Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: That multi-coloured gloop that Bowman and Poole are eating looks quite disgusting. What were the actors really eating?

Answer: It appears to be pureed vegetable, probably peas, carrots, and also some kind of meat. It looks disgusting, but it is more practical as regular food would float away in zero gravity.


Answer: He saw the gun turret sticking out of the nose cone.

Question: In the train dodging scene, why didn't the loco crew brake at all? They definitely saw the boys in front. I know that trains have very long stopping distances compared to road vehicles, but still. And why didn't the boys try to signal the driver to stop? I get it that they panicked, but still wouldn't that be the first thing coming to one's mind in such a situation?

Answer: No, it wasn't that big of a train. He didn't even attempt to get off the throttle. That's all it would have taken for the boys to make it fairly easy. It was a straight-away track, no chance of it derailing by hitting the brakes. Like the man said above, if trains derailed that easily, we wouldn't be using them.

Answer: Throwing on brakes that heavily gives the train a chance of derailing and the train still wouldn't stop in time.


Answer: To add to the other fine answers, and as mentioned, any attempt to make a sudden stop could have resulted in derailment. The conductor knew the train was about to go over an elevated track, and if it derailed, it would have plunged into the deep ravine, killing the boys anyway, as well as those on aboard. The best he could do was blow the whistle, gradually slow the train, and hope the boys survived.


Can't agree with the arguments about derailment. If trains derailed so easily, they would derail all the time. The train had only 4 or 5 cars. It would not have needed miles to stop. Simply reducing the throttle would have resulted in significant slowing. Plus, they did not stop to determine if anyone was hurt. That is criminal behavior.

Answer: A train that size would have needed miles to stop, and rapid braking could have caused derailment. The engineer was blowing his whistle so he saw the boys; there was no need for them to signal. The engineer and the boys knew their only chance was to get off the bridge.

Brian Katcher

Question: Did Rachel ever find out that her sister wanted her killed?

Answer: I don't believe so. The only person who found out was Kevin. Aside from him, she took the secret to her grave with her when the killer took her out, not having told anyone else. I doubt that Frank would've told Rachel to avoid tearing the family apart. So, it was swept under the rug and Rachel was none the wiser.

Miniature - S4-E8

Question: At one point, we see a man getting his shoes shined. He is holding a magazine or newspaper close to his face and it seems to have a cut out in it so the man can hide his face but still see through the page. What's going on here? (00:14:00)


Answer: From everything I can tell, what you're seeing is part of an advertisement on the page that just appears as a dark box. While there isn't enough contrast, because of the show being in black and white, for me to tell what the ad says, if it was a hole, the man's head doesn't line with what you see and you should be able to see the window behind him, which I couldn't see.


He is holding it much too close to his face to read it, isn't he? You can see some detail in that rectangle. The story is how Charley is looking through the window of a miniature house. And here is a character that appears to me to be looking at Charlie through a "window", so to speak. I believe in the first frames after they cut from his mother eating, I believe you can see his shirt collar in the lower left of the cutout. Curious.


Answer: Because he committed suicide as a teenager. He didn't just attempt, he was dead for several minutes. Suicide is a cardinal sin in Catholicism. He also doesn't have true faith, just knowledge.


Answer: Constantine committed suicide when he was younger (although he was revived by paramedics). Suicide is considered a mortal sin.


Answer: He was damned to Hell because he once attempted suicide, which is a mortal sin that bars anyone from entering Heaven.


Question: After Kim kisses Edward good-bye in their final moment together, Kim runs away but you can see Edward taking a step forward while looking at her run. Why did he suddenly stop himself?

Answer: Because wanted to go with her, but they both realised it could never work out, like the story of Beauty and the Beast, except Edward couldn't turn into a handsome prince.

My brief fantasy is that Kim and Edward could hide their relationship until the "hype" died down, then move far away and find a doctor to "help" Edward - give him prosthetic hands. Mostly for disguise; not to "fix" him. However, the ending of the movie suggests that he does not age, so there would still be a problem when Kim grew older and died.

Answer: There's no definitive answer and any explanation is open to interpretation. It may simply have been an involuntary reflex, wanting to follow Kim but knowing he cannot and then stops himself.


Question: What happens to Reggie afterwards when Buddy Love throws him into the piano? Was he dead or was he unconscious? Because he is never seen or heard from again for the rest of the film after that.


Answer: He wasn't killed or seriously injured. He's a minor character and unimportant to the overall plot. There was no need for a final resolution of his part. He would simply have been humiliated and then resumed his previous life.


Question: Why is the word "Happiness" in the title misspelled?

Answer: In an interview, the real-life Chris Gardiner, (played by Will Smith) explained that the deliberately misspelled word was written that way on the child daycare center's wall (representing how children can sometimes misspell words). Gardiner later interpreted it to personally mean that true happiness is not defined in just one way, there are many ways to be happy, and that was reflected in the alternate spelling.


Question: Yukon has a gun - why he didn't just shoot the snow creature at the cave?

Answer: It's a kid's show, not Game of Thrones.

Answer: Plot wise, if the snow creature had been killed, it would have ruined the happy ending. Yukon has a kind nature, and he probably wouldn't kill anything.


Question: How do they get all the restraints on Lecter?

Answer: It's never shown, though multiple people were involved. His regular handler, Barney, usually oversaw this, as he was the only one Lecter could not outwit when it came to adding or removing his restraints. When Lecter was moved to a different location and had inexperienced guards watching over him, he was able to fool them and escape.


Answer: They would take as many precautions as possible and not let down their guard. There was a scene where the guard made Lecter sit on the floor with his back against the cell bars and then put both hands behind him through the cell bars - then the handcuffs were put on Lecter (only Lecter's hands and the handcuffs were outside of the cell). Something similar to this would enable the guards to go inside the cell and/or bring the restraints into the cell and have Lecter help the guards "dress" him while at least one other guard is aiming a gun at Lecter in case he makes a "wrong move."


Answer: Presumably they would have several staff members doing it to get it done quickly and efficiently. Given his past attack on the nurse, they would also likely have several guards present to intervene in case he did something, which would likely dissuade him from trying.


Answer: It's basically true. Russell Crowe has a reputation for having an enormous ego and being difficult to work with. Oliver Reed was alcoholic and had an erratic and somewhat irascible nature, though he remained sober while filming. Crowe clashed with most of the Gladiator cast, including Reed.


Show generally

Question: This is a question for the XYZ series. I can't figure out if Alain is a good guy or a bad guy. He acts like he is good but I am not so sure if he really is. Can anyone tell me if he is good or bad?

Answer: He is a good guy but just found himself in a bad situation when he worked for Lysander. He didn't want him to harm Ash and his Pokémon when he was trying to get the special bond between Ash and his Greninja to work. He does leave Lysander and go back to being a good person.

Answer: Kirk was getting his physical and Dr. McCoy probably turned off communications, because if he hadn't, Kirk would have left and headed straight for the bridge, leaving McCoy irritated.

Answer: Rebecca is from Los Angeles originally, and has just spent several days on the U.S. west coast on the private jet of wealthy businessman Robin Colcord, shopping and having a makeover in Beverly Hills. She is implying that Carla is making jokes about her because as an "East Coaster" (Carla is from Rhode Island and lives in Boston), Carla is bitter and jealous over how glamorous "West Coasters" like Rebecca are.


Question: Where did they get the $10 Million from if they were broke?

Answer: From kidnap and random insurance policy. That was the point. They claimed $10m. Kept $5m, paid the lawyer $2.5m and the kidnappers $2.5m, but it goes wrong when the police try steal it.

Question: Near the beginning of the movie, the man in charge of the WOPR is explaining to the President's advisor that the WOPR has already fought WW3, as a game, many times over. Why wouldn't the WOPR have already learned that Global Thermonuclear War would be unwinnable, as it learned near the end of the movie?

Answer: WOPR had not yet learned the concept of a no-win scenario until it was ordered to play Tic Tac Toe against itself at the climax of the film. Once WOPR understood that there existed certain games that literally could not be won, it then understood that nuclear war was one of those un-winnable situations after running a sufficient number of scenarios with this new concept in mind.


Dead Freight - S5-E5

Question: How did the train conductors not hear the water pump Walt was using to pump water into the tanker? They were only around 800 feet away in open land, so it should have been audible.


Answer: For one thing the engine running the pump isn't that loud. The characters have conversations at a normal volume without having to scream at each other. Even if the conductors could hear it, there is no reason they should care or be suspicious. It just sounds like an engine running in the distance and they don't care enough to look for what is making the noise. At that very moment there is also a kid riding a dirt bike in the area. Engine noises are a very common thing.


Question: Who kills the informant on the boat? How is Verbal outside the boat and also supposed to be the villain who's killed everyone?

Answer: Keyser Soze killed the informant, Verbal was telling the cop his version of what happened to the cop and the movie going audience, to misdirect everyone. Confusing everyone until the revelation at the end of the movie.

Question: When Doc is writing on the chalkboard he says the alternate 1985 is alternate to him, Marty, and Einstein, but reality to everyone else. What about Jennifer? Wouldn't it be alternate to her as well? That probably wasn't even her porch they left her on.

Carl Missouri

Answer: Yes, if she had woken up before they fixed everything, she would have been in the same position as Marty and Doc. In the heat of the moment, Doc just neglects to mention Jennifer...although Marty does ask about her just before they travel back to 1955, Doc insists that when they fix the past and re-establish the original 1985 timeline, it will transform around her and when she wakes up she won't notice anything amiss.

Answer: As response to the porch, that was the only known house to Marty that Jennifer lived at. If it was no longer her house, the people living there may not have looked outside to see her there. However, odds are that the same family lived there (as probably most cases there). Remember, the only reason for the different family living in Marty's house is because of the connection to Biff (he married Lorraine and shot George) so that house would have a different owner.

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