Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the book, Jude marries Vile Richard and Uncle Geoffrey is discovered to be gay and has a 'toy boy'. These are two major story-lines in the book, and to the films, because Jude is Bridget's best friend and Uncle Geoffrey is made out be be a sex/woman mad freak, so why were they dropped? And also, could we therefore see the story-lines in a possible third movie?

Answer: These storylines were probably cut out because they focus on secondary characters other than Bridget, which are usually the first things to go in movie adaptions of novels. Even if they had been included, it wouldn't have been more than a passing mention.


Question: I'm trying to remember the song that was made famous by this film. Can anyone help me?

Answer: "Bright Eyes" written by Mike Batt and performed by Art Garfunkel.


Question: I don't understand it when Pistachio's mother, on the camera screen, saying "no more caramel corn for me." What was that about?


Chosen answer: Bowman has captured Fabrizzio, and he has to do something with Mrs. Disguisey, so he says "Thanks to a special potion we put in the caramel corn, she thinks she is still at home preparing dinner," and then we see her on the TV screen eating the caramel corn and making food. She then later "pretends" to prepare food, then when Bowman tells the guard to pounce on Mrs. Disguisey, she whacks him, as if she were aware that she has been captured. She then informs the camera "No more caramel corn for me."


Question: Why did Queen Bavmorda need a ritual to get rid of the child? Why didn't she simply kill the baby on the spot?

Answer: Bavmorda's ritual was the Ritual of Obliteration - a spell that is used to destroy a living spirit's essence or soul. Presuambly if she'd just killed Elora, the soul would have been later reborn into another baby.


Question: There were two times in this film where sound effects seemed to come straight from 'Terminator 2'. Both appeared in the scene where Mace and Lenny are being chased by Steckler and Engelman. First, the sound of screeching car tires sounded identical to the T-1000's skidding tires as he swerves to the off-ramp in the liquid nitrogen truck. Second, when Engelman fired the machine gun at the car, the sound was the same as Sarah shooting Dyson's computers at his home. Is it the same sounds or just similar ones?

Answer: It's almost certainly the same stock sound effects. Both films are produced by Cameron's Lightstorm Entertainment. In addition, they share the same sound department crew which would have sourced sound effects from the same collection for both films.


Answer: Military Assault Command Operations. The shark on their patches is presumably a mako shark.


Question: Why are the tips of the lightsabers in this movie pointed? In the original trilogy and the other prequels, they've always had rounded tips.

Answer: They've always been pointed, it just depends on what angle you view the blade from.

Question: When the Joker and his henchmen are destroying the art in the museum, he tells them to spare one picture because he likes it. What painting is this, or at least what is it a picture of?

Answer: It is "Figure with Meat" by Francis Bacon.


Answer: Yes, try searching eBay for Oscar Goldman million. There are 6 on sale as I'm typing this.


Question: When Janis is explaining the Cliques to Cady, she mentions the "Preps". Aren't the Plastics preps?

Answer: Not necessarily. "Preps" usually consist of a huge group of both boys and girls (at least in my high school expierence!). The plastics were just three really mean girls that thought they were above all other cliques.


Answer: As the other comment says, preps are usually a bigger group of well-known boys and girls. At both of my high schools (my family moved) they were mostly from upper-middle-class and wealthy families. Most were cheerleaders, members of sports teams, and/or heavily involved in extracurricular activities. Basically the Hollywood of the school.


Question: The script was written by Randall Wallace. Any family connections to William Wallace or is it just a coincidence?

Answer: According to IMDb Randall Wallace's personal quote reads, "I think he is an ancestor, I feel his blood in my veins. I can't prove it but then no one can disprove it."


Question: After the first Spinosaurus attack, the survivors run into a feeding T-Rex and he roars at them. Right after the team leaves, Alan says something under his breath. Does anyone know what he says?

Answer: I watched this several times on DVD. After Grant says, "Nobody move a muscle," he turns his head to one side as the others run off. His next comment is inaudible, although it appears he's uttering an expletive. My guess is, "Oh sh**." It's also not on the DVD closed captions.


Answer: "This Years Love" by David Gray (from his White Ladder album).

Question: If the ring was trying to make it's way back to Sauron, then why didn't it do shortly after being discovered by Bilbo as was witnessed at the start of the first movie or by Smeagol at the start of the third movie?

Answer: Smeagol found the Ring about the year 2463 of the Third Age (the first movie starts in 3017). Sauron was still very weak, practically dead at that time. Then Smeagol was hiding in the caves underneath the mountains where the Ring couldn't even be sensed for almost 500 years until Bilbo found it in 2941. Bilbo took the Ring back to the Shire which was farther away from Sauron so that Sauron had to grow quite a bit stronger before he was able to "reach out" for the Ring.


Question: Why was Bourne sent to kill Wombosi?

Answer: Wombosi's an ex-African dictator, put in power, it appears, with a degree of covert assistance from the US. Deposed, he's threatening to write a book revealing the US actions unless they arrange to have him put back in power. He's intending to include the names of those involved, which could prove highly embarrassing for the US government. To prevent this, Treadstone is given the order to take Wombosi out.


Question: When Frank deadheads to Miami, he is shown in to the cockpit and has a short conversation with the pilot. It is pilot slang and I would like to know what they are going on about. Something like "Are you turning around on the red eye."

Answer: A 'red eye' flight is one that occurs during the night, from around midnight through to dawn - so named because reddish eyes are associated with sleepiness. The question is basically "are you going back as the late night flight?"


Question: What variety of rose was used in the film throughout the house as arrangements, petals and the plantings in the Burnham yard? It doesn't look like American Beauty as that rose is pink and a climber.

Answer: The American Beauty rose has several cultivars, both bush and climbing and several colors including red and white.


Answer: This song is Bell, Book & Candle by Eddi Reader.


Question: What is the significance of the meeting between Bruce and Ducard at the party right before Ducard torches Bruce's house? Was Ras Al Ghul really Ducard or was Ras Al Ghul even a real person?

Answer: Ducard is the real leader of the League of Shaddows. Whether he is Ras Al Ghul is debateable. The whole idea of theatricality is present. "Ras Al Ghul" is a figurehead, not necessarily a single man. This gives immortality in much the same way that Bruce mentioned that, as a symbol, he could be incorruptible and untouchable.


Answer: Bruce does refer to Ducard directly as "Ra's" in this scene, stating it with some emphasis to show that he has come to the realization that Ducard is the leader of the League of Shadows: "Or cheap parlor tricks to conceal your true identity, *Ra's*?" Ducard does not challenge or deny the name, but the uncertainty still remains.

Answer: Ducard was always Ra's Al Ghul. The other guy was a cover/patsy to protect the real Ra's. He likely never planned on Bruce knowing that he was the leader of the league of shadows. When Bruce turned against him, he decided to tell him.

Question: What's the song playing when Austin is blowing up the Fembots?

Answer: I Touch Myself by the DiVinyls.

Grumpy Scot

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