Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What is it that Jack Sparrow wants more than the Dead Mans Chest, the thing that his compass is pointing to?

Answer: It points to Elizabeth.


Question: At the bar after Bob hits Azreal, Serendipity tells Bethany to "blast the sinks." Bethany slides down the bar, makes a hand gesture and the sinks fill with water. I didn't see her hit a switch or anything else that could make water come out so what happened?

Answer: Serendipity says "Bless the sinks." Bethany's hand gesture is the sign of the cross.

K.C. Sierra

Question: I've always been led to believe that the suit is as impervious as Superman, hence the bullets bouncing off his chest with no marks on the suit. Yet at the end of the movie, the doctors and nurses cut the suit and tear it off of him. Is the suit affected by kryptonite as well?

Answer: There are two stories: a) the suit was made by Martha Kent from the blankets which came with Superman when he was a child and these blankets got superstrenght from the sun too. b) Superman generates an aura which protects him and his suit against such forces. Both stories can be true: either the suit itself is weakend by the kryptonite or Superman's aura was weakend by it. Currently it is said that the blanket-story is the correct one. Also, they don't actually cut it off him - it appears to open along a predefined line (coupled with someone exclaiming "got it!"), presumably the method Superman uses to get into the suit himself.


Question: How is it that Superman was able to survive in the emergency room when his heart was not beating? The doctors and nurses could do nothing for him, yet he lived. Also, how is it that a couple of scenes later, he woke up from what I deduce was a coma?

Answer: Since he doesn't look like one, people often forget that Superman is an alien. His physiology is completely different from ours and therefore there is no saying what his body can and cannot do. The simplest explanation is that his body shut down in order to repair itself and then woke up when he was better, after the final shard of kryptonite was removed.


Question: Can anybody explain why the T-Birds didn't see each other all summer? Even if Kenickie had a job, wouldn't he still be around after work?

Answer: Well, Danny was out of town, at the beach. It's quite possible that the rest of T-Birds didn't live close enough to each other to see each other during the summer. Also, they may have all had jobs, or been travelling with their families. It's also possible that they DID see each other, although maybe not as "T-Birds". When they saw each other on the first day of school, though, they were Seniors, and they were ready and excited to be T-Bird seniors.


Another possible reason is that not all of them were allowed to see friends during the summer. I had a couple of classmates whose parents were strict about them focusing on schoolwork and/or getting a job. No phone calls or visiting friends on the weekends or during summer: "You can see your friends at school."

Do you really think any of the T-Birds had strict parents?

People quite often rebel against strict parents.

When they asked Kenickie where he was, he said "working, which is more than I can say for any of youse kids" suggesting that the 3 stooges (pun intended for their stupid routine that prompts Danny to tell them to "be cool") didn't work all summer. Also, Sonny needed to borrow money in the dinner until he could get his allowance.

In regards to not living close enough to each other, it is worth mentioning that having access to a vehicle was much less common compared to nowadays.


Answer: During that time, it wasn't uncommon for people to go out of town for the whole summer. Often, it was close enough so that the father could commute on weekends while the mother and kids spent the summer at the vacation spot. Even when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's, I knew a lot of people who did it.

Question: Who was that weird guy in the wall that helps the group?

Answer: He is Wyvern, one of Davy Jones' crew. The longer one serves on Jones' ship, the more they are transformed into the ocean environment. This guy has served so long that he's become almost completely absorbed by the ship.


Question: Several other answers and corrections state that the reddish liquid sprayed by the tripods was what essentially grew the red vines. However I thought I heard someone in the film say something along the lines of "using us (i.e. blood) as fertiliser". Can someone please clarify?

Answer: Since the tripods tended to spray the red fluid shortly after pulling a human into themselves, it seems a good assumption that the red fluid is essentially blood. Given this, it seems likely that the "spore" of the vines is spread in the red fluid.


Answer: Norrington didn't lose his commission. He felt he disgraced himself by failing to capture Jack Sparrow and resigned from the Navy. Then he aimlessly wandered the Caribbean, sinking further and further into despair.


Question: Who was that woman that the group went to see twice, first with Jack and then at the end?

Answer: Tia Dalma is a voodoo priestess who has a history with Jack. She provided him with his magical compass and is probably responsible for the rebirth of Barbossa. Any further revelations about her will have to wait until the third film, where her character will apparently take on greater prominence.


Question: Did anyone ever find out who sent Harry his father's invisibility to him for Christmas? Some people say it was Sirius Black but I think otherwise.

Answer: It was given to him by Dumbledore. James Potter left it with Dumbledore for safe keeping, and he passed it on to Harry.


Question: Am I just imagining or does Jack exclaim 'Ouch' when he and Elizabeth are singing and dancing around the fire while they are marooned on the island?

Answer: Yes, he does. He probably stepped on some sea-shells.

Nelleke Rietvink

Question: What is the name of the song they put on the radio in Regina's bedroom when they ask Cady who sings the song?

Answer: "Overdrive," by Katy Rose and Kim Bullard.


Question: What is "Jody" a reference to?

Answer: "Jody" is a generic term for any man who steals your girl while you are off in the military. Also referred to as "Sancho" by Hispanic troops.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Does anyone know what the prayer - "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" - the Saints say just before they kill translates into? I would really like to know.

Answer: "In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."


Question: Several times, people refer to something about the Black Pearl, that Jack Sparrow made some sort of deal with Davy Jones to raise it from the ocean floor. Am I right, or is there something I haven't picked up on?

Answer: Jack made a pact with Davy Jones to raise the Black Pearl from the ocean depths and to be her captain. Jack agreed that after 13 years, he would surrender himself to Davy Jones and serve on his crew for 100 years.


Question: In the corrections page one supposed mistake was about Barbossa's monkey becoming cursed once again. Is it possible that the monkey somehow resurrected Barbossa? If not then how did Barbossa come back?

Answer: No explanation has been given yet as to how Barbossa was resurrected. However, since the monkey has been with the Black Pearl's crew, it seems unlikely it helped Barbossa. We only know that Tia Dalma has played some part in bringing him back. When Jack and the crew first visited Tia Dalma, there's a brief shot of the monkey running into the bedroom. A man's legs can be seen on the bed. Presumably this was the recuperating Barbossa.


Question: Okay couple of Questions. 1) Superman Returns is between parts 2 and 3, Lex at the end of Superman Returns is left on possibly an uncharted island. How did Superman know what island to pick Lex up on so he can be put in jail for part 4 where he breaks out of jail? 2) What happens to Lois and Superman's or Lois's boyfriend kid since there is no reference to any kid in parts 2 3 or 4.

Answer: The film doesn't take place between II and III, it just carries on from Superman II, ignoring 3 and 4 completely. Think of it as a parallel timeline.


Question: Why wouldn't Charles' brother be his best man? Or is that not traditional in England the way it is in America? It's not mandatory but is certainly expected, unless the brothers are not close (which Charles and his brother are) or the groom's father serves as best man.

Answer: A groom can choose whoever he wants as best man. As you say yourself, it's by no means mandatory for it to be the groom's brother, even if they are close. In this particular case, it's possible that David felt that he ought not to be the best man, due to the difficulty that he'd have in making a speech, but, really, Charles was under no obligation to choose him.


Question: Disney and Pixar both said that "The Incredibles" would be their last film together. Why have they decided to team up again for this film and others?

Answer: The situation was that, at the time, the head of Disney was not offering Pixar the sort of deal that enticed them to keep going with their association with Disney. As such, Pixar announced their intention to depart once their contract with Disney was fulfilled. In the interim, Disney's chief executive was ousted and a new one appointed who saw, quite correctly, that their association with Pixar was a highly valuable one and began to take steps to woo them back. Eventually, Disney actually chose to buy Pixar, so all future Pixar films will be released under the Disney banner.


Answer: The book is somewhat different than the movie. There are several subtle references to the main character's questionable sexual preferences and possible prostitution.


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