Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When they enter Midnight's bar, the bouncer shows them a card. What is that about? What is the objective there?

Answer: They only allow people in the club that have psychic abilities. The entrant has to correctly identify the character on the card to be allowed in.


Question: What character is MJ wearing on her shirt at the very end of the film, visible just before she and Spidey swing away from 41st Street and Grand Central Station in NYC?

Erik M.

Thank you so much for that prompt and great response - it's appreciated!

Erik M.

Question: Why didn't Leo suspect Barrington and be ready for him when he obviously had the tape evidence of TWO moles, not one in the building where he was killed? He should have known to be suspicious and on the lookout for another guy.

Answer: The recording was of Costello and Sullivan talking...Billy wouldn't suspect Costello.he was "working" for him too.

This is a genuine mistake in the narrative. Costello layout tapes of "All his guys." Costigan would have known about Barrington as well but maybe not have expected him to want to close ranks the way he did and appear at the meeting.

Question: When Ricky King and his bully friends are bullying Mitch and Adam for being shorter, why can't Jenny do something about it rather than standing and watching?


Answer: Maybe she was afraid at the time.

Question: If the clones believe Dooku is their leader, why are they against the droids, who are his allies?

Answer: The pilots didn't refuse to shoot down Dooku - they explain they have run out of rockets and they can't. The clone troopers have no idea that Dooku originally ordered for them to be made, only the Jedi council at that time know, which is explained earlier in the film.

Answer: The clones do not believe Dooku to be their leader. Dooku is the leader of the Separatists.


But they believe he was one of the people who was helping with ordering them (which he was) and refused to shoot him down when Anakin asked.

No, they believe Sifo Dyas was the Jedi who ordered their creation. They do not refuse to shoot down Dooku, they tried and failed.


They believe it was both. They used "we're out of rockets" as an excuse to not kill him as they knew he was one of their leaders. Some of the corrections even state it, and one of the answers does as well.

The Jedi and the Chancellor are their leaders, not Dooku. Dooku is the enemy. Dooku's plan was to gather the largest droid army in the galaxy to counter the republic so that the clone army would be deployed. For Palpatine the seperatists were only a distraction for the Jedi and an excuse to deploy the clones. The clones obeyed the Jedi and Republic until order 66. Dooku was led to believe he would become one of the leaders eventually, if he knew about order 66, but Palpatine had other plans.


So are you saying the people who were saying that in the corrections and questions are wrong?

There's one correction I saw that says that, and yes, I believe that correction to be incorrect. There is nothing in the film to suggest that the clones were aware (either consciously or otherwise) that Dooku played any part in their creation and chose not to kill him. If that was the case and George Lucas wanted the audience to be aware, it would have been less subtle and more obvious. It's not even supposed to be obvious that Dooku and Darth Tyranus are the same person until the end of the movie but that reveal was ruined by pre-release marketing and merchandise.


But you can see the rockets in the gunship when the clone pilot refuses to fire them at Dooku.

Plus, they could've also used lasers or etc. instead.

Plus, why wouldn't Dooku and Sidious have had this feature installed anyway if they knew they would've been against him otherwise?

Sidious already was the leader of the clone troops, as Chancellor of the republic. All he had to do was wait for the war to spread the Jedi out over the galaxy so they will be more vulnerable and then execute order 66 to take them out. Dooku or Grievous were never a part of that plan. This is proven by Sidious ordering Vader to go to the Mustafar system and kill the rest of the separatist leaders. If Grievous was still alive he would have been eliminated too. Sidious' new apprentice Vader had already killed Dooku by then anyway.


That's not exactly the point though.

The point the clones did not refuse to fire on Dooku. Dooku is not protected against them. Not by Palpatine, not by himself as Tyrannus.


The programming of the clone troopers has been explored extensively in additional canon materials outside of the films. There has never been any mention of specific programming put in place to keep the clones from killing Dooku and Sidious. The ship still having rockets after the clone says they are out is more likely to be a simple continuity error rather than a subtle hint (and if this theory is to be believed, the ONLY hint at all in any Star Wars media) that the clones were programmed to not kill Dooku.


There's also the hint that he finished up the job with ordering them.

We can go on and on for pages but the fact of the matter is the clones were not what you expected them to be. Dooku never had any idea he would be in danger of being captured or killed by the clones as he was supposed to be coordinating the war on the background like Sidious.


Question: Does anyone have the deleted scenes of Johnny 5 being repaired by Nova? I believe the owner of the diamonds paid Nova to repair him as a thanks or something along those lines.

Answer: I have the DVD but there are no deleted scenes.

Question: Olaf fades away once Elsa dies because he can't live without her magic. He is only revived by Elsa after she revives. The post-credit scene shows Olaf in Elsa's ice palace telling a story to Marshmallow, the giant snowman and the tiny snowmen. How is it possible that Marshmallow and the tiny snowmen are still alive after Elsa froze to death? Did Elsa guess they have faded away too and managed to revive them? Did she even have to rebuild her ice palace?


Answer: Since the answer is not given in the movie, I think you have found a plot hole and a possible solution for it.

Nemesis (1) - S3-E22

Question: In several of the episodes, when they show an exterior shot of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex, there is a Humvee with "Sgt. Mack" stenciled on the windshield. As the military doesn't personalize its equipment (except for fighter jets), is this an Easter egg for somebody? (00:00:10)

Answer: When I joined the Colorado national guard in 2006 I was assigned a HMMWV with my name on the windshield in those exact black diecut vinyl letters.

Answer: The external shots are filmed at the real Cheyenne Mountain, with real military equipment and personnel.

Answer: Vehicles usually had the driver's name stenciled on them in the 80s and 90s.

Lauren - S6-E18

Question: Why did Prentiss sleep with Doyle? Was it for the profile? Because Morgan didn't seem convinced that it would've been much help for the profile.


Answer: She tried to role play as Lauren when she was very uncomfortable with it.

Question: Did the black soldiers ever earn the white soldiers' respect?

Answer: As the soldiers marched toward the hill in the final battle, the white soldiers yelled, "Give them Hell, 54." Everyone knew it was a suicide mission, they saw them as brave and honorable men.

Question: Did the scene where the astronauts take off their bio-med sensors really happen?

Answer: According to transcripts of the actual mission's audio recordings, yes. Though the movie can be lauded for its extent of accuracy, it still has moments of artistic license. In the transcripts, the last reference to BIOMED is between Cap Comm (CC) and Jim Lovell (CDR). CC: "The other thing is, if anyone has on any BIOMED, would you switch your switch to __ your BIOMED switch to that position." CDR: "Understand the first, Vance, and no-one has on any BIOMED__." CC: "Okay." CDR: "Fred and Jack are maneuvering things around right now, and mine is long since departed the scene."

Super Grover

Answer: From what I've read, they really did remove them, but not in the overly dramatic way shown in the film.


Question: What were the Triad throwing into the dryers along side the counterfeit bills?

Answer: It's poker chips (occurs at approx 01:30:35).

Super Grover

What was the purpose of adding poker chips with the fake money?

Within the heat of a dryer, the poker chips tumble around with all the stiff new counterfeit bills, helping them obtain a used/worn natural appearance similar to their real Chinese currency.

Super Grover

Answer: I believe that it's to make it look like the money's been in circulation. That amount of money in all brand new looking bills would be so far beyond suspicious.

Question: Does Bo have abilities or something?

Answer: Not really. The movie implies that all the characters' actions are being guided by the god of Christianity, the realization of which renews Graham's faith.


Answer: "Carl cannot play without the sheets, and Andrew tells Fletcher that he can perform 'Whiplash' from memory. After a successful performance, Fletcher promotes Andrew to core drummer. Soon after, Fletcher recruits Ryan Connolly...[and] promotes Connolly to core...After a grueling five-hour session with Fletcher and the other drummers in the class, during which Fletcher kicks furniture and screams at him, Andrew earns back the core spot." ( (2014_film)).

Answer: After his first traumatising session with Fletcher, he practiced and practiced until he could play the part without the sheet music. When Neiman somehow misplaced the to-be core drummers folder, he took a chance and offered to play the part. Fletcher was impressed and promoted Neiman to core drummer at the start of the next session.

Question: Does anyone remember the name of the Italian orphanage where Derek Jr. lived?

Answer: Picollo Cletusi.

Answer: It's left ambiguous as to who the father is.


Answer: "It" appears to know that Henry and his gang are "The Losers" antagonists and is using him as a weapon against them.


Question: Are lightsabers capable of cutting through any substance, or are there objects in the franchise (even if the examples are no longer canon) that have been specifically mentioned as being resistant?


Answer: There are several substances in canon and non-canon that are resistant to lightsabers. Beskar, also known as Mandalorian iron or Mandalorian steel was used to make armor and weapons by the Mandalorian people. Cortosis was an ore that, when heavily refined, stopped lightsaber blades and blaster bolts. Phrik was another metal, used in Darth Sidious' lightsabers and the electrostaffs used by Grievous' robot guards. Neuranium was a very, very dense and heavy metal that was partially resistant to lightsabers, but was more often used to shield from scanners. The species orbalisk and vonduun crab had carapaces that could withstand the blow of a lightsaber.


Answer: The Force Awakens features stormtroopers using the "Z6 riot control baton", which they use to block the lightsaber when Finn uses it.

Jon Sandys

Is it the baton itself that is resistant, or the energy surge around it? Because I know Snoke's guards were able to block lightsabers with energized weapons as well.


Yes you see them in Episode III as well when fighting on the bridge of the chancellor's ship. My guess is the energy blocks the lightsaber. It's logical they would come up with some sort of technology to block lightsabers if materials that can block them are that rare.


Answer: There are a handful of items, but I don't believe any have been mentioned or shown in the film series (other than another lightsaber itself). Mandalorian Iron (also known as Beskar) and Phrix are resistant to lightsaber attacks and have been mentioned in the TV show "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", but I don't recall if their resistance is specifically mentioned in the show.


Answer: They are Oakley Square Wires. Oakley is the brand mostly worn throughout the Blade series as Wesley Snipes is allegedly a big fan.


Question: When this movie was first released in theaters, I vaguely remember a scene where one crewman yelled "go to commercial" and another crewperson said something like "we already had (some big number) commercials, stand-bys..." and other things in the sentence related to a big delay of the show. When this movie was recently on cable, I watched it and never found this scene in it, but remember this in 1982. Was this scene edited out in recent years, or am I mistaking this scene with another movie?

Answer: No I believe that's from the movie.

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