Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Wasn't Quentin himself supposed to make a cameo in Volume 2? Did he? I watched it twice keeping my eyes peeled for QT, I really don't think he's there...

Answer: He was suppose to play Pai-Mei, but due to how much he was doing just directing and producing the movie, he didn't have time for the complex martial arts training.

Question: What ballet was Mr. Hedare watching when at the theater?

Answer: Mr. Hedare was watching what appeared to be a performance by Cirque de Soleil.

Pilot (1) - S1-E1

Question: In the pilot episode, the wormhole physically travels to "capture" Quinn and bring him back to his own world, after his very first slide. How did the wormhole know where Quinn was?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Remember at first Quinn's timer is working perfectly (it's only because they slide off the ice age world early that it begins to malfunction) & given Quinn's intellect he would have devised a way that he could open a wormhole near him so he wouldn't be trapped on that world for 29 years.

Answer: The footage of Scorpina came from Zyuranger, the Sentai series of 1992. Power Rangers had since moved on to Dairanger, the 1993 series. New footage was created (with a new actress) for "Goldar's Vice-Versa". Footage from Zyuranger (especially Zord battles) could not be meshed with Dairanger footage with any degree of accuracy, and although the producers could have brought Scorpina back for more episodes, they decided not to.

Question: I know that Akasha is Aliyah, but who sat for Enkil? He's just a static character, but they had to get the face from some where.

Answer: His name is Peter Olsen. didn't have a listing of any of his other work though.

Answer: The Rangers are human. Blue Centurion is a robot/cyborg.

Question: First time I saw this film was when my parents rented it shortly after it's initial VHS release. I distinctly remember a scene taking place on Sunday morning where the killer knocks on the door to the Mills' apartment and Tracy opens. I have not seen this scene on TV, yet I'm sure I saw it originally since that was when I realised what would happen in the end. Is this scene still left in some editions and why was it taken out?

Answer: It's the Mandela Effect, that scene never happened. And it wouldn't make sense to the movie, the ending is supposed to surprise the audience the same way it surprises the detectives. Including a scene in which John Doe shows up to see Tracy would definitely foreshadow something happening to her, which defeats the purpose of the movie ending the way it did.

Answer: I feel like I remember seeing a commercial or something for Se7en that has a scene of Tracy opening the door looking surprised but I may have imagined it.

Answer: As with any movie, the TV version is missing certain due to time constraints, so this may explain why you didn't see the scene on TV. However, the DVD version I have includes the scene, if I remember correctly.

The DVD version I have never shows Doe go to Mills' home.

Question: What were the Spanish lyrics to the song Frida was singing in the bar just before she started the brawl, and is that the literal translation that is on the subtitles? I know what the movie says the translation is, but I can't get the words the same when I try to translate back into Spanish.

Answer: The Song Frida is singing is one of Diego´s most favourite songs, La Bruja (On the soundtrack performed by Lila Downs). (german page, but spanish lyrics).

Question: Why did they not base the second film on the princess diaries books?

Answer: My guess is because Mia and Michael didn't actually start dating until the third Princess Diaries book. The second and third books were all about Mia trying to get Michael to go out with her, and since they went out at the end of the first movie, they couldn't base the second movie on the second book.

Question: Do the hats the girls wear symbolise anything? Do the colour and numbers show different years or houses?

Answer: The colour change every year and the number is the year they finish (Joan's hat says 54 and their last year is 1954 as Nancy says around new year.)

Show generally

Question: In the extras from series one everyone finds Keith eating the scotch egg hilarious but I just don't understand the joke. Please help.

Answer: It's because he keeps doing it, like clockwork, on exactly the same line and he has such a blank, serious expression on his face that Tim (Martin Freeman) can't help but laugh.

Question: In the extra features on the DVD, Peter Jackson states that they had to use the rocky landscape for the plains of Rohan because New Zealand doesn't have any plains. What then is the area in front of Minas Tirith? It seems like very extensive plains. Is it all effects?

Answer: Some of it is CG, but some of it is real plains, trouble is they couldn't use the same plains for Gondor and Rohan, they wouldn't be distinguishable enough from each other.

Answer: Chick-o-lell-a.


Question: The Joke about the sheriff's hat getting bigger - is it from a film or any other source?


Chosen answer: This is a spoof of a scene in the movie Signs by M. Night Shyamalan.


Question: I was wondering if "the mile" in the song "Redeemer" was in reference to the "mile" that death row inmates walk, if so, how would late 17th century citizens come to call it that if it is in fact a fairly recent phrase? Did current wardens pick it up from the 1600's?

Answer: After listening and double checking lyrics websites, there are nothing in this song about "the mile". Even if there was, there would be no reason to make this reference because this movie is not about death row or prisons. Besides, this song was written specifically for the film in 2002, not in the 17th century, so any references would be modern.


Question: What was the song that a group of boys were singing during the Spring Fling?

Answer: The song is called Istanbul (Not Constantinople). It was written by Trevor Horn. You can read the lyrics at


Answer: The logical date of birth for Sponegebob would be 7/14/76. This is because in the episode where Spongebob takes Pearl to her senior prom, he says to Gary that he couldn't even get a date to his own prom. Spongebob is 28, not 18.


Question: What is the song played around the end of the main trailer? It sounds a lot like the theme from Brazil if that helps.

Answer: It IS from Brazil. The song is called Brazil, performed by Geoff Muldaur.

Question: There is a scene partway through the movie when Marianne is playing and singing, the first time Colonel Brandon sees her. What song is she singing, and where can I find music for it?

Answer: The lyrics come from a poem called "Weep You No More, Sad Fountains" - it was set to music specifically for the film by Patrick Doyle. There is sheet music available for this piece here: As far as I know, you have to buy both 'The Dreame' and 'Weep You No More Sad Fountains', but they are both here.


Question: In the commercial for Spiderman, they play background music that has vocals. What is this song and who sings it? (if you look on , watch the full length trailer and near the end starting when the blue writing shows up and says 'this summer', it starts.).

Answer: It actually starts slightly before that - the harsh drum beats before the text appears are the opening to the track. It's called "Lacrimosa" by a bunch called Immediate Music, whose compositions get used in movie trailers a lot. As for who actually sings it - it's obviously a choir, presumably one hired to perform that track.


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