Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: What's having with the DVD releases of this film and the original? I've heard numerous reports that there are going to be special editions of both DVD's released soon, so I'm loathe to buy the feature-light ones that are out at the moment, but so far nothing has been announced. Also, is there going to be a box set released? Lastly, is the version that Tarantino screened at a recent film festival (both volumes edited together into one movie) ever going to be released?

Answer: I recently heard talk on a reliable website that a Kill Bill Special edition was going to be released later this year and that an announcement should be made soon but nothing more definite than that. The main reason for the long delay was that Tarantino wanted to re-edit the two films together to make the one film (as you mentioned) and then have it re-released. As for what the special edition will contain or even if it will be released as one film is anyone's guess at this point.


Answer: Update: As of early 2019, the extended version of the film (Known as "Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair") has not been officially released on DVD or Blu-Ray, but it has been screened at several film festivals. Hopefully it'll eventually be released on home media.


Question: Near the start of the film when the woman who throws herself off the building is being chased up the steps, she gets bitten on her lower left arm and another bite just appears on the top of her same arm. I never saw how she got this. Did she get bitten again?

Answer: Yes, she gets bitten twice.

Answer: The coyote may be a metaphor for Vincent's life. A lone predator lost in a world that doesn't understand him.

Answer: In many Native American cultures, seeing a coyote cross the road ahead of you means bad luck. So I think he knows everything is going to go south.

Question: At the beginning at the movie, there is a scene with Val Kilmer using a red/pink t-shirt and it is very visible a swelling in the elbow of his left arm. Can anyone tell me what is that?

Answer: It's an injury he picked up while working on "The Doors". One scene required him to dive off a stage, and the director had him repeat this many times. During one take, he landed quite heavily on his left elbow, which caused a permanent swelling.

It's actually Olecranon Bursitis.

Answer: The show's creator admitted that it was the wrong Arturo.

Chosen answer: It's left for us to wonder.

Question: What song was playing when Peter was getting ready to go see Mary Jane's play?

Answer: "Hold On" by Jet. It's on the soundtrack.

Question: Catherine Zeta Jones' character is the daughter of a Mexican drug lord, but she tells her upper-class friends that she's European. I'm assuming she's trying to pass herself off as Spanish or maybe Portuguese because it seems more exotic and socially acceptable among the upper class than being Mexican. Is this correct?


Chosen answer: The upper classes in Spanish-speaking countries tend to be more of Spanish ancestry, decendants of the original conquistadores. As such, some consider themselves Spanish, distinct from the lower-class Mestizos.

Question: What's up with the Halloween Town and Christmas Town clocks? I understand the idea of the tension increasing as the clock hands approach the "12" position, but if Christmas in on the 25th of December, towards the end of the month, shouldn't the hands be closer to the "1 o'clock" position then the 12? And why is December at the top of the clock in Halloween Town when their holiday is in October? It doesn't make sense.

Answer: The clocks might not be literal. When the hands are at the 12 position, it could be when their holidays are. And the whole concept of the movie is the people from Halloween try to do Christmas, so they changed the clock month to December.

Show generally

Question: In the Australian ads for the Mini-Series what are the names of the songs that are played, and who sings them?

Answer: Spaceman by Babylon Zoo.

Question: When Tom explains himself about cheating death within connection with Billy Hitchcock, how does this all work out?

Answer: Tom was called out to view the scene of Billy's death. This meant that he avoided the shoot-out that killed his partner, and that should have killed him too.


Question: The Alien asked why is the main character so special. Well, why is she so special? Why is she the only one to not forget her child when obviously other parents have forgotten theirs. It can't be the mother/child bond since others have forgotten.

Answer: She is special since she apparently is the only one not to have forgotten.


Question: Why did Brett Ratner bother making this film if, essentially, it's just a scene-for-scene remake of "Manhunter"?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: First, it's not a scene by scene remake - they didn't even use the same script. Secondly, the first movie was made with low production values, the star at the time had only been a bit player in a couple of movies. Since the movie of the second novel was a huge hit in 91, the third novel a hit in 01, plans for a remake of the first novel were probably put into motion before William Petersen made it big on CSI, which didn't even start until late in 2000. And let's face it, everybody wanted to see Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal again.


Question: What is the name of the song at the start of the movie? It's by Sean Paul.

Answer: "Three Little Birds" by Sean Paul & Ziggy Marley.


Question: Why, since no one knows that Violette is Fern, does one of the girls come up to Violette and say, "so I hear you were the last person to see Liz Purr alive"?

Answer: Because that was deliberately spread as a rumor to make Violette even more mysterious and intriguing.


Question: Can anyone tell me what exactly a kneazle is? I know Crookshanks is part kneazle, as stated in Corrections, but I don't know what that means.

Answer: To summarise their entry in "Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them", a companion book written for charity by J K Rowling (under the pseudonym of "Newt Scamander", a Kneazle is a small cat-like creature which is intelligent, independent and occasionally aggressive which, should it take a liking to a witch or wizard, makes an excellent pet. They have an uncanny ability to detect unsavoury or suspicious characters and can be relied upon to guide their owner safely home if lost.


Question: In the preview for this movie, there is chanting in the background of something that ends with 'When you see him count to five, pray that you will stay alive.' What, if anything, is this?

Answer: This is a made up children's rhyme just like the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series has "One, two, Freddy's coming for you, three, four, better lock the door,..."


Answer: It's from the TV Spot for the Boogeyman from 2005. This is the clip that it comes from. The rhyme haunted me for a long time and I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers it! It goes: When you're scared just count to ten, you will feel all good again. When it's dark just count to eight, the Boogeyman will hide and hate. When you see him count to five, pray that you will stay alive.

Show generally

Question: I was trying to find online who plays Chloe, the girl that worked at CTU. She looked very familiar. Does anyone know?

Answer: Her name is Mary Lynn Rajskub. This info can be found on See this link:


Question: When Luke is about to take off in his X-Wing while training on Dagobah to save Leia and Han, Obi-Wan says "That boy was our only hope," but Yoda says "No. There is another." Who is this "other" Yoda is talking about?

Answer: As we find out in Return of the Jedi, Luke's twin sister, Leia.


Question: What happened at the end? How did they get out of that fix?

Answer: We may never know. The ending was originally a set-up for a sequel, but the sequel never materialized.

Cubs Fan

Answer: Michael Caine himself once suggested in an interview that all they had to do was wait until the bus, the engine of which was still running, ran out of fuel. The fuel tank was at the rear of the bus, hanging over the cliff and so adding weight at that end. As it emptied, the balance would shift to the front and they would be able to move the gold forward. How they could then get it off the bus, or transport it from the roadside is another matter.

Question: I know that two of Blaster's cassette robots are called Cubbie and Bolts, but what are the other two's names?

Answer: Actually, you are wrong about the first two. The cassettes are: Eject (robot), Grand Slam (tank), Raindance (jet), Ramhorn (rhino), Rewind (robot), and Steeljaw (lion).

Bruce Minnick

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