Beautiful Thing

Question: I got a few plot questions that I'm wondering if people other than the director can answer. 1) Why doesn't Ste want to turn around so Jamie can put the peppermint lotion on his front-side? Maybe because he has an erection and doesn't want Jamie to see? I think the reason he states is not the real one. 2) Why does Sandra look around outside so carefully after Ste went in to give Jamie the hat as a present? 3) Why does Sandra break up with Tony? 4) Rose sniffs and walks away during the dancing scene at the end of the movie. Does this mean she approves or disapproves? 5) What does the on-looking woman whisper during the dancing scene at the end? Any good lip-readers around who know?

Answer: 1) I think it would cross the line into sexual, and at that point they are still friends, nothing more. 2) Because she realizes what's going on, and she doesn't wan't people to gossip. 3) I think it hits a point where her son is more important. Plus Tony becomes a bit obsessive. 4) Rose is holding her head high. It means she is not ashamed. I wouldn't say she approves or disapproves.

Question: What is the song that plays during the scene when the boy kiss in the woods?


Chosen answer: Make Your Own Kind Of Music, by Mama Cass.

Continuity mistake: Jamie steals a gay magazine at a newsagent. Before he pinches a copy, there are three copies on the shelves. When he pinches it the number of copies on the shelf indeed changes from three into two, but when he leaves the shop, lo and behold, there are three copies on the shelf again. (00:42:15)

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Sandra: It's for his bird.
Tony: Do you have to use words like that? It really disempowers you.

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