movie? He was without his mask several times during the final battle and there were a lot of cameras, so...?
Chosen answer: There's no evidence to suggest that his identity was compromised at any point.
Answer: The fight between Sandman, Venom and Spider-Man was high up on a construction site so nobody watching the action from ground level would be able to see his face.
Question: Why do characters refer to Langston as "Dr. Ray" instead of "Dr. Langston"?
Chosen answer: The CSI team is very close-knit and use each others first name all the time. Calling him Dr. Ray is their way of including him in the closeness of the team and still giving him the respect of his title.
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Answer: He whispers "Abracadabra".