Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: At the beginning when Sam is having his premonition and he saves Molly, why does she die in the plane crash at the end? And why did Sam die similar to the guy in the first "Final destination" movie? It couldn't have been him cause Sam and Molly witness him being removed from the plane before they took off.

Answer: To answer your second question, Sam's death is not like any other death's from the first final destination movie. If you are talking about Alex, he was hit by a falling brick off-screen. To answer your first question, near the end, Peter though that Candice had deserved to live more then Molly, and attempts to kill her. Sam kills Peter before he has a chance to stab molly. The gun dropped by peter lands on the stove, and shoots off in the air. This is a sign that Sam saved Molly from dying, thus, putting her on Death's list, and making it all right to kill her on Flight 180.

This is in response to the answer. Your answer is dismissive to the nuance of premonition as depicted by the movie. This is extremely crucial: Premonition, as visioned by every protagonist, is the event that would have happened if the protagonist didn't intervene. Every events in premonition is supposed to be absolutely true. As such, in the premonition, Sam saves Molly. This means if the events weren't intervened by Sam, he would still have saved Molly, while the rest (Sam, Candice, Peter) would have died anyway. So Molly should be safe all along. It wouldn't even be wrong to say that 'death' hadn't even planned to kill Molly at the bridge. So your point about Molly being next in the list because Sam killed peter and death skipping Sam now to go on Molly isn't even valid. So if Molly was clean in death's perspectives all along, why did she die at the end? (because she didn't cheat the design, she wasn't even supposed to be in the list of death's order; as I mentioned earlier, it was never the intention of death to kill Molly as evidenced by the saving of Molly in Sam's premonition).

How did we see Sam and Molly on flight 180 if it's final destination 5.

But Molly didn't die in his vision so she wasn't on the list to begin with so how can he skip someone's death that's not on the list and he kill his friend so why did he still die on the plane with Molly?.

Answer: Molly was never meant to die on the bridge because her and Sam were meant to die on Flight 180, just like how Nick, Lori and Janet were meant to die at the Cafe at the end of The Final Destination. It was basically just a cruel twist of fate that they would be on the exact same plane from the original movie. And Sam dying similarly to Alex doesn't really seem to have much of a purpose, unless maybe as a little throwback to how Alex died in his premonition, or is just a coincidence.

Answer: Molly was never on death's list. Peter killing the detective he then got his remaining years, then Sam killing Peter transferred those years to Sam, so when Sam and Molly were on the plane when the plane explodes that was the time for them to die, I'm not saying they were meant to die on that plane, they were just meant to die at that time. Just like when Nathan accidentally killed Roy who had signs of a brain aneurysm, so Roy would have dropped dead any day, hence when Nathan got Roy's life he died at the memorial, though in a more shocking way.

Chosen answer: A cycle is equivalent to approximately 1.5 minutes. A megacycle is about 2.6 hours.


Chosen answer: A lot of these scenes are shot over the shoulder of one or the other character, if you watch closely, the one whose back is to the camera is often a double. For the most part, they'd film one character's part, reset and have Lisa Kudrow change clothes, then film the other one's part. It's the same technique used in "The Parent Trap" (Lindsay Lohan) and a couple of Eddie Murphy movies ("The Nutty Professor" and "Norbit", that I know of).

Question: How fast can the Hellcycle go?

Answer: It is never stated in the film, nor comic.


Question: What is the make/model of the car Will's friends give him for his birthday?

Answer: I believe it's a 1971 Chevrolet Nova.


Question: Why couldn't Nicholas get his briefcase open when he was at Ansen Bear Publishing? I understand that CRS is capable of doing pretty much anything to him including his house, phone,and car, but it seems like it would be quite difficult to change the lock on the briefcase that he is almost always carrying with him.


Chosen answer: They wouldn't have to change the lock, all they'd need to do is switch the briefcase for an identical looking one.


Question: Is the scotch trick Kevin Spacey played on Jason Bateman a nod to "Hopfrog" by Edgar Allen Poe? To those of you who are wondering, Hopfrog is a deformed dwarf Jester who is forced to amuse a tyrant by being forced to drink wine because "it excited the poor cripple to madness, and madness is no comfortable feeling." Hopfrog avenges himself that very night, but I was just wondering.


Chosen answer: I doubt that was a conscious decision - while it's certainly an interesting parallel, getting someone drunk to laugh at them is a common enough scheme.

Question: If the shields on the collector were down while Data was flying the Captain's Launch, why not use that ship to destroy the collector?


Chosen answer: Probably because the best he'd be able to do is damage the collector, not destroy it.

JC Fernandez

Question: What happened to the Mondoshawan trapped inside the temple at the beginning of the film? When we see the temple again towards the end of the film it isn't there anymore. Did it get out? If so, how?


Chosen answer: The Mondoshawan died. It was moved out of the temple room by David while he was preparing for the arrival of the heroes.


Answer: The opening scene happens 300 years before our heroes and story line kicks in, as it tells us on screen when we switch the 'present'. So, it stands to reason that the large metal bodies were removed or collected by the Priesthood of that time, and maybe a few after - did you see the size of those things? Plus there were a lot of them. It does seem to imply their death, the heroic sacrifice for life. But I've never fully bought that. The big metal beastie gives the priest the key, which the 'present' priest 300 yrs later has. I'm sure the first priest and his buddies (or a posse of Egyptian child labor candidates) pried that door open and got them out. Dead or alive. There's no way that skinny, awkward, priest kid in training would have been able to clean all that up on his own. Nor do I think they would have just left the big mess of dead aliens for 300yrs.

The Producers (1) - S6-E16

Question: At the beginning of the episode, I've never got what Niles meant to this question by Fran. Does this mean he always liked C.C. or maybe that, but didn't know it? "Are you telling me all those years you put dishwasher water in her coffee, you changed her lip balm for glue stick and called her a COW you were FLIRTING?!" "What, no good?"


Chosen answer: Fran is still incredulous at the idea of Niles being in love with C.C. Niles' response is his typical sarcasm.


Question: Hobbs tells Toretto that when he found the tracking device on his car he was able to locate the receiver. How is that possible? I suppose a "receiver" does only receive and not send any data out.

Answer: We may assume in this case the 'receiver' sends out a search signal out into the world, when that signal reaches the tracker, the tracker sends back a response to the 'receiver' So it may be possible to track a receiver as stated in the movie.


Question: We know that Wendy's pictures on her camera are clues to everyone's deaths, but Death's plan was for them to die on the roller coaster. Also, Wendy took the photos before she got on Devil's Flight, so if everyone was supposed to die on the coaster, what's the point of the pictures?


Chosen answer: It's metioned in the filmakers' commentary that in every Final Destination movie everyone has a premonition (Of course), well it's also mentioned by the director, James Wong, that if death wants to kill them why give them the premonition in the first place? Well he believes that there is some other force out there trying to prevent death from killing these teenagers. That's where the premonitions come in including the signs therefore, Wendy's pictures are helping signs like voices or visions from other movies. It's just the whole "giving signs" thing is portrayed differently in this movie.

Question: Why didn't the holy water work? What did Jerry holding the vial over the fire have to do with anything? Did that somehow make the water un-holy?


Chosen answer: Because it wasn't real holy water. Peter Vincent never believed that vampires were real, and was simply humoring the boy. He probably filled the vial with regular water.

Answer: Evil Ed phones Jerry to ask if they can bring Charlie over to prove to him that he (Jerry) isn't a vampire. Jerry lies to them that he is a born again Christian, and he thinks crosses would be sacrilegious. Peter Vincent: "Ask how he feels about Holy water." Evil Ed: *To Jerry, "How about holy water?" *To Peter, "No, won't do, either." Peter: "Tell him it's just ordinary tap water, all he has to do is sip it!" When Jerry drinks the water, Charlie says, "It's not possible," Peter says, "No vampire can drink blessed water," Charlie realises it's a scam and says, "It wasn't blessed."


So basically, Vincent was lying all along, just to give himself the satisfaction of proving Charlie wrong, even though Vincent made the remark, "Are you calling me a liar, young man?"

Question: Is Barricade (the Ford Mustang police cruiser) ever mentioned or shown in this film? Or do we still don't know what happened to him after the first movie?


Chosen answer: He has not been seen since the first film. However, according to the comics that take place between the movies, Barricade has been working reconnaissance ever since the first film.

Question: Would it be safe to say that Death used the police officer to aid in Nora's death in the elevator? If he would not have called her and startled her, causing her to drop her phone, her hair would not have gotten caught on the old man's hook, and she would not have panicked. She would have casually walked out of the elevator.

Answer: It COULD be assumed yes. But there could have been another accident that would have caused Nora's hair to get caught in the hooks. Other then assuming that, Burke was part of death's plan to kill Nora.

Question: When the Stabbington Brothers climb out of the tunnel from the "Snuggly Duckling" Pub in the woods, one of them devises part of their plan of their revenge on Flynn by cutting himself off at the kingdom. How did they know Flynn was head to the kingdom with Rapunzel, even after fleeing from there when stealing the tiara? Since there's no explanation, this part of their quest would make no sense.

Answer: I noticed that inconsistency too. I suppose that they would assume he will eventually go home, especially if there are no other kingdoms around and nowhere else to go.

Question: How come when the Chipmunks are being bullied and the Chipettes are harassed by Ian, they just don't claw them up, like Alvin and Simon did to Ryan and the other jock earlier in the movie?


Chosen answer: Because they're more sensitive and weaker.

Chosen answer: That is the song "Open the Door Richard."

Question: Since Maximus was the only one who went to gather the pub thugs in order to save Flynn from being hanged, I've got to ask two questions. 1) How were the thugs able to trust him? After all, when Maximus bursts into their pub after one of them helps Rapunzel and Flynn escape into the tunnel, they know he's the Captain's horse who was hunting them down. 2) How was Maximus able to communicate with the thugs so they would know what kind of situation Flynn was in?

Answer: Maximus has a very expressive face, and is adept at some hand (hoof?) gestures. When he showed up he must have had such an insistent and desperate expression that they agreed to help. Perhaps the mime thug helped them to decode Maximus' pantomimed communications.


Question: Submitting as a question since it actually may explain something rather than a mistake: In the scene where Prince Humperdink throws the machine to maximum, note Westley's left hand. Did anyone else notice he appears to be holding the tubes attached to his abdominal area? Seems like an odd thing to do (or for the the Count to not notice). Initially I thought it was a production ad lib to keep the tubes from flailing around too much (to prevent damage to either the prop or Cary - or keep it from accidentally getting snagged by the nearby machinery). However, it also seemed to open the possibility that because he is holding the tube, it might be lessening the effect of the machine and may have contributed to the "mostly dead" status. He's holding the tube throughout the scene (not just for the shot where he is writhing).

Answer: It is a natural reaction to grab onto things that are causing pain and try to remove them. The machine causes immense pain and so Westley is trying to remove the tubes, however futile it may be.


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