Question: How can Tony get from Malibu to Queens in 40 minutes? How fast can the suit fly?
Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more
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Question: After Michael shot the Turk and police captain he ran out the front door and the Turk's car was still there. Where was Lou, the driver? Wouldn't he have been standing guard there while the Turk was inside?
Chosen answer: Not necessarily. Both sides distrusted the other, and many arrangements were made on exactly how the meeting would be conducted. The Corleones would have insisted that none of Sollozzo's men other than McClusky be present inside the restaurant, though there may have been some planted, acting as customers. Captain McClusky was Sollozzo's personal bodyguard, and both he and Sollozzo believed Michael had no access to a weapon. As a waiting car immediately picked Michael up after the shootings, it would be reasonable to assume that any nearby Corleone men were watching Lou and would act if he made any attempt to interfere after the shootings. If any of Sollozzo's people were planted inside the restaurant, it was not worth them risking their lives after he was dead, and they likely assumed Corleone men were nearby who would kill them.
Question: When they are singing under a tree full of doves, it looks like they were tied to the tree branches. Is this true?
Answer: Yes it is true. They did this to prevent the birds from flying into the backdrops and becoming injured or killed.
Question: When Ryan is descending back into the atmosphere in the Shenzhou, two pieces pop off the landing module after the big tracking shot. One appears to be part of the heat shield, and the other looks like an O-ring from the window. 1) If it really was a part of the heat shield, wouldn't she along with the Shenzhou have burnt up in the atmosphere and 2) If that was a part of the window, shouldn't it pop out due to the pressure differential? Or, if I'm wrong about those two parts, what are they?
Chosen answer: The heat shield separates before landing. If it didn't the solid fuel engines behind the shield that are designed to give a soft landing wouldn't work. It doesn't separate until the capsule has slowed sufficiently to mean it is no longer needed. I don't know what the other piece that separates is but it is nothing to do with the windows. It comes from under the capsule so was behind the heat shield.
Question: In "The World Is Not Enough" Bond, using his intuition, correctly assessed that Elektra King had sided with the villain. So why did he never suspect for a second that Miranda Frost had done the same in this film?
Answer: Bond's suspicions about Elektra King were triggered by his discovery that her head of security, Davidov, was working with Renard. With Miranda Frost, there was nothing that would have led Bond to believe she was a double agent working for Graves/Moon in any capacity other than her undercover MI6 assignment.
Question: How is it possible, given that Erik killed him in Phantom, that Piangi is a prominent character in Love Never Dies?
Chosen answer: I can't understand how you think Piangi is in Love Never Dies, let alone is a prominent character. Piangi is not a character in the original play or the 2012 version.
Question: How can the Hollow come from a box in The Seers' lair in one episode, but later come from the space in the basement where The Woogy is holed up?
Question: During point of no return, the phantom has no disguise on. If everyone was after him, why didn't anyone stop the performance and capture the phantom?
Answer: During "Point of No Return, " the Phantom shares a stage with the very vulnerable Christine. He is still masked, though it is a mask other than his trademark white face covering. The Phantom is well known as a murderer and an escape artist. This is the the equivalent of a hostage situation. To rush the stage might risk lives, and everyone in the know is proceeding with caution. During the song, we do get glimpses of police moving about, and Raoul and others looking concerned, subtly signaling one another and considering their next move. The stage crew seems confused. The dancers go on with the show. And law enforcement officers await the right moment to advance. It also gives us the opportunity to enjoy a dramatic musical number that rushing the stage would interrupt.
Question: Why did the Aboriginal manservant hit Matthew Quigley on the head when he threw Marston out of his own house, after telling Quigley he wanted him to kill aborigines?
Answer: He felt that if Quigley fought Marston he might have been killed. He hit him to save his life.
Answer: In fact, it was more likely that in the beginning of the film he was in more of an "Uncle Tom" (for lack of a better term) and hits him because he feels he should help his "master." He later feels bad and by the end he has come to his senses which is why he doesn't make the same mistake twice.
More like he was emboldened because his master is dead. If not Quigley would have got a second thrashing from the aborigines.
The Angels Take Manhattan - S7-E6
Question: At the end of the episode River and The Doctor talk: River: "So. Rory and Amy, then." Doctor: "Yes. I know, I know." River: "I'm just saying. They're going to get terribly bored hanging round here all day." What are they talking about?
Chosen answer: I think they meant getting bored of hanging around in the TARDIS and traveling through time and space every day.
Question: There are a few unresolved conflicts despite Natty reuniting with her dad. Like what happens to Natty's abusive sitter, Connie, and the brown puppy Natty was looking after? Also, do the people working at the reform school Natty was sent to ever catch up to her? And what's the fate of both Harry and The Wolf?
Answer: There are no definitive answers. Connie likely continued running her boarding house.The puppy's fate is unknown and it probably was picked up by the city pound. In the Depression era, there was far less oversight of state-run juvenile facilities, and there were fewer resources available for tracking runaways, who could more easily evade the system. If they ever did find Natty, there would be nothing they could do because she was never an abandoned child and was with her father. Harry's fate was unknown but presumably he continued with his life as before.
Question: Just wondering about something. Thanos sent Loki to Earth to recover the Tesseract, which contained an infinity gem. To do this he gave Loki a sceptre, which also contained an infinity gem. When Loki failed in his mission the sceptre was lost, so Thanos not only didn't get the Tesseract Gem, but also lost the Mind Gem, which he already had? Or did he not know the sceptre contained an infinity gem when he gave it to Loki?
Chosen answer: He knew. Most likely he planned to kill Loki after he conquered Earth. This is just speculation. We won't know fully until "Infinity War".
Question: At the beginning of the film C-3PO says that Lando and Chewie never returned from Tatooine and Jabba's Palace. If that's true then how did Luke and Leia manage to concoct a plan to get inside using Chewie as a bounty if he wasn't there to be told the plan?
Chosen answer: C-3PO was unaware that Lando, who was disguised as a guard and spying on Jabba's domain, was smuggling out information to Luke. C-3PO, being an android, was often told information on a need-to-know basis only. He was often not trusted with more sensitive information, lest he inadvertently reveal something. He also didn't know that he and R2 were being sent to Jabba as a "gift" from Luke and that it was all part of the plan to rescue Han Solo.
Question: When the phantom disappears at the end why does he leave his mask behind? I mean does he get a new one or does he now live without it?
Answer: The abandoned mask is a symbol of the Phantom's continuing presence, despite his apparent physical absence. He has already been publicly unmasked, both physically and, to an extent, psychologically. He has conceded that he has lost Christine to Raoul whom he has freed. He has abandoned his lair. All that was his facade, he has either given up or has been taken from him. The mask is the final symbolic gesture of that facade being relinquished, leaving behind further mystery regarding his whereabouts. Does he now live without it? I guess that's left unclear. However, I don't think it's beyond reason to assume he has, or has created more than one copy of the mask - if for no other reason than anything in pure white must be difficult to keep clean, what with the dust all over the opera house, the dirt of the streets, the humidity of his cavern, and the occasional splatter of blood to contend with.
Question: When Over's wife gets the call about her husband's plane having problems, there is a horse in bed with her and she tells the horse to let himself out. This is the only joke in the movie I didn't understand. Is there anybody out there who got the joke and can help me understand it?
Answer: This is a reference to The Godfather, where a character being intimidated by the Mafia wakes up with his prize racehorse's severed head next to him on the bed. For comedy purposes this is twisted by the movie as an implied sexual relationship, when the horse is revealed to be alive.
Answer: This is an inside joke that Mrs. Over is cheating on her husband with a horse.
Question: Is Briseis in the movie supposed to be a 'combination character' of Cryseis (a priestess), Cassandra (a princess) and Briseis (a slave girl) in the Iliad?
Answer: Briseis is indeed a combination character of Cryseis, Cassandra and Briseis with at least 3 very important features borrowed from each of them. There are also several ideas coming from Polyxena's story.
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Answer: While no upper limit on the suit's flight speed has been given, the first movie establishes that the Mark III suit was capable of supersonic velocities. With the new suit demonstrating a much higher power output that the original, as stated during the climactic battle sequence, it's reasonable to assume that Tony is capable of reaching the sort of speeds necessary to make the journey in the time available. The distance from Malibu, California to Queens, New York City is 2477 miles. This distance would require a speed of 3715 mph to cover in 40 minutes. That speed equates to Mach 5.007. The current record speed for a rocket powered manned vehicle was set by the North American X-15 at a speed of 4,519 in 1967. It would be safe to assume that a weapons manufacturer could design a flight system capable of those speeds.
According to Marvel prior to the release of "Iron Man 2", the Mark IV armor was capable of speeds over 1,500 mph. It's unreasonable to assume that by "over" they meant "double" and instead take it to mean Mach 2.