Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Which spider attacked the doctor in the barn, killing him? Was it the general, the queen, or just one of the offspring?

Answer: It definitely wasn't one of the offspring, as you can see when it jumped out at him that it was a very large spider, likely the general since they mentioned the queen would be guarding the egg sac in the wine cellar to defend it from other spiders.


Answer: I think he's referring to the Brazilian doctor they brought in to help. If that's the case, it was the main spider that hitched a ride with the body.


Answer: One of the offspring. There was a brief shot of the little one crawling into the doctor's slipper.

Wrong doctor.


The question is actually referring to the entomologist played by Julian Sands, not the town medical doctor that Jeff Daniels moves in to replace.


Question: When the group first meet up at the dock, just as they are about to set off in the helicopter, when Roger closes the door, he then looks out of the window - eventually he gives a smiling nod. This could simply be a nod to the other group but it seems as if it may have been unintentional possibly as if he thought that the camera had stopped rolling. Curious to see if anyone could clarify it. Maybe I'm just looking too much into the film.


Answer: One of the cops that was with Joe Plato (how much you have seen of them will depend on which version of the movie you, but I HIGHLY recommend the fan made/edited 'Extended Mall Hours' cut on YouTube) asked them for cigarettes. You'll notice that Roger and Fran lit up cigarettes as they were taking off, that's what Roger was laughing at.

Question: Is there a deleted scene that explains why the girl who doesn't go to the school (the one who Damien points out), has been going there?

Answer: I don't think there is a deleted scene, it's just supposed to be funny because she didn't even go to that school, and she just went there just to talk about her feelings.

Answer: No, they are part of the multiverse. The MCU is just one of those universes within the multiverse.


Answer: I almost think the best way to refer to them would be to call them "MCU-Adjacent." Both answers nail it - they're not part of the MCU universe itself, but are canonical to it and co-exist alongside it thanks to the establishment of the multiverse. And considering the "Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness" trailer teases Patrick Stewart as (presumably) Professor X, I think we could probably also apply this to pretty much any other Marvel adaptation ever made that was not made by Marvel Studios itself. It all co-exists and is all canonical to each other through the use of multiverses/alternate timelines/alternate dimensions.


Answer: Their respective movies themselves are not retroactively part of the MCU franchise, but since characters and events from those films crossed over here, they can be considered canon to the MCU's overall narrative.


Answer: No. It's explained that they are from another universe, and were sent back to their universes at the end of the film.


Question: When Clark gets the lights to work, Eddie shows up. Eddie calls to Rocky and Ruby Sue to come see what Uncle Clark has done to the house. Then in the scene where Clark's boss is at the house, Clark refers to Eddie as his Cousin-in-law. Is this a mistake or is the word uncle just being used as a pet name for Clark for the kids?

Answer: No mistake or pet name. In America it's common to refer to your cousin's kids as your nephews or nieces and thus you would be their aunt or uncle. Technically, they would be your first cousins once removed, but in the English language there's isn't a specific word for that relationship, so most stick with nephew/niece and aunt/uncle relationship.


Eddie and Catherine are on Ellen's side of the family that is why he calls him cousin in law.

Legend - S5-E9

Question: When Matthew goes against Dr. Quinn's suggestion that he needs to rest and heal, and hitches his curse to leave, the sign above him says "Coopering." Shouldn't that be "Coppering"?

Answer: A Cooper was someone who made various things out of wood including wooden caskets and even barrels.

Question: When Brody and Hooper find Ben Gardner's boat why does Hooper dive into the water to examine the bottom of the boat when he already knows there's a man-eating shark in the water? How does Hooper know the shark won't swim up behind (or underneath) him and devour him?

Answer: Because he is under the impression the shark has recently eaten and the digestive system of a shark works really slow so it won't be out hunting for a while. With a normal shark anyway.


Answer: Hooper wanted to inspect Gardner's boat as soon as possible to see what caused it to sink, and before the town locals towed it and possibly destroyed any evidence. As the other answer noted, Hooper knew the shark's eating habits. He was willing to take a calculated risk and which he was quite nervous about.


Question: What were the insects that Bruce breathed at the gang that beat up earlier?

Answer: They appear to be locusts, which are one of the ten plagues mentioned in the Book of Exodus.


Question: Why do they blow up the vault twice? And actually, is it technically three explosions? The fake tape: 1, the actual explosion when Yen was inside: 2, and the third for Benedict to hear when they're packing up the money, this is when you hear, "someone's here someone's here!"

Answer: Yes it's three, but for different reasons. The tape was made before the heist, off-site, to be synchronised with the explosion for Benedict's benefit after the "SWAT team" enter. The small explosion with Yen inside was to disable the sensors, and the explosion for Benedict's benefit was to make it all seem authentic, plus give the impression that the money bags had been detonated.

Jon Sandys

Show generally

Question: Re "The Suite Life Movie", I have two questions. One: Zack is flirting with a girl named Nelly throughout the whole movie, but he has a girlfriend, Maya. Is he cheating? Two: (SPOILER ALERT!) Near the end, when Zack and Cody are free from becoming merged, they return to their normal life, but they still have stages 1, 2, and half of stage 3 still in them. Does this wear off, or are they still like that?


Chosen answer: One: Zack doesn't meet Maya until after the movie. Two: There are 2 possibilities. The first one, the steps might worn off after they got to the ship. and the second answer, London said she talks to animals since she ate them, it never worn off.

Zack definitely met Maya before the movie takes place, SPOILER in the final episode when they break up Zack says they've been together for 3 months, and not only does the movie take place during spring break which is less than 3 months from normal graduation, but also their graduation date gets moved up since the ship got sold.

The movie is set between the last two episodes; they had already met.

Question: When Cooper is walking into Murph's hospital room (when Murph is on her deathbed), why do her family members appear to completely ignore him? Not even a "hello" or any kind of acknowledgement of his presence. You would think that because of what he accomplished in saving the planet or the fact the he is the reason all those people in the room even exist would garner some type of attention.


Answer: Cooper would have already met his other family members (grandchildren and great-grandchildren) when they first arrived at the space station and before going in to see the frail Murph, who made the trip while in-stasis. Because she is so frail, everyone would discuss beforehand how the meeting should proceed. Also, it is already a long-running movie, and adding an extended "meet and greet" scene would drag out the ending and lessen the emotional reunion between Cooper and Murph.


Question: At the end of the film, King Louis refers to the palace as Marie's "lime avenue." What does that mean?

Answer: There were rows of lime trees planted on the ground. Rows of trees in landscaping is called an "avenue."


Question: Would the fact that Leonard was overweight have even allowed him to join or be drafted into the military?

Answer: Plenty of people who are overweight, or are otherwise out of shape, join the military...part of the point of boot camp is to get them into shape. Leonard is hardly obese, so he'd be able to join, especially when there was a war on and the military took who they could get.

Answer: That everything nowadays is plastic, to the point where a child of Bart's age would be unfamiliar with metal.

Mr. Monk, Private Eye - S5-E5

Question: When Jay is about to shoot Monk on the boat, the boat dips in the water (almost the way a car would dip when hitting a pothole). What would cause this? It almost looks like it was done deliberately by a stunt driver. And if it's from hitting a wave or wake, I would think the boat would bounce up first.


Answer: The dip was the bounce.

Question: Why does Sal take the dirty car out of the city parking lot and park it by the docks? If that's the drug car why would the French let him do that?

Answer: The parking laws in the 1970's were not as strict as they are today, leaving a car on the street is no different from parking on the curb in a suburban area. The car was supposed to be picked up by the mob.

Question: Is the lawyer who brought the will to the apartment in the beginning the same guy who died in the cube when they were capturing the 12th spirit?

Answer: No. The lawyer was played by actor JR Bourne. The victim in the box was played by actor Charles Andre.


There is confusion about this movie, made in 1960, and the later 2001 version, "Thirteen Ghosts." In the 1960 version, Martin Milner played Benjamin Rush, the lawyer who was killed by the bed. JR Bourne was in the 2001 film. He played lawyer Ben Moss, who was killed by the sliding glass panels. Charles Andrew played a team member who was also killed.


Question: Why didn't Calvin give Kenard a chance to cut someone's hair?

Answer: Calvin did give him a chance to cut hair. That is why Kenard had the chair in the first place. It was the people of the neighborhood who didn't want him to cut their hair, as he is new, and they have no clue if he will be good or not (just as he proved with Alderman Brown). This is the same as Isaac in the first movie. Once he proved himself by giving Jimmy a good haircut, people began choosing him.


In Marge We Trust - S8-E22

Question: What does Reverend Lovejoy mean when he says that he stopped caring, but nobody noticed because "it was the '80s"?

Answer: The 80s was known as the, "Me Generation," meaning people were so greedy, ambitious, and self-involved with only themselves, money, and material possession, that they were oblivious to or unconcerned about anyone else. A popular mantra of the time was "greed is good." Lovejoy is saying that no-one noticed how he felt because they were indifferent and uncaring.


Question: Why had Cheng snatched Mei Ying's practice sheet and thrown it on the ground, and why did he push Dre when he kept on trying to return the sheet to her?

Answer: Dre was interfering in the argument that has transformed between him and Meiying.

Answer: Looks like you answered your own question.

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