Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Sam says that the Energon source is before the Autobots. So to find it they need to talk to a Decepticon. Wheelie is the first one at hand, but how does he know about the source, let alone the Seekers, what they look like and where they are? He doesn't look like he is as old as Jetfire, and as he puts it, "Nobody tell me nothin".


Chosen answer: He knows from stories passed down to him from older generations of bots, not much unlike stories about the past passed down to us from our ancestors. His line about no one telling him anything is just a way to avoid being put back in the box or being tortured by Mikayla.


Question: Why is Charles okay with Mystique joining Magneto's side? They're supposed to be brother and sister but he doesn't even attempt to talk her out of it.


Chosen answer: He's not okay with it, but he knows that Erik's views appeal strongly to her. To all intents and purposes, she's already made her decision - to try to stop her would likely only lead to an argument, which is not how he'd want them to part. Plus there is the somewhat major side issue that Charles has just been shot, so it's not really the right time for a discussion on conflicting mutant philosophies.


Question: Donna is a very musical person because he has Sam's bagpipes and Harry's guitar. But why wouldn't the men just keep the instruments themselves?


Chosen answer: As it was never specifically discussed in the movie, nobody really knows. However, I would imagine it was because she wanted something to remember them by. Or they wanted to give those items to her so she would remember them. Or maybe they wanted to think of her having these prized possessions of theirs. The guitar was actually purchased for Donna.

Kimberly Mason

Chosen answer: What about choosing not to cook precludes owning a recipe book? I'd guess Zinnia bought it simply because it's the type of thing a housewife would own. Or I suppose there's a chance Matilda, who is very resourceful and very fond of books, procured one herself from the library or elsewhere.


Answer: As said in the comment above, it is also mentioned in the book that she procured it from the library, and was very fond about learning how to cook.

Chosen answer: Gunther is rather particular about his appearance, keeping his hair carefully cut and colored, and is always wearing well chosen shirts and ties. This is what is commonly referred today as being "metro-sexual" which a lot of people consider to be gay. Gay men (stereotypically) are particular about how they look, so she just assumes. Also, since he is SO in love with Rachel, he doesn't have other relationships to prove her opinion incorrect because he is always hoping she will be single soon and notice him. Who can say why he is so in love with Rachel. Why does ANYONE love someone else? Infatuation? Her looks? Her personality? We will never know. Love is funny that way.

Kimberly Mason

Question: Since Bartleby has a talent for computer skills (creating a bogus website, fake IDs), why didn't those skills help him apply to a good college?

Answer: His friend is the one that created the website and all the necessary documents for the fake school. Even if his friend was able to create such a website, this wouldn't change his transcript from high school, which would negate any abilities used to apply to another school. No matter how creative you are in falsifying documents and websites, you can't change your school transcript unless you hack the schools records, and maybe they drew the line at that. He DID apply to many colleges and was rejected by them all, as demonstrated by the beginning of the movie.

Kimberly Mason

Question: This is more of a question about adoption, but if Juno decided later that she wanted to know how the baby was doing, could she just ask Vanessa, or does she have to go through a procedure to receive updates on the baby?

Answer: That would depend on how far Vanessa was going to go to keep the adoption closed. She would obviously be PHYSICALLY able to ask questions, but if it is truly closed, Vanessa would be under no obligation to give info. But since she had welcomed Juno into her home, and gave personal info, I would think she would be willing to offer some information in the future. We never did see the outcome of the final adoption documents, it is possible it was partially open, since Juno developed a relationship with Vanessa eventually. Usually a closed adoption blocks the birth mother from knowing any personal info of the adoptive parents, but she knows the name and address, so this case is obviously different than the norm.

Kimberly Mason

Question: Was there any point to Zam Wesell being a changeling? She reveals herself to be one to Anakin when he is on top of her speeder and when she is hiding from the two Jedi in the bar, she makes absolutely no effort to disguise herself.

S. Ha

Chosen answer: Being a changeling would make her job as an assassin easier, however, Anakin and Obi-Wan were in hot pursuit and she had no time to remove her armor, which presumably would not also change with her, so there would be no point in changing her appearance, as they'd recognize her armor.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Evil tells of his assistants, "tell me about computers". And he later says, "show me subscriber trunk dialing". Why does such a powerful entity have an interest in technology? (01:30:45 - 01:31:35)

Chosen answer: This technology may pose a threat, as a counter, to Evil's magic, or it could be used to enhance his own powers.


Answer: Remember his whole speech about technology being his version of the universe, while the Supreme Being concentrated on nature?

Brian Katcher

Question: The last few seconds in the movie - the rose with the ring lying beside Christine's grave - turns back to colour. I can't figure out the message behind. Can anyone help?

Airhead ESSE

Chosen answer: The rose tied with the black ribbon and the ring were left by the Phantom. The rose symbolizes the love the Phantom and Christine had for each other, and its turning to red shows that this love still exists beyond death.


Question: This just interests me, but how on earth did Jackson manage to get a ticket right next to Lisa on the plane so quickly, considering that Keefe changed his plans at the last minute, and they didn't know Lisa's grandma was going to die, and she'd be taking the last plane back to Florida?

Answer: These are very tech-savvy terrorists. Not only would they be watching Keefe, but also Lisa, who is integral to their assassination plot. The assassins would have been monitoring their every move, intercepting cell phone calls, hacking into the hotel's and the airline's computers, and so on. It is unknown how Jackson got a seat right next to Lisa, but as it's a late-night flight, there would likely be fewer passengers and he could have managed to be seated next to her or somehow got the airline to switch him with another passenger.


Question: Why does a section of her hair not die forever after the witch cut it as a child while at the end of the movie all her hair is brown and short from being cut?

Answer: That section that was cut when she was a baby is brown and shorter than the rest. She shows it to Flynn.


Question: In The Making Of The Lost World, there was an interview with one of the crew members. Someone mentioned a deleted scene when the men out in the long grass get attacked by raptors and some of them were hang-gliding off the cliff and get attacked by pteranodons. But in Jurassic Park III, all of the pteranodons were in the bird cage. The only pterosaurs that were free were the pterodactyls (which shows at the last scene in The Lost World). What was it that attacked the men? Were the pteranodons not in the bird cage yet?


Chosen answer: Some may have escaped, but that doesn't mean that all of them would necessarily have escaped. They're more likely to run into them in the giant cage than outside, but that doesn't mean that there aren't any outside the cage.


Question: Lannings wrote the three laws and built VIKI as his first robot, which leads to the conclusion that VIKI has been programmed with the three laws. If VIKI is programmed with those laws, how can she order robots to ignore humans orders and even kills them?


Chosen answer: Viki is following what has been called the 0th law of robotics. It is an extrapolation of the other three with an application toward humanity as a whole rather than individual humans and is interpreted as "A robot may not injure humanity, or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm". The idea being that she has now concluded that to fail to take action to prevent the self destruction of humanity itself would be a violation of that law. And being the 0th law, it supersedes all other laws, just as law 1 supersedes law 2 and law 2 supersedes law 3. Her actions may be regrettable or undesirable, but according to the 0th law, they are necessary to save humanity as a whole.


Question: After Gothel discovers that Rapunzel has left the tower, how did she know to find her at the pub?

Answer: I doubt she knew to look there specifically. She probably ended up there the same way they found it too. Just walking along the way to get to town, and there it was. Can't remember exactly what happened, but even if she said something along the lines of "I thought I would find you here" that doesn't mean she DID think that, just that she wanted to imply to Rapunzel that she was always one step ahead even if she wasn't.

Kimberly Mason

Question: The Axeman doesn't die when Luther shoots three rounds into his head. But how come when Alice blows his head off, he does die?


Chosen answer: The damage caused by Alice was more extensive and therefore sufficient to put the creature down.


Question: How did the Transformers stay hidden during the days when there weren't any mechanical devices? Jetfire explains that he's been here for millenia, and there are probably more like him all over the world. For that matter, why didn't the Egyptians or the Chinese or the Greeks ever make a note about the Transformers, while their markings are all over the structures?


Chosen answer: A lot of historians, or pseudo-historians some would say, believe the Ancient Egyptians did in fact have technology that surpasses even our own today. And that this technology was handed down to them from extra-terrestrials they worshiped as gods. This seems to fit the context of the movie, where the Transformers would be those extra-terrestrials.


Chosen answer: Accoding to, Winslet was paid $2,000,000, and DiCaprio's salary was $2,500,000.


Question: In the scene where Shelby and Jackson are eating the wedding cake, what was the point of Nancy Beth telling Shelby that Jackson is "one big-hanging man"? And how does Nancy Beth even know?

Answer: Nancy Beth, who has had a crush on Jackson, is likely jealous that he is marrying Shelby rather than her. She is trying to ruin Shelby's happiness with her spiteful comment, hinting that she has been intimate with Jackson, though it is uncertain if she ever has been.


Answer: Reading this answer, I just now put two and two together. While it's obvious Nancy Beth is referring to the fact that she's been with Jackson intimately, it kind of refers to the "ladies man" persona Jackson has. It also foreshadows for later in the film, when Shelby bitterly says, "Jackson loves to hunt for anything", he is what used to be called "a skirt chaser." I always felt that having babies wasn't the only reason Shelby reconsidered marrying Jackson. I always suspected she feared womanizing on the side would happen.

Answer: She's basically saying she has had a piece of him already and was trying to ruin her day by reminding her of their affair. This also helps clarify when Shelby tells her mom she's pregnant, that they are having marital problems pretty much he is cheating on her.

Answer: She'd definitely been to bed with him. Nancy Beth was known as kind of loose, as you can see her mom had to reel her in at the wedding. Then there was the Miss Merry Christmas scandal where she was stripped of her title because she was found in a hotel room with I believe one of the judges. Shelby tried to appease Jackson by having a baby, to try to keep his interest at home.

Question: At the end of the movie where they lower The Terminator to its death, how come it has stopped obeying John's orders? John orders it not to go, yet it only replies that it now knows why humans cry. It also actually gave John an order, telling him to run earlier in the movie. How can it be able to do these things if it's programmed to listen to John's command?


Chosen answer: There are a couple of possibilities. One, he has "a neural net processor, a learning computer" He become able to resist that programming (a feature he demonstrates again in T3 when he shuts down rather than kill John). Also, his overriding mission is to protect John's past self. Telling John to run while he delays the T1000 and destroying himself to avert Judgment Day both fall under this.

Grumpy Scot

Another possibility: Doing whatever John says is one of his mission parameters. Once the T-100 was destroyed, the mission was complete so all mission parameters would be moot.

Kyle G.

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