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Answer: When she falls through the devil's snare, there is a considerable drop so she could have landed awkwardly. She also has hold of a vine when she falls through so may have caught her hand that way.


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Question: I get why counselor Troi would wear what may be considered civilian outfit or non-standard uniform, but why does she never wear her rank insignia for the first 5 or 6 seasons? In s5e5, "Disaster", it's revealed she has the rank of Lieutenant Commander and is in charge as the highest ranking officer on the bridge after the accident. Did I miss something, or was this just something the writers decided to add late into the series? In previous episodes, I never got the impression she was a bridge officer, or even had any Starfleet training, only on the bridge on the behest of Picard who wanted an Empath to help when encountering someone, or something, new. I never saw her take command in any situation (for example, Data whose rank was also Lieutenant Commander, was often seen taking command of the bridge for night duty or other reasons). Was there any previous episodes that mention her rank or training or shows her insignia, etc?


Answer: Troi always carried the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and does wear her rank insignia in the 1st episode of the series, "Encounter at Farpoint" while wearing the "skirt" uniform. She never takes command prior to the episode "Disaster" because at that point, she had not yet taken the Bridge Officer's Test. She passes this test in the Season 7 episode "Thine Own Self", at which point she becomes a line officer and is assigned bridge command during her duty shifts (though we never actually see this).


Question: Why does B-Rabbit break up with Jeneane in 8 Mile? What does he mean by, "I know why you said you were pregnant"? Why did Jeneane say she was pregnant?

Answer: Their relationship is implied to be toxic. It is implied that Jeneane said she was pregnant to get Jimmy to stay with her out of obligation.


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Question: Hank bears no resemblance to his father, but strongly resembles his mother. Bobby bears no resemblance to Hank (or seemingly Peggy), but bears a strong resemblance to Hank's father. Is it actually possible for a person to bear such a strong resemblance to one of their Grandparents if they are only getting half their genes from that Grandparent's child and that child bears no resemblance to that particular parent?


Answer: It's also said genetics plays a part here. You can look like an ancestor more than a parent. I myself look nothing like either of mine nor do any of my 3 siblings: older brother, older sister, younger sister.


Chosen answer: The short answer is "yes", it is possible to resemble your Grandparent even if your parent doesn't resemble your Grandparent. The old adage is "it's not like mixing paint", meaning combining genes doesn't always get the same result. It's why full siblings don't always look exactly alike even though they have the same genetic makeup. I look next to nothing like my paternal grandmother but I have a child that greatly resembles her.


Is it a mistake then that Hank's Japanese half-brother strongly resembles him, and by extension Hank's mother, or is that still a small possibility?


Sort of. These are animated characters, and the style of animation isn't particularly detailed. The resemblance between the two is played up for laughs. But there are plenty of real life examples of people that aren't related at all but greatly resemble one another. Famous examples are Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Javier Bardem, or Will Ferrell and Chad Smith.


Answer: Yes, though that was more common in the past. Several brands contain alcohol, though they're obviously not intended as a beverage. In the book 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, ' there's a scene where the inmates get drunk on a jug of industrial cough medicine.

Brian Katcher

Question: Why is Mickey stubborn about seeing a doctor for his heart? Does he think this would distract Rocky?


Answer: A lot of older people are stubborn about their health, especially if they fear the news will be bad or if there's nothing to be done. At his age, Mickey doesn't want to hear that his heart is bad, that he doesn't have long to live, and that he has to make major lifestyle changes. As an ex-boxer, he's not going to want to sit in a rocking chair eating healthy food.

Brian Katcher

Question: If they were constantly being bullied then why didn't Ralph and his friends tell their parents about their bully? That and why take the same route home if they knew that's where he'd be waiting for them?


Answer: Until recently, bullying wasn't taken very seriously. Also, school kids don't take very kindly to the idea of 'snitching.' Scut might have gotten in trouble if they'd told their parents, but in the long run, that might have made things worse for them. As for taking a different route home, it's possible he altered where he ambushed them or that he wasn't there every single day.

Brian Katcher

Thanks it's just that when Mad Magazine did their spoof of this I wondered this as did they.


Question: Why is Han so skeptical of the Force? I get that he himself has never witnessed anyone use it, but he would have been alive during the Jedi purge, and surely he knows that Chewbacca fought alongside the Jedi on Kashyyyk. Additionally, is there any reason Obi-Wan wouldn't have demonstrated Force powers to Han on the way to Alderaan other than he didn't feel the need to prove it?


Answer: Han describes force powers as "simple tricks and nonsense." He has never seen any Jedi doing anything particularly super-powered. Even if Chewy did and told Han it is still reasonable for him to be skeptical and to think his friend is exaggerating. Han simply thinks the stories about Jedi are overblown. A good way to think about it would be to examine how ninja are presented in popular culture versus how they were in reality. The stories surrounding ninja are greatly exaggerated to the point of absurdity, applying immense fighting ability and oftentimes magical powers to normal men. The difference is jedi actually had magical abilities while ninja did not.


Answer: To answer the second part of your question, Obi-Wan has Luke demonstrate the Force in front of Han by putting a blinder on and fighting the remote. Believing he has made his point, Obi-Wan comments "You see!", to which Han replies that Luke's success was against a remote, and that fighting a living person was completely different. So even after being shown something that is completely impossible without the use of the force, Han still chooses not to believe.


Well Han also dismissed Luke's success with the remote as luck. If Obi-Wan used the Force to steal Han's blaster right from its holster, would Han just dismiss it as magic? Is there such thing as magical powers in the Star Wars universe independent from the Force?


Oh, I absolutely agree with your point. But I always took this scene to mean that Obi-Wan isn't trying to win an argument with Han or prove anything to him. He's trying to teach Luke about the force. He doesn't really care what Han believes and is dismissive of his comments. Luke believes he felt the force using the remote and that's what is important.


Jedi are implied to be humble. It would be out of character for a Jedi such as Obi-Wan to attempt convincing Han in such a drastic way.


There actually is, or so I believe. The nightsisters, also called the witches of Dathomir, that appear in The Clone Wars-series. They used dark magic.


Question: Who are the 2 people in the elevator who are making out when the guys get in to leave?

Answer: No one in particular, but the man was played by the film's director, Todd Phillips. And it would appear that they were not simply making out, but that he was performing cunnilingus on her.


Question: What was Finn going to tell Rey when they were sinking in the quicksand?

Answer: JJ Abrams said at a Q&A that he was going to tell Rey he was force sensitive. Rumours abound that various plotlines and character developments were tweaked or cut or dropped, seems like this was one of them.

Jon Sandys

Question: In one of the earlier lightsaber fights, I am sure that I saw either Chewy or some other wookie type creature crossing the set in the background. No one else with me saw it, but I am sure that I did...anyone else?

Answer: Which lightsaber fight? Can you please be more specific?

Answer: I saw that also. It looked more like someone that was caught on camera trying to stay low and get off the set.

Question: When Philip was in the hospital there is a man in a black suit in the background who appears to be coming to see him but then did not approach them. Who was that supposed to be?

Answer: Watching the scene, the man has got a clipboard and is observing them. So it would be a safe bet that he is a doctor of some kind who is looking to see if Phillip is awake. Of course I could be wrong but from the 5 seconds or so he is on screen that's the best possibility.


Answer: It appears to be an accordion folder rather than a clipboard. My guess would be that it's someone Philip used to take care of his financial situation.


Answer: He uses a hacksaw blade that he most likely picked up from somewhere off screen.


Question: After they break down, and are being towed, who is driving the back RV?

Answer: Don.

No, he was driving Fitzgerald's RV.

Question: What is the name of the necklace that Lupita gave Creasy? Some kind of angel like guadeloupe or something?

Answer: Saint Jude - Guardian of Lost Causes.

Answer: It's the Judas Apostle. The guardian of the hopeless.

Question: During the big battle between Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker (as a force projection), Luke appears with his blue lightsaber. While I assume that a force projection probably appear any way he wants, and he did choose to look younger, Luke had lost his blue lightsaber decades ago during his battle with Vader on Bespin Cloud City. He had already built a new green one by the time Return of the Jedi started, so why would he appear with the blue one? It should have immediately given away to Kylo that he was a force projection and not the real Luke.

Answer: He knew that his blue lightsaber still existed because Rey brought it to him. He chose to show the blue lightsaber because it belonged to Anakin and Kylo Ren was obsessed with it. He knew that Kylo Ren would be angry at Luke wielding a lightsaber that looked like Anakin's and that rage would help keep him distracted. Here is a quote from Rian Johnson regarding this: "He knows that Kylo's Achilles heel is his rage, and so that's why he kind of makes himself look younger, the way Kylo would've last seen him in their confrontation at the temple, and that's why he decided to bring Kylo's grandfather's lightsaber down there - the lightsaber that Kylo screamed at Rey, 'that's mine, that belongs to me.'"

Question: Why doesn't the FBI call at Alex's house when learning that he got the chip?

Answer: Imagine getting a phone call from the F.B.I. saying your son is in possession of a computer chip wanted by a group of international thieves and a terrorist cell. You either think it was from a crank call or a nutcase. Either way you'd be leaving in fear. Plus the F.B.I. didn't know the circumstances of how the kid got the chip. They may believe the kid stumbled upon it or the family was involved.

Answer: Bourne was supposed to assassinate a man aboard a yacht. Because the man was with his family, Bourne found he was unable to carry out his mission. An unknown shooter then shot him twice in the back, causing him to fall into the sea. The trauma triggered amnesia to where he completely lost his identity. As part of Bourne's CIA assassination training, he had been tortured and undergone extreme mental conditioning to breakdown and remake his personality. This may have had been why his dissociative amnesia was so extreme and long-term.


Answer: Miranda didn't assign anyone to work with Holt. She used her considerable power and leverage to essentially blackmail Irv Ravitz, who had planned to replace Miranda with Jacqueline Follet. When Miranda found out what Irv was intending to do, she showed him the list of all the designers, photographers, writers, etc. who had promised they would follow her should she ever leave Runway for another magazine. It would have been a huge blow to Runway if Miranda took those people with her. To compensate Follet, Miranda used her influence to get Jacqueline the position with James Holt's new company that was supposed to go to Nigel, though it's not explained exactly how she did that.


Answer: There have been several conflicting reasons given as to why this movie is called "Movie 43." Some people claim it's a reference to "rule 43 of the internet." (Although there are also several different conflicting versions of the 43rd rule of the internet, so this explanation is pretty shaky.) Some claim it's an inside joke between the main producer and his kids about a fictional "banned film" they heard about called "Movie 43" that didn't really exist. And some people claim it's just a random title they attached to the film with no actual meaning.


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