Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Hammered - S11-E4

Question: Why would a mistrial be declared if the DVD of the murder being committed showed Dalton's face? Wouldn't this show that he is guilty of murder?

Answer: Because the DVD wasn't actual footage of the crime. It was a CGI re-enactment. However, 2 versions were made. The one meant for trial and one where Dalton's face was photoshopped onto the CGI killer. A.D.A. Paxton put the wrong DVD in and the jury saw a Dalton as the killer, which was declared prosecutorial misconduct and the video tainted the jury.


Question: At the beginning of the movie, when Constantine removes the demon from the girl, why does the guy's hair turn white for looking?

Answer: It's the effect of the demon on him. Somehow the ritual Constantine is performing causes anyone who is a witness to be cursed.


Question: When Tommy, Jimmy, and Henry stop at Tommy's Mother's house to pick up a shovel after killing Billy Batts, why does Tommy take the kitchen knife even though at this point they all think Billy Batts is dead?

Answer: Any answer would be speculation, but given that Tommy is a violent psychopath, he may have been thinking of further mutilating Batts' body before they dispose of it.


You're completely missing the point of the question. Cutting off the deer's hoof was the excuse he was giving. The question is asking why he wanted the knife.

Question: I have a question and this has bothered me for years. How did Doc know the exact date and time to wear a bulletproof vest by reading Marty's letter? We see what Marty wrote and it says "The night I go back in time" before he puts it in Doc's pocket but it never said the exact date or time of when the terrorists would attack Doc after Marty came back in 1985?

Answer: The answer is right in your question. The letter states "The night I go back in time." Doc helped Marty get back to 1985 at the exact date and time that he left. He set this date and time in the Delorean. We know that Doc has a penchant for remembering dates as one of the ways Marty proves he's from the future is that Doc told him the exact date and events of when he got the idea for the flux capacitor.


Answer: Doc sees the video tape recording of the first part or the test so would know it was after that time, so he took precautions to protect himself from that point forward. Knowing it could be at any time from the test till later, he wore the vest to the test, and presumably would have continued wearing it after the test if that wasn't when it happened.


Answer: Any answer would be speculation, but this was Doc's first time travel test and he did invite Marty to be there, so he may have assumed that was the date in question. He also had stolen plutonium from terrorists and knowing they'd shoot him, he could have worn it at all times.


Question: When Pee-Wee offers gum to Francis and Mr. Buxton as a peace offering, what was it with the gum that caused Mr. Buxton to scream?

Answer: It was some sort of gag gum (popular in the past) that either had hot pepper/cinnamon or simply tasted terrible.

Brian Katcher

Answer: He's asking if she wants to know if he's going 'number 1' (urinating) or 'number 2' (having a bowel movement).

Brian Katcher

Show generally

Question: I remember a scene in one episode when Maggie is outside the house at night looking for Marge. She thinks she sees Marge's hair sticking up from behind a fence, but when she looks behind the fence, it turns out it's just a tree. Which episode was that?


Answer: "Homer Alone" from season three.


Question: Were Aiden's 7 days not up at the end or something and is that why he didn't die? I know that's why they were making a copy for him to give to someone else but I thought his 7 days would be up by now.

Answer: He still had several days left. Rachel was nearing the end of her seven days when he watched the tape, and she realises she needed to make a copy the morning after her seventh day, and in all likelihood, she had Aiden make a copy on the same day.


Question: At the Christmas pageant, why is Frank laughing when they all see the pianist falling backwards off the stage? Did he think it was funny?


Answer: Yes, Frank is portrayed as an insensitive jerk in both movies. Note that he was also laughing at the prank Buzz was pulling on Kevin during the pageant, much to his wife's dismay.


Question: If the polluted water supposedly killed Penguin, then how come it didn't kill Max Shreck considering that he ended up in the water because of Catwoman?

Answer: It appears more that Penguin died from internal bleeding.


Question: Marvin, who Vincent accidentally shoots in their car - why was he in the car in the first place? Why didn't they kill him when they killed the other people in the apartment?

Answer: He was their informant. Vincent, before they go in, says "is that counting our guy?" They brought him with them to see Wallace.


Question: The scene where everyone's getting burned and exploding, why didn't the ark burn Marion and Indy too? Is it because they didn't do anything wrong to it?

Answer: They were protected because they did not directly look at the Ark. Indy told Marion to look away. That is what saved them.


Anyone who looks upon what is inside the ark perishes. The ark is used as the wrath of god against anyone who doesn't show respect to it, by not looking at what is inside. Even if what is inside goes outside.


Question: What did Katniss mean by asking if Gale's bread was real? I understand they don't often get bread in the Seam but how could it not be real?


Answer: She is wondering if she might be dreaming.


Answer: He said "I'll make it go away, Bella" Meaning he will make the venom and pain go away.

Answer: From what I can make out, he says, "I'll make you go away, Bella. I'll make you go away." He wants her to leave him so she can live her life as a human and be safe from other vampires.


Question: The Emperor tells Grievous to send the separatists to Mustafar so that Anakin can later kill them to quote "end this war" but why? Why not leave them with Grievous and have them be captured by Obi Wan? To add to that wasn't the war already over when Obi Wan killed Grievous? Wasn't that the whole point of sending Obi Wan to kill Grievous? Why bother killing them, the war is over, you'll have control of those systems back anyway.

Answer: His long-term plan still has to make it look like he's playing both sides. He must convince the Separatist leaders that he's trying to protect them and extend the war slightly until he gets Anakin completely on his side.


To add to that Grievous was in control of the armies, so he had to be killed so the armies would be disbanded, better to risk a Jedi for that task. Also the separatist leaders had to be killed eventually because they could disappear and come back with another army or ships. They had served their purpose, they had to go.


Question: When Tiana and Naveen get married in the Bayou they become human and appear in a church. What I want to know is did they physically leave the Bayou (e.g exit by boat ride), then arrange wedding plans, or did they literally magically appear in the church and everyone magically appeared at the wedding?

Answer: They physically left. Just because we didn't see it happen doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's a montage of their activities after they returned to human form.


I thought as much, but it would have been even better to see a montage of them physically leaving the bayou and planning their church wedding.

Question: How come every shopper at Sir Sav a Lot didn't evacuate when Van Pelt had a gun and was shooting up the place while going after Judy, Peter and Sarah?


Answer: They are probably too invested with their own looting to worry about someone else committing a crime.


I especially like that one woman that is hesitating to take the box or not as everyone is running away when he shoots into the ceiling.


Question: When Harry and Marv capture Kevin from the hotel, what are they going to do to him and where are they taking him?


Answer: They are presumably taking him somewhere secluded so they can exact their revenge.


Answer: According to Harry, he wants to take Kevin to the subway tunnel and kill him.

Question: Can someone share some light on the prison scene at the start of the 2nd movie. Where is this prison? How does Jack know about it and who runs it? It is a scary looking place that is well designed but has next to no explanation or further role in the movie past this scene.

Answer: There is no explanation given about where the prison is, who runs it, or how Jack knows about it. Its only significance is that it is a plot device that sets the movie's story into motion. Jack needed the drawing of the key that will eventually lead to the Dead Man's Chest. He finagled his way into the prison solely to steal the drawing, then he escaped. There is no need for the audience to know more details about the prison or how Jack learned about the drawing's existence and its meaning.


Question: When Robert Neville's family is being airlifted at night, the darkseekers are awake and emerge from their hiding spots. If UV light has been known to kill them, why wasn't his family airlifted during the day?

Answer: This was still very early in the spread and outbreak of this virus. They didn't fully understand what they were dealing with yet, or would have figured out that UV had any effect like that. Also the darkseekers weren't fully out yet, as we see the people infected are still mostly human with just early symptoms. They didn't know what they would create or even knew what it was capable of yet. What you saw were panicked people acting stupid in fear trying to board the chopper.

Quantom X

Answer: They didn't have the time. They were trying to contain the spread but failed and the evacuation had to take place at that time or there was no evacuation at all.


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