Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: When Marty comes back to a "new" 1985, his family has money, his siblings are now successful, they treat Marty like he never left (except to go to the lake). But before he supposedly went to the lake, didn't Marty act normal? Didn't Marty grow up with this new and improved family and have different experiences that didn't happen when they were poor? If so, why does he have no memory of this? If Marty grows up with money, has a successful father, a sister that's popular, what happens to "this" Marty? The one that grew up differently now that he was born into a richer family? (This can't be the same Marty that goes back in in time that we see at the end of the movie, because if that Marty will do everything we saw in the movie, he's the same Marty before anything changed. Like when he said his dad never stood to to Biff in his life).

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Yup, that's what happens in time travel movies. All sorts of paradoxes pop up. You could sit and ponder this for the rest of your life. Or you could just enjoy the goofiness of it all. If you get a chance, look up an old article called "Back to the Future with the Other Marty McFly." It theorizes that there are, in fact, two Marty McFlys whose lives intersect with the competing timelines. But if you're seriously trying to figure out the complexities of all this, take the advice given in Austin Powers II and just enjoy the movie.

K.C. Sierra

Point of View - S3-E6

Question: I have a question about the correction about the Asgard not beaming Teal'c because they knew about him helping SG-1. This happened in the alternate reality. Would the alternate Asgard know about Teal'c turning against Apophis?

Answer: The Alternate Samantha Carter has travelled to enlist the Asgard's help. It stands to reason that she would have explained the situation to them fully before they arrive.


Show generally

Question: In the episode where Leon gets married, Dan says at the end that Leon and Scott are "having it out" or something like that. Roseanne says that they're just "two people of the same gender going at it". Then a woman sits down behind her and Roseanne says "Hi there". Then the audience roars in laughter and applause. I don't get it. What's the joke?

Answer: The woman who sits down is Sharon, who was Nancy's girlfriend in "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (season 6) and is played by Mariel Hemingway. In that infamous episode, Sharon kissed Roseanne on the mouth. She returns in "December Bride" (season 8) and makes a brief, but very funny, appearance at Leon and Scott's wedding. You may also be interested in Milton Berle's "drag" cameo, as he catches the bouquet. On Berle's TV show, back in the 40's and 50's, his skits in drag became his trademark.

Super Grover

Question: Was this filmed at a real amusement park? If so has this film had an adverse effect on the park's attendance?


Chosen answer: IMDb gives the information that it was filmed in Playland Amusement Park, Pacific National Exhibition Grounds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ('The Corkscrew' rollercoater')".


Question: What is the name of the song that Wendy keeps hearing in the movie? The one with the "Walking Behind You" line? You can hear this song when Ian is following Wendy to the town's Tricentennial, and on the train.

Answer: "Turn Around, Look At Me" performed by The Vouges.


Answer: Turn Around, Look at me by Letterman.

Question: When the timer goes off in Jigsaws lair, the cops turn around and see a safe open and that Daniel is safely inside. Has Daniel been in that safe the whole time the police were there? If not, then how did Jigsaw and Amanda find time to put him there?

Answer: Daniel was in there the whole time...The events in the house took place MUCH earlier than when the police got there. Everything in the house was on a tape delay.


Answer: Jigsaw stated that Daniel was in a "safe place ".

Answer: According to both IMDb and, just to name a few, Col. Flagg's first name is Samuel.


Question: I saw Frank Oz's name listed in the credits, does anyone know who he does the voice of?

Answer: He voices Fungus, Randall's assistant.


Question: Were all of the enchanted objects once people or are they just that, enchanted objects?

Answer: They were people, the staff of the castle, and are turned back to their human forms at the end of the film.


Answer: They don't hate Meg, it's just a recurring joke in the show about how she's so uncool, even her family can make fun of her for it.

Question: Who (among the story characters, not the creators) actually came up with the name "Hulk"? In the movie, nobody refers to the 'creature' in this manner.

Answer: In the first comic, the first time Bruce Banner changed, it was inside a military research facility, and one of the soldiers uttered the phrase, as in "What is that... Hulk thing?"


Question: One of the corrected entries here says that the film was shot entirely at Elstree Studios in England. Why? I mean with all the possible locations in the US especially Hollywood and all the facilities they have there, why was the entire film shot in England?


Chosen answer: Many major US-financed films have been shot in England. Parts of the original Star Wars trilogy, the Indiana Jones opening sequence, the first three Alien films and a great many others were all shot in the UK. The rationale is often financial - it can simply be cheaper to make films outside the US, with Australia being another common choice. In Kubrick's case, part of the rationale may well have been financial, but he also had a fear of flying, so made all his films from 1962's Lolita onwards in the UK, where he lived. Exterior shots in the film were shot at Mount Hood in Oregon and Lake Louise in Alberta.


Show generally

Question: Through season 3, there are many special guests, being from the UK, I don't know who they really are. Can anyone tell me and what they did or were in?

Answer: Try searching through for this one.


Chosen answer: Gandalf told him - a scene seen in the Extended Edition of the Fellowship of the Ring.


Question: When Harry's boggart turns into a dementor, Lupin dives in front and says "ridiculous". He then later says he did this because he thought the boggart would turn into Lord Voldemort. But the boggart wasn't Lord Voldemort, but just a dementor. So that excuse doesn't hold up. Why wouldn't he let harry fend off the boggart like the rest of the class?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: He says that he instinctively thought the boggart would turn into Voldemort. He jumped in front of this as Harry had already had dealings with a dementor, and the boggart would be able to weald the same powers a dementor has. He knew once Harry had seen the dementor that he would not be able to deal with it due to his past experience.


Question: In the end scene when Simon Gruber has the automatic gun pointed at McClane, right before McClane shoots the gun off at the wire, why does he hesitate? He just has it pointed at McClane, but he doesn't start shooting until right before the helicopter crashes. Why does Gruber hesitate?

Answer: This looks more of a filmmakers decision rather than hesitation on the characters part. Its supposed to be that we see from McClane's point of view and that in a split second he sees Gruber and then the wire. While the shot is perhaps a little slow, it helps show the viewer what McClane is thinking, rather than it being Gruber just holding the gun.


Question: When Marty came back to 1985 in the first movie, some things had changed. The name of the mall for example went from Twin Pines Mall to Lone Pine Mall. How come then when Biff comes back to 2015 after stealing the DeLorean, everything seems the same? Wouldn't they notice everything was different when they were flying over Hill Valley to go back, like Biff's casino perhaps?

Answer: When Marty returns to 1985, he leaves 1955 after those changes have been made, so he's now in a timeline where the effects of those changes exist. When old Biff went back, he simply gave his younger self the almanac, then returned to 2015 before the younger Biff did anything with it, i.e. before any changes had been made. Old Biff therefore returned to his original unchanged timeline - the timeline split caused by young Biff using the almanac came after his departure, so he didn't enter the altered timestream.


Show generally

Question: I seem to remember in Season 1 when the show starts, Jack would say as he always does "The following takes place between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m." and then says "Events occur in real time." When season 2 started however, I haven't heard that last line since. Is there a reason known why this line is no longer said at the beginning of each episode?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: This is because by the second series people were now well aware that the whole uniqueness was that the show was shown in real time, and therefore the line was no longer required.


Question: In the scenes that take place in Japan, they sometimes speak English and sometimes Japanese, sometimes even a line in English following a reply in Japanese or vice versa. It was made clear that The Bride can speak and understand Japanese, so why do they keep switching languages like that?


Chosen answer: There is nothing to say exactly why its mixed up, but films using foreign languages can approach it in three different ways. Have it all in English and apply accents to the characters, which avoids subtitles. Make it more authentic by having it in the native language but subject people to subtitles (which is never a commerically popular decision) or mix the characters' speech with having the characters speak some English and some of the native language. This keeps some authenticity and avoids having the entire film in a foreign language. Films like The Godfather are examples of using both English and a foreign language.


Question: This one applies to many gangster/action movies but, what is the idea of pulling the firing pin back manually when getting ready to fire your gun?


Chosen answer: It depends what you mean. On a revolver, pulling the trigger will pullback the hammer and release it. But if you pull the hammer back manually, then only a small touch is needed on the trigger to fire that first shot. On an automatic, the first round must be chambered from the magazine (by manually pulling the slide back), each subsequent shot will do this automatically. On some weapons such as a Colt .45, the hammer MUST be pulled back (either manually, or from the previous shot). Generally speaking, they do it in films as a threat. For some reason film makers think this is more threatening then just having a loaded gun pointed in your face.

Soylent Purple

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