Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: The first time that it's clear that Will knows the details is on the Black Pearl after the destruction of the Interceptor, when he threatens to shoot himself. There are two possibilities - either Jack told him en route to the island, or Elizabeth told him after her rescue. Bearing in mind that Jack was hoping to use him as leverage, it seems unlikely that Jack would have told Will the full details of the curse, in case Will did something stupid and mucked up the deal, so the most likely possibility seems to be that Elizabeth told him about it.


Answer: Will may not have known the exact details of the curse, but, he did see them when they were preparing to have Elizabeth return the coin, as they talk about being freed from the curse, saying they needed her blood, and dropping the coin. Once he realised she had the coin, and that the coin was sent from his father, he was able to at least deduce that they needed his blood for something. It is, however, possible that Elizabeth informed him, although I find this unlikely.

Question: I know the movie is called Tremors, but are the monsters called "tremors" or "graboids" or "snakeoids" or something else?

Answer: They officially name the creatures "graboids", as that's also what they call them in later films. Tremors is just a clever movie name, and "snakeoids" was just one of the potential names the chinese guy and the kid were thinking of naming them.


Question: Jack mentions twice that eunochs have wonderful singing voices. Why would a eunoch have a wonderful singing voice? And is calling someone a eunoch a really bad insult of something? And how can all the French be eunochs?

Answer: Primarily in the Middle Ages, but both before and after as well, preadolescent boys had their testicles cut off to preserve their voices by preventing the sexual changes of puberty. They then maintained the high voices of their youth through adulthood, though they never physically matured. So to call someone a eunoch is to say they are a person with no balls, and all the connotation thereof. Hence the insult to the French.


Question: Why is Arwen fighting in the battle of Helms Deep? Even if it is a mistake presumably there was some reason for her to be there, like a story line that didn't get included in the movie. Does anyone know if this is true?

Answer: Efforts have been made during the trilogy to beef up Arwen's role in events - using her to bring Frodo to Rivendell in the first film being one of them (replacing Glorfindel in the book). Having her at Helm's Deep was another way of doing that, and Liv Tyler was present at the filming of Helm's Deep. Ultimately, the decision was made to cut her out of that sequence, and the battle was edited to exclude her, with the exception of one brief shot listed as a mistake.


Question: Where did the original zombies come from? I understand that if you were bitten, you became a zombie, but how did the very first zombie come about?

Answer: The very first zombies would have been dead people that rose from their graves, but part of the horror of the story is that we don't know exactly why this is happening or how to stop it.


Question: Who Is Annette? Two Quotes: "Nobody's Jugs Are Bigger Than Annette's" and during the Sandra Dee song "Would you pull that crap with Annette"... My question is who is she?

Answer: Annette Funicello, a movie star from the 50s who was known for her bosom and roles in beach/surfer themed movies. She was also one of the original members of the Mickey Mouse Club.


I was teased about that all my school years - my name is Annette.

Question: I've just watched this movie, but I'm a bit puzzled by what happens with Dorian Grey...what's the thing with the painting and why does he decompose at the end? I'm not up on the novels these characters come from.

Answer: In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Dorian has a painting that reflects himself. But while the painting grows older, Dorian remains young - the opposite of real life. In the movie, another benefit of this was that Dorian remained impervious to harm while the painting was preserved. When he finally looks at it, the pattern reverses and his body finally reflects the reality depicted by the painting, causing him to age past his own death very quickly. The other characters are from Dracula (Mina Harker), King Solomon's Mines (Allan Quatermain), The Invisible Man (Skinner, in concept if not in person), 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Captain Nemo), The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Tom Sawyer), and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Jekyll/Hyde). Some other characters also reflect classic literature, but these are the primaries.


Show generally

Question: During the Simpsons, characters have died and not come back as you would expect in real life. However, one character, Hans Moleman has been run over, been attacked by a drill and so on. How come he has not died?

Answer: This is a recurring joke - Moleman should really be dead (he pops out of a grave in "Mother Simpson" and during the heatwave episode Dr. Hibbert find him cooling down in the morgue and says "Don't go too far", etc.) yet somehow isn't. It's a cartoon - don't look for too much reality.


Answer: There is a theory that moleman is a clone among other versions of him. This was even a gag in an episode when one character falls through the ground and there are hundreds of them. It was probably just a gag or joke but is certainly makes sense.

Question: Can someone please tell me the significance of all the apples? They appear all through the movie and I don't get what they are supposed to mean. Please help answer this because it's driving me nuts.

Answer: Barbarossa loves apples, but can't taste them because of the curse. He carries an apple around most of the time to remind him of humanity and takes one to the cave so that, as soon as he is released form the curse, he can eat it.


Question: What is the chant the Toros say after the other cheerleading team tells them they suck during the football game?

Answer: If you're referring to the scene I think you are, the chant is "That's alright, that's OK, you're gonna pump our gas someday!"


Answer: He's hardly "missing" - he was only ever an occasional guest character. He has appeared once or twice, but since none of the plots really involve him, Carol or Susan, he hasn't been in it that much.


The whole storyline with Emma would probably replace Ben because the show wouldn't be able to handle two of Ross' families.

Answer: Few details are given - Clear says that he became a recluse while she looked after him, she being safe until he died or escaped Death again. Alex left the house (for some unknown reason) for the first time in months, a brick fell on him and he was killed.


Show generally

Question: I know Angel killed Darla in season one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I could have sworn that she was brought back before Wolfram and Hart resurrected her in human form. Did they or am I just remembering flashbacks?

Answer: Though Darla frequently appeared in flashbacks after Angel killed her (around Angel's rebirth, his gang, etc.), she was never raised from the dead until the end of season one of Angel (To Shanshu in LA).


Question: Sgt. Eversman says that none of it would have happened if Blackburn hadn't fallen. I don't understand in what way his fall started things.

Answer: If he hadn't fallen they wouldn't have had to send men down to retrieve him with the stretcher etc., and they would have gotten out of the area immediately.

Nick N.

Answer: To add to the previous answer. Following Blackburn's fall, they brought him to the target building to be brought back to the safe zone, which was done by Struecker and three Humvees. From the way it is portrayed in the film, it looks like Super Six-One was providing roof-top level over watch for the Humvees when it was shot down by an RPG. SSgt. Eversmann was then ordered to secure the crash site. Eversmann believes Blackburn's fall set everything in motion. This is also why Hoot gives him the speech on "it just being war and there was nothing he could have done differently that would have changed anything."


Question: What's the film the 2 guys are watching on the flat screen when the Merovingian's wife takes Neo to the Keymaker?

Answer: The Brides of Dracula, made in 1960.


Question: I understood the racial slur about the car coming with a black man, but Agent J is a black man, so what would be the difference?

Answer: J probably requested a black "driver", but the point is a comment on DWB stops by police - Driving While Black, the fact that minorities are pulled over far more often statistically than white people.


Question: In Lockharts classroom, Hermione shouts "Imobulous" or something like it and all the pixies are frozen in mid air and can't move. Why don't Ron and Harry just use the same spell on the spiders when the spiders start to come after them?

Answer: They're panicking and can't remember the spell. Hermione is the smarter and more level headed of the three, that's why she remembered it.


Question: Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't it take Gandalf and Pippin a three day ride to Minas-Tirith? Because when Gandalf saves Faramir from the winged Nazgul, Faramir says he last saw Frodo and Sam in Ithilien 'not two days ago' (at the end of The Two Towers), so shouldn't he have last seen them at least FOUR days ago?

Answer: Faramir saw Frodo and Sam 2 days before, and yes, it took Gandalf and Pippin 3 days to ride to Minas Tirith. However, the exact timescale of each story line is independent from the others, so the day Faramir last saw Frodo isn't the same day Gandalf and Pippin set off.


Question: If Malcolm was dead, how did he know all about Cole, and that he needed help? Where did he get all the info?

Answer: It's never explained in the film, but the implication seems to be that he was just sort-of compelled to help Cole. Given the film portrays the dead as only "seeing what they want to see" and trying to resolve unfinished business from life, it's entirely possible that Malcolm falsely believes he was assigned to Cole's case, even though he wasn't. It's just his way of trying to move on.


I'd like to add that despite the ghosts not knowing they are dead, they do know they can interact with Cole and others who can see them, they are even drawn to them, for help. This happened with Malcolm too and him being child psychiatrist connected with his ability to communicate with Cole, not asking Cole for help but helping Cole help himself. The info he has is probably a collection of his previous encounters with him, perhaps even being there at past psychiatrists. Its also possible he was his next patient, before he got shot. The dossier could have already been at his house and he remembers it.


Answer: In his notes, it says referred September 1998, so I am guessing he had been referred to Willis, but they never met, but when he suddenly finds himself sitting outside his house, drawn by whatever forces do such, he would naturally assume he was there to meet with his new referral, or perhaps he imagined it, one part of his mind telling him he was there to meet his patient, and one part conjuring up a note pad that would have the notes of the referral.

Answer: The dead need to finish things on Earth before they can move on. In Malcolm's case, he needs to help Cole - making up for his failure to help Vincent Grey. In order to do this, he needs the relevant information, so it is supplied to him by whatever agency controls these things. As the dead are unaware of their condition, Malcolm receives the information as if it were another case file for him to work on.


Answer: All of the South Park episodes are computer animated except for the first one, the construction paper effect is deliberate.

Sol Parker

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