Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I'd like to know what happens to Pyro in the final battle. He is knocked pretty good on the head by Iceman, so does he get obliterated by Phoenix? Also, once Professor X has transferred himself into the body of the other man, why does his voice still sound the same?

Answer: Pyro's fate is unclear in the film, although the novel (which differs in places from the film and therefore may not be canonical) states that Iceman dragged him clear of the battle site after defeating him. As for the voice sounding the same, it's suggested that, should there be a fourth film, the comatose patient will turn out to be Xavier's twin brother (a departure from the comics, where Xavier has a twin sister), thus allowing Patrick Stewart to return to the series if he wishes to.


Chosen answer: Quinn didn't die until three years after being written out of the show. According to Joss Whedon, the character, while popular, simply failed to mesh well with the pre-existing characters brought across from the Buffy series, and the reluctant decision was taken to write the character out of the series; it was also mentioned by producer David Fury that Whedon liked the idea of messing with the audience a bit by introducing a main cast member, then defying expectations by killing them off swiftly, although he also mentioned this was not the original intent with Doyle.


Question: I love the music throughout the movie, and my favorite is the one techno song with some sort of foreign-language lyric playing as the brothers are walking across town to the Copley Plaza Hotel. I have searched high and low for this song, and cannot seem to find it anywhere. Can anyone tell me the name of it?

Answer: The song is titled "Indigino" it's a foreign techno song by "The Chidros".

Question: When Shanti draws the diagram from the past to future (along with the river explanation); does it have any relevance with the fact that there cannot be two Doug's? My mum has a theory that the two things relate but I am not too sure. Can anybody clear it up for me?

Answer: If there are multiple parallel timelines/universes, there should be one Doug for every timeline (ignoring the notion that in some parallel timelines he might have been hit by a bus and died early). Doug jumping from his own branch of the timeline to a "root" of that branch seems to make a new branch from the changes, but the fact that there are two Dougs existing in the same timeline (with the "present" Doug unaware) doesn't seem to cause any large problems. Note, though, that future Doug is trapped in the car and explodes (removing any evidence of his existence) before there could ever be a chance for him to run into his past-self. You could see this as time healing itself and preventing two versions of the same person ever occupying the same space.

Question: The last note, the folded one, that Chieko gives the detective to read later appears to be a lengthy one; is there any indication of its contents?

Answer: Wikipedia has this: (n.b., "(EDGE)" indicates the end of that particular line on the notebook page): . . . I wanted (EDGE) . . . myself (EDGE) . . . that's why (EDGE) . . . connected (EDGE) . . . that is (EDGE) . . . although I cannot (EDGE) . . . I have to find out (EDGE) . . . message from my mother (EDGE) . . . I was not sure if I was loved by my mother (EDGE) . . . but that's not the case . . . (EDGE) thank you.

Answer: It's a suicide note.

What is the basis of that conclusion?

Answer: Perhaps this is the clue we need. When reporting her mother's death in this way, she's actually reflecting her own plan. But wait do we know for a certainty that her deafness and muteness are congenital...or were they caused by the loss of her mother? Alternately, this condition might, essentially metaphorically, represent her great lack of contact with her father and others.

Question: It's mentioned in a correction that Izzy is killed in the crash. Why is this said when he can be seen crawling away from the crash just before Double D has the showdown with the Creeper.

Answer: The car explodes a while after it crashed, too fast for Izzy to get away.

Answer: He was crawling away before the car exploded.

Answer: You can see him crawl away before it explodes.

Answer: He probably didn't get far enough.

Question: It's never shown or explained in the movie, so does someone know why Bobby (Mary's husband) was kidnapped and why Nicholas was behind it?

Answer: If I recall correctly, Mary and Bobby's family is very wealthy. Knowing this, Nicholas, a family acquaintance, betrays them and has Bobby kidnapped for a ransom, meanwhile Nicholas is in close contact with Mary urging her to meet the kidnapper's demands for the safety of her husband.

Question: When unknown helicopter is heading for INTREPID, in the very first few frames of the pan of New York City's skyline, there are two tall building to the left edge of the picture. Not being from NYC and knowing nothing about its real estate, it looks a little like the Twin Towers but that's impossible not only because they don't exist any more but also, those two buildings are in the wrong place. I am curious as to what those two buildings are.

Sheri Hartman

Chosen answer: These are the Time Warner Center buildings, most likely. Check out this web page for a similar misunderstanding on a larger scale:

Question: Is there anyone who knows the English translation for the latin that Merrin speaks to Sara right after she dies in the end?

Answer: I do. It's just the Latin form of the Ritual Absolution in the Initial Rites from the Mass, applied to the second singular person (it is said with "us", instead of "you"), though it should not be used there with Sarah. In those situations, the proper absolution is the one that belongs to the Sacrament of Reconciliation or, instead, a simple blessing. The translation is: May Almighty God have mercy on you, forgive your sins and lead you to eternal life.

Answer: "Hush, Hush, Hush" Paula Cole.

Question: When Willy Jack picks up the girl on the side of the road (after leaving Novalee at Wal-Mart), why doesn't he want her to put the last of her bags in the backseat?

Answer: I assume he wanted the backseat empty to do dirty business with her.

Answer: I think he motions for her to put them in the backseat simply because nothing else will fit in the trunk. I'm sure that it's safe to assume that he and Novalee had placed all their belongings in there already, so there wasn't much room left.

Answer: There were stolen items in the trunk. The officer rattled off a list of items "same exact items stolen" from a store. He probably didn't want her to find it.

Actually those "stolen items" were stolen by the girl he picked up, she wanted to go "anywhere but here" because she had robbed the store (hence why she had all that loose cash).

Answer: Honestly, I thought it was because he assumed it was dirty laundry since it was in a trash bag. No one wants smelly clothes in the backseat smelling up the car.

Question: There's a scene in this movie that I've never understood. When Ron Kovic is in the VA hospital, there's one scene where he wakes up in the middle of the night, and looks up and sees something, and screams. What did he see that made him scream?

Answer: He doesn't see anything. He hears his blood dripping back into the makeshift machine the doctors have set up and realizes it isn't working properly. In the previous scene he was told that if they couldn't get the machine to work, he would never walk again.

No, in the previous scene he was told that if they couldn't get the machine to work, he would lose his leg. He was already told he would never walk again.

Question: What's the song playing at the dance when Kenyon and his girlfriend are arguing?

Answer: Alicia Keys "You Don't Know My Name."

Question: (SPOILER) Any clue to explain that cryptic end phrase 'not for our planet'?

Answer: In the Alien universe the big corporation is Weyland-Yutani. The last scene shows that the company became successful because of technology they came across. Knowing that it came from an alien civilization and in Alien movies on how the "company," Weyland-Yutani attempt to gather more alien technology.

Question: In the scene where Johnny sings the song "My Friends", it seems he is singing "and we're togever" rather than "and we're together". Is this a colloquial pronunciation from the time period of the movie?

Answer: It's a common colloquialism in England, particularly with London and East Midland accents - people often pronounce 'th' as 'v'. It's poor english but very common, and certainly would have been common in the lower classes in London at that time.

Question: When Mitch and Robbie are talking about Slim in Robbie's office, Robbie mentions all the women that they've "pulled this on". What is the scam that they usually pull?

Answer: The scam is that one pretends to be interested in the girl while the other one calls him on a "bet" that he and another person made on how fast he could get the phone number, looking like the knight in shining armor saving the girl from being made a fool out of. In actuality he is part of the scam, in that she would fall for the second man.


Question: The border guard who questions Llewelyn when he returns from Mexico seems a lot like M. Emmet Walsh. Since he was the lead character in the Coen brothers debut, "Blood Simple", it is likely that he's making a cameo for them. Is it him?

Answer: No. Brandon Smith is credited with playing the part.


Question: What exactly did Biff do to George McFly's car? It is strongly suggested, but I couldn't understand what caused the accident.

Answer: He mentions spilling beer on his shirt so it's inferred that he was somewhat less than entirely sober, and he also refers to the car having a blind spot. Based on this, my assumption has always been that he was tipping his head back to take a drink from a can of beer, which means his eyes left the road, and he struck another vehicle; most likely at an intersection where the other driver had the right of way.


Question: Did Frenzy really die? He survived when Mikaela sliced his head off, why should this be different?


Chosen answer: Because his head was still intact when Mikaela removed it from his body. The blow that killed him was straight to the "brain."


Question: How come the Autobots can't project holographic drivers? Do the Decepticons know something they don't?


Chosen answer: There is no reason to think they can't. They simply choose not to. They may feel it's too deceitful.

Actually in this movie (when joining up with bumblebee and the others after they pick up the All Spark) and Revenge of the Fallen, Ironhide uses holographic humans in his cargo bed. Also, Arcee and the twins use holographic drivers at the beginning scene in Revenge of the Fallen.

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