Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: The psychiatrist is scared of him and afraid that if the chair isn't secure, that Kryten will pick it up and beat him with it.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: The scenes with Zeb and Lou have always puzzled me. Lou is trying to stop Zeb for going after outlaw Gant and the two have a last scene arguing where Zeb says basically that he will use the Law to put away Gant, but that he'll need Gant's help. The next scene is the two on the train to protect the gold from Gant's gang, and Zeb and Lou are working together now. But Lou's got a bandage on his forehead! I think the previous scene might have had a fight scene between the two in which Zeb finally convinces Lou to help him, hence the head injury. There's no other explanation for it. Anyone have any ideas?

Answer: This type of inconsistency is common in film making. More scenes are often filmed and/or they are much longer, but after editing, large portions are often cut out. Although the editing may improve the film's story line and pacing, it leaves small errors behind. This appears to be the case in this movie where a scene was completely deleted, but it left an unexplained detail behind.


Answer: A scene in with Zeb knocks Lou out in a stable was deleted.

Question: Could the police really put the Lincoln back together perfectly and that quickly?

Answer: It's a different car of the same make and model that they swapped for the one they tore apart, and in which they hid the drugs in the same place as the original.

Question: Where Lecter did find the flag to swathe the policeman's corpse?

Answer: It's not a flag - it's a red, white and blue banner which is high up on the walls of the room where Lecter is being held. You see it when Starling visits him and looks around the room.


Question: What exactly was it about the vending machine that made Mulder realize it was actually the bomb that he and Scully were looking for?

Answer: The drink selection buttons were unresponsive after he deposited his coins, and then he noticed that the machine was illuminated despite being unplugged.


Question: Horton crossed the bridge to get to Mount Nool and destroyed it. How did everyone else get across?

Answer: There is a possibility that that bridge wasn't the only one to lead to Mount Nool, just the closest one.


Question: Why didn't the gangbangers kill Alonzo at the end? Did he just get away with no trouble? I thought they were going to kill him, because he was hated in the neighbourhood.

Answer: They grew sick and tired of Alonzo's arrogance and probably decided he wasn't worth the effort. Alonzo was however killed by the Russian Mafia because Jake was told that Alonzo killed one of their couriers and had to pay them one million dollars by midnight or he would be killed himself.

Question: When Tom Cruise is battling to get free of the tentacle pulling him into the ship from the cage, there is alien (presumably) writing visible on the underside of the tripod just beyond his arm and above the lights. Can someone shed light on what this may say (theories, previously suggested writer/director thoughts)?


Chosen answer: My guess is that it could be a manufacturing symbol or name like you would see on today's construction machines. It could also be a warning like, "Caution: Hot Vent", or something along those lines. To my knowledge it is never clarified by anyone. Also could have been the number/name of the unit the tripod belonged to.

Answer: Like it stated in the movie these tripods were buried years upon years ago, and if you slow don't the movie it appears to be Egyptian writing.

Question: Would a sergeant-major participate in a mission?

Answer: This one did, everything ascribed to him in the film was true.


CSM Plumley's records show that he served in 320th Glider Field Artillery Battalion as a scout. The 320th participated in two glider assaults in the European Theater. Also, Plumley never served in Korea during the Korean War, so he couldn't have participated in one of the two combat jumps of that conflict. His record book indicates he was at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky (1951 to early 1953) when he received orders to Germany. Finally, he never claimed to have made any combat jumps in his career.

Question: What was the ball of fire as the planes are landing to the right of the screen?

Answer: That would be a flare being fired from the aircraft. Yellow ones meant the aircraft had sustained serious damage, although that was often self-evident, and a red one meant that there was a seriously injured crewman on board - prompting first aid teams to be ready to meet the aircraft once it had landed. Their was also an unofficial green flare that meant someone had completed their tour of duty.


Question: Why does Harry not question ever seeing Mad Eye on the map? And does he see Barty Crouch Jr? if so why does he not say anything?

Answer: Harry DID see Barty Crouch on the map, although the map doesn't seem to identify between junior and senior. The impostor Mad-Eye appeared simply as "Barty Crouch". This puzzled Harry, as Crouch was supposed to be ill at the time.

Answer: Yes. She killed them as well.

Mrs Voorhees murdered Barry and Claudette because, in her mind, at least, she thought that they had caused her son to drown. (I realise that's not what you asked).

Alan Keddie

Chosen answer: John did not want Jill to KILL Hoffman. Instead he wanted to 'test' him, much like how Amanda was tested in the first film. Jill, however wanted to kill Hoffman, therefore leaving him to die.


Question: Jill Tuck puts a yellow thick envelope into a hole on a door at Saint Eustace Hospital. What is that?


Chosen answer: It is revealed in Saw 3D that the package was for Dr Gordon from the first film. In the package was a video, asking Dr Gordon to continue his legacy.


Question: What does old Tom Hanks drop out of his pocket when he walked out of the door of the old folks home?

Answer: Paul seemed to take the windbreaker in a random fashion. I'm not sure if it even belonged to him. I've no idea what it was but I agree. Not a piece of toast.

Answer: A piece of toast.

I've tried and tried to see what it actually was. It couldn't have been toast. This object hit the floor hard and rolled out of camera range, quickly. I thought maybe door knob or thread spool. Possibly a thread spool because of Mr. Jingles. Door latch was intact.

Question: I've never adopted kids before so that's why I'm asking this question; When Stuart is being adopted, I noticed that on his papers, the parents were listed as Mr. And Mrs. Little. My question is, why aren't their first names on there? George's first name was, so why weren't theirs on there as well? Is that a mistake or is it common?

Answer: I wouldn't call it a "mistake" as the movie did that on purpose for both a gag and an emphasis on Stuart becoming a Little. This is definitely not practice for actually adopting children. You must put your first name on the paperwork.

Question: What's the name of the song that plays right after the gang change out of their disguises from the spooky island castle ride?

Answer: The song is called Bump in the Night.

Question: When Robin asks Rabbi Tuckman to marry him and Maid Marian, Rabbi says that he's on his last customer and that he'll be right out, and then we hear a crack, a guy calling out in pain and the Rabbi telling him "Put a little ice on it. You'll be fine." What was the joke? I never understood what he did that made the guy call out in pain. Can someone please explain?

Answer: He was giving the man inside a circumcision. Earlier in the movie, Rabbi Tuckman showed Robin and the Merry Men a small handheld guillotine. He gave a demonstration by taking a carrot (or a candle, doesn't matter which) which was to represent a man's penis and used the guillotine to cut the tip of the carrot off.

Question: How did Mary Jane get Scooby snacks? I thought they were made just for Scooby, (Hence the name). I've seen a lot of episodes of Scooby-Doo but not every single one, so that's why I'm asking.

Answer: There are some episodes where they show the factories where Scooby Snacks are manufactured, so they aren't just made for him. Scooby is shown to love them as a puppy, so it's possible the dog was named after the snacks because he loved them so much.


Question: In the scene when the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt Ghost are destroyed, I can see how the Black Knight was destroyed but how was the Volt Ghost destroyed and also, how could a jumper cable hurt him? I never understood that part exactly.

Answer: The jumper cables "conducted" the 10,000 Volt Ghost into the Black Knight, causing them both to explode.


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