Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What did the trooper mean when he said, "Didn't you know this ain't Saturday"? It always makes me wonder.

Answer: The trooper on the motorcycle had just landed in the water. In older days, the typical day to take a bath, wash hair, etc. was Saturday. The trooper in the car (once he saw the motorcycle trooper was okay and wet) just made a joke about him taking a bath.

Zwn Annwn

Answer: I think the trooper makes this joke in reference to Evel Knievel, a popular performer of the day. His shows, which prominently featured motorcycle stunts (particularly jumping) usually occurred on the weekends (i.e. Saturday).

Question: If Lanning really had leaped from that distance, wouldn't he be unrecognizable upon impact and not with only a little bit of blood coming from his mouth?

Answer: He'd certainly have a lot of internal injuries that aren't visible, would probably have more injuries showing than that trickle of blood, but wouldn't necessarily be "unrecognizable."


Question: Is Chef Skinner named for B. F. Skinner, the noted psychologist who did experiments with rats?

Answer: According to the IMDb: yes, he was.


Chosen answer: "A mollusk walks up to a sea cucumber and... [Most of the joke itself is missing here, as we only get to hear the beginning and end of it] the sea cucumber turns to the mollusk and says 'With fronds like these, who need anemones?'" It's a pun on the term "with friends like these, who needs enemies", only with words more suited for an aquatic environment.


Question: According to the IMDB, Peter Tork has an uncredited cameo in this film. Does anyone know where in the movie his cameo is?

Answer: He's in the wizard-looking costume as the suits walk into the studio sound stage.

Answer: He's reportedly in the background during the scene where Kirshner, Harris and Van are discussing the Monkees' Hawaii concert tour.

Jean G

Question: In the movie trailer, Roddy lived with two another animals (hamsters), but they are not in the movie. Why?

Answer: Probably time issues.


Question: During the mutant attack on the house Will Smith enters an upstairs room and we see what appears to be part of an arm dripping blood. What is this or who owns it? It doesn't appear to be the mutant who attacks straight afterward as he appears uninjured and free of any blood.

Answer: It's not an arm, it a part of the metal plate covering the window.


Question: Is it actually explained in the movie why Willard Whyte is in hiding?

Answer: If you mean by hiding - why is he never seen normally - then it's because he is a recluse and doesn't like to be seen in public (like Howard Hughes was). If you mean by hiding - why was he not seen during the movie - then it's because he was being held captive by Blofeld and his minions. Spectre didn't want him out and about ruining their plans.

Zwn Annwn

Chosen answer: If you watch the episode on the dvd, at the end it will come up explaining how the scene was cut due to September 11th. After that quick message the scene plays automatically.


Question: Why does it take the Federation two months to do anything about the explosion on Praxis?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Because (as we see in the first ten minutes of the film) the prideful Klingons didn't want anyone entering their space.

JC Fernandez

Question: Why did Alfie start to have problems Nikki when she broke a champagne glass and got a little loud on New Years? Since they went to a lot of parties and she was the wild, adventurous type, I don't understand why this surprised and offended him so much.

Answer: As I understood it, when she broke the glass, she was being a bit more wild than usual, which caused Alfie to suddenly realise that her loudness could be annoying. He found her wildness attractive to a point, but she was being more wild than he was prepared to accept.


Question: I was just watching the film on the Disney Channel, I noticed that cuss words are cut out which makes perfect sense, but what doesn't is the drinking, shooting, the dead animal, the dead sheriff, and various other items that were kept in the film. Disney channel likes to keep as much violence and language as possible out of films shown on their channel, but why keep in the other stuff?

Answer: Disney doesn't specially edit any of the movies shown on their channels. They just rebroadcast the movie edited for "family" viewing.


Answer: He was close to his uncle (he mentioned working with his uncle every summer when he was a boy), but the main events of the show happen over a month after the uncle's death.

Brian Katcher

Chosen answer: I got the impression that he really hadn't known this particular uncle very well.

Jean G

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? - S4-E6

Question: In the beginning credits of movies/t.v. shows, when they say "and introducing" followed by the actor's name, it is because it is the 1st acting role for that actor. In this episode when the introduced Quinn's brother, the beginning credits say "and introducing Charlie O'Connell." However he has done other acting roles before he appeared on Sliders. As a matter of fact, he did 2 episodes on Sliders as a different character before he became Quinn's brother. So is there a reason why the actor was "introduced" in this episode?


Chosen answer: Quinn's brother was going to be a recurring character, so "introduced" in this case referred to the actor becoming a semi-regular.

Jean G

Question: There is a Blues Brothers song, sang by Elwood and Jake themselves, "I'm a Sole Man". However, this song does not appear in the film, but is often related to their band. Was the song supposed to be in the movie? Is it a deleted scene? If it is, can someone tell me when it was supposed to appear?

Answer: It's called "Soul Man". The Blues Brothers exist as an entity seperate to the film - they originated as a band performing on Saturday Night Live. The band continued, releasing an album in 1978, entitled "Briefcase Full Of Blues", which contained the track Soul Man, as well as many others. This was followed by the film two years later, the soundtrack of which formed the band's second album. None of the tracks from their first album appear in the film - a third album followed shortly after the film, again containing non-film tracks.


Show generally

Question: During the recent season of Lost (not sure about past seasons), during the promo for the show where it shows the island with the word LOST across it, the reflection of the island in the water does not match the island, but is in fact a city. I have not seen this discussed anywhere. Are there any thoughts or discussion about what this means?

Answer: Part of the storyline of the new season deals with events in the future after a number of survivors have escaped the island and are now living their lives back in the normal world. The island/city mix in the promotion could be designed to reflect this new set-up.


Question: Did that woman really manage to put that huge sausage down her throat or was it really good cgi?

Answer: She actually can do it, and became somewhat famous for it. She was on the Howard Stern radio show, and WOR-TV show several times.


Question: When Aquarius is descending during re-entry, why is the Navy preparing Search & Rescue instead of the Coast Guard?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Aquarius was most likely going to splashdown in international waters; since the U.S. Coast Guard only has jurisdiction within American waters, the Navy would have to rescue them.


Answer: Because the Navy was assigned the Search, Rescue and Recovery task for all of NASA's space program. Imagine how long it would take the Coast Guard to get to the other side of the world.


Show generally

Question: Whenever the agents are interrogating somebody at SCT, they sometimes torture them. By doing so they sometimes stick a needle into somebody and injects something into their bloodstream. This causes severe pain in the person as you can see them either scream or see the pain etched on their face as they try to hold it in. What is it they are injecting into people and how does it work that it causes so much pain?


Chosen answer: It's a fictional drug called hyoscine-penothal. I don't know if why it causes so much pain has been explained, but it's been described as a neural inflammatory; it gives the feeling of "every nerve ending in your body on fire." It's a useful tool because if one doesn't yield soon enough, at 8 cc's, one can go into cardiac arrest and die before giving up any useful information.

Cubs Fan

Question: Has there ever been given an official answer as to whose body is in the bathtub in Buffalo Bill's house near the end? It's been a while since I have seen the film, but don't remember any mention of it.

Answer: I read it was the former owner of the house.

Answer: No, there's not been any official statement on the subject.


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