
Visible crew/equipment: During the final battle, a vampire shoots into a totally dark room and kills a werewolf. He then lifts his gun and people are seen reflected in the sights. (01:37:05)


Factual error: Every time the silver nitrate is shown on clothing, it is shown as silver. Silver nitrate in fact is black once exposed to light.

Character mistake: On two occasions throughout the film, Kraven's accent changes - once when he is talking to Lucian near the beginning of the movie and near the end of the movie when he is telling Selene that Viktor killed her family.


Underworld mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Selene breaks the glass and takes out the old book the amount of broken glass on the book differ between shots. (00:39:55)


Audio problem: Near the beginning of the movie, while Selene is looking at the CCTV video from outside the subway station, Kraven enters the room and talks to her. Throughout their conversation, the sound quality of his voice changes as he walks away from where the mic is located (by Selene). (00:17:35)

Revealing mistake: When Selene notices the sword laying on the rocks, the sword moves up about two inches between shots, you can judge it by looking closely at the handle of the sword. (01:49:25)


Continuity mistake: At the end when the 3 vampires are shooting at Michael, Selene drops behind them. The blood on the left side of her head disappears and reappears a couple of times. When she's taken them out it's back again. And it gets bigger and smaller all during the time it's there. (01:48:00)

Donald Jenkins

Revealing mistake: When Selene is firing her guns in the floor making a circle of holes so that the floor collapse, you can see in some shots the angle of her guns are pointing all kinds of directions. Instead of making a perfect circle the holes would be spread around the floor and the bottom of the walls in the hallway. (00:25:25)


Plot hole: Even assuming that creating a manhole underneath your own feet Looney Tunes-style shooting a gazillion bullets around you through the floor is a better battle strategy than using said bullets to shoot at the three remaining wolves charging at you in the small corridor, said creatures don't suddenly stop existing just because you fell down one floor, making their complete disappearance - they do not give chase through the hole or stairs nor even make as much of an angry sound throughout the rest of the scene.


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Suggested correction: I think this is more a stupidity than a plot hole. She could have escaped or defeated the wolves in any kind of ways, it's not a plot hole that she escaped by using a tactic that is illogical but not impossible.


I would absolutely agree about the silly tactic itself, but there were pursuing werewolves in that corridor, and for the remainder of the scene she just faces Lucian. There's no explanation why they don't come through the same hole, or take the stairs, or claw a hole through like they seemed to easily do in Michael's apartment.Not even a snarl: she drops one floor and they are...gone? So that part feels like a plot hole to me.


Continuity mistake: In the beginning when Rigel is about to jump off the balcony, some of his coat is hanging over the rail. When it cuts his coat is gone from the rail. (00:02:10)


Revealing mistake: After Selene bites Michael, Viktor picks him up and throws him through a wall. On the other side, he lands in a pool of water as do lumps of the wall, which float briefly before the shot ends. (01:43:55)


Underworld mistake picture

Revealing mistake: In the fight scene between Michael and Viktor, Viktor throws Michael in to a column and Michael lands face down. You can see his wire harness bulging under his pants. (01:47:15)

Donald Jenkins

Continuity mistake: Selene is in Michael's apartment looking through photos, you can see the door to the apartment fully open in the background. When the phone rings, and we see Michael walking towards his apartment, the door is only partially open. (00:23:35)

Continuity mistake: When Selene runs up the stairs to release Michael from the chains, the door she left wide open is almost closed when the pursuers reach it. (01:08:55)

Continuity mistake: When Selene discovers the blood on the wall in the subway chase the blood changes appearance between the shots. (00:07:55)


Continuity mistake: When Selene writes "VIKTOR" on the mirror you can see the writing has changed in the next shot before she wipes it off. (00:43:35)


Continuity mistake: Right before the morphing shot of Michael's apartment building number, 510, we see Kraven enter and then leave the room through some double doors. As he enters, one of the doors is fully open and the other is half open. When he leaves they are both fully open.


Continuity mistake: During the fight scene between the two Lycans, it shows a shot of Taylor (short Lycan) receiving a cut across the left side of his chest, but when it shows him in his human form it is on his right. (00:10:50)

Visible crew/equipment: When Michael asks Selene who started the war she answers "They did. Or at least that's what we are led to believe". If you look really close on the side of the window you can see the shadow of the boom mike move. (00:57:15)


Selene: Whether you like it or not, you're in the middle of a war that has been raging for the better part of a thousand years. A blood feud between vampires and lycans. Werewolves.
Michael Corvin: Huh?
Selene: Consider yourself lucky. Most humans die within an hour after being bitten by a lycan or any immortal. The viruses we transmit are deadly.
Michael Corvin: So... if you bit me, what happens? I become a vampire instead?
Selene: No, you die.

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More trivia for Underworld

Question: In the first Underworld movie Lucian injects himself with Michael's blood, which is said to be the last descendant of Alexander Corvinus. In Underworld Evolution Selene drinks Alexander Corvinus' blood, which makes her immune to Ultraviolet ammunition and the sunlight. My question is if Michael has the same genes as Alexander Corvinus why is it that Lucian dies from the Silver Nitrate bullets that Craven shoots him with if he has already injected himself with Michael's blood?

Answer: Lucian does not die instantly after being shot by the silver nitrate bullet. This also is after he injects himself with Michael's blood. With that said there was a scene where Raze comes back with Amelia's blood (she is an elder). He checks on Lucian while dropping the bag of blood right mext to Lucian. I am absolutely certain he noticed this bag, injected himself with elder blood before he crawled out to stab craven in the leg. Lucian will be back and this was part of the story. When he comes back, they will show the audience in a flashback of Lucian injecting himself.

Answer: I think the mix of Michaels and Amelia's blood should have made it more difficult for Lucian to die.

Answer: Michael's Cornivus genes are latent, needing stimulation, which is what was to occur in Lucian after also injecting himself with the blood of an Elder vampire. He died without doing this.

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