Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: This might possibly a mistake. When the thief was chased by the police, they were right behind him. He entered a building and suddenly they weren't anymore. Only several minutes later they appeared. So my question is. What happened here?

Answer: The police were likely setting up a perimeter and waiting for backup before sending officers in to make sure he didn't escape. Hence, later you see police boats and whatnot.

Answer: Sticky Rice (the thief) lost the pursuing officers when he ran into the warehouse and hid there; he was subsequently tracked down by Spider-Man who captured him for the police.


Question: At the start of the movie when the lawyer goes to the amber mine in Dominican Republic the guy says something in Spanish when the lawyer is arriving on the boat. What does he say? In English.

Answer: "I bet a thousand pesos he falls in."


Question: How long was it from when Christian and Satine first met to when she finally dies at the end? In other words, how long was their whole love affair ordeal going on/how long did they know each other?

Answer: Approximately one year lapses from the time Christian arrives in Paris to when Satine dies. An additional year has passed after her death to when Christian is writing his memoir.


Question: Why did Argyle want to kill Michael? I can understand wanting to kill those who harmed him but Michael was an innocent boy.

Answer: She said in the movie, "He must see himself as a child in Michael. He wants to get rid of him to erase his past."

Answer: While Argyle shows a strange affinity for Michael, his primary goal is still revenge on the entire town. Innocent or not, Michael is connected to those who tortured him.


How could Michael have anything to do with those men that he killed? He's just a kid.

How is he connected?

Question: What is in the bottle that Roxie pays for while she's in jail before she does her hair?

Answer: Given that in the next scene, Roxie presents herself with a newly dyed platinum blonde hairstyle, it's a safe bet that the bottle was hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide was the most commonly used hair bleaching agent during the 1920's, when the story of Chicago takes place.

Michael Albert

Question: Miss Trunchbull is not married, hence Miss. Miss Honey's father is Magnus, Miss Trunchbull's brother, so would he not be Magnus Trunchbull, and Miss Honey also be named Miss Trunchbull?

Answer: No Miss Trunchbull was her mother's stepsister - Miss Honey says this in her story.

Seasickness: Kill or Cure - S3-E24

Question: It has already been proven that if you put your finger in a shotgun barrel you will lose your hand. Would you also lose your hand if you put your finger in a pistol barrel?

Answer: No. You would definitely lose a finger or 2 though. A shotgun has a wide barrel compared to a pistol.


Answer: The barrel can get hot if it is fired quickly. Revolvers allow hot gasses to escape from the front of the cylinder so you should keep your hand way from the gap. But if the barrel is not too hot and you keep your hand away from anything it should not be near, just touching the barrel will not hurt your hand.

I meant would a blast from a pistol firing blow off your hand as a blast from a shotgun firing?

Answer: He wears a black wig along with his mask, to cover the missing hair on the side of his head. The first time she only removed the mask, while in the performance she removed both.

Question: Rey is owned by Unkar Plutt before she leaves Jakku with Finn. Does she not have a slave transmitter?

Answer: Nothing in the film indicates she's a slave so much as she's just been left with and works under him. She's more an unwilling laborer than an overt "slave" (so perhaps something like an indentured servant), since it seems she's under the impression she'll be free to leave when her family comes back.

Answer: Rey is not a slave. She lives on her own and is able to use weaponry and vehicles. We see that she scavenges parts from the Star Destroyer to sell to Unkarr Plutt for food. She depends on him for food and some measure of security, but doesn't belong to him.

Opposite Universe - S2-E13

Question: Why does Henry freak out when he realises that Opposite Piper and Henry's dad are going to be eliminated? When the opposites are eliminated, does that mean that the real versions will be eliminated too?

Answer: No.

Question: How come it's called the battle of the five armies? 1. Humans 2. Orcs 3. Elves 4. Dwarfs 5....?

John Edther

Answer: In the book it was Goblins and Wild Wolves on one side and Elves, Men, and Dwarves on the other side. In the film the 5 armies would be Elves, Men, Dwarves, Orcs from Dol Guldur, and Orcs and Goblins from Gundabad.


Answer: As per the book, it is Men, Elves and Dwarves versus the Orcs and the Wargs + Bats who were numerous enough to be their own army. The Eagles and Beorn arrived but were not armies.

Answer: Eagles.

Answer: He is given what it known as "last billing" (which you see as "and George Kennedy). Nowadays it can also be referred to as "special billing." This is typically done for more famous actors who are playing a smaller role, or in this case a non-titular character. It was done on purpose and most likely as part of his agent's negotiation with the film studio.


Question: Can anyone tell me the translated piano notes of the original soundtrack?

Answer: Back to the future 1 Yes he was sent back to 1955 thereby he accidently interacted with his parents he didn't know they were from the beginning and when he did it was too late he already interacted with them thereby altering 1985 thankfully with the help of his friend Emmett Brown he was able to fix the timeline and go back to the future Back to the future 2 Emmett Brown went 30 years into the future thereby discovering Marty's son altering the future so Emmet Brown had go back to 1985 to take Marty back to the future to repair the future which they did unfortunately Marty obtained Greys Sport Almanac Biff from the future obtained it& the DeLorean sending himself back to Nov 5th 1955 handing to his younger self what he obtained from the future which created 1985a the reason why 2015 wasn't altered by old Biff future because Emmet Brown and Marty McFly repaired that timeline n the timeline old Biff collapsed in pain and slowing faded away in 1985a both Emmett and Marty discover both Emmett and Marty decide go back to Nov 5th 1955 to repair that timeline meaning that timeline never really existed meaning Biff from the future is alive and well Back to the future 3 On Nov 12 1955 the lightning struck the clock tower and the DeLorean sending Emmett Brown into existence Emmett wrote a letter what had happened 6 days before he was shot in the back by Biff's great grandfather realising this Marty raced back to 1955 to get help so he could go into the past so he could rescue his friend and get him get him back to the future this brought timeline 8 into existence that's where Emmett fell in love with Clara later the marry and to have a family unfortunately when Marty goes into the past so he could rescue his friend and get him get him back to the future Back to the future 4 Marty learns he' not in 1885A he's in 1885B similar to timeline 4 with Emmet Brown's help Marty goes back to January 1st 1885 10 minutes before Emmet brown arrives Marty explains 6 days after you sent me that letter which Marty shows who get shot in the back by Buford Tannen over 80 dollars both Emmet and Marty head back to 1985 Marty wakes up believing he's now back in 1985 only he discovers he's not n 1985 he's in 1955B similar to timeline 4 Marty writes a letter to his friend 30 years into the future Emmett arrives and collects Marty and arrives back to Nov 12 1955 at 6am unfortunately the clock tower hasn't changed its still at 10:04pm Emmett then remembers 4 hours ago he did sent himself back into the past his did damage the clock tower and it's because of that the clock still reeds 10:04pm.

This is an answer for the wrong film.


Answer: Sam inherits Bag End from Frodo after Frodo sails to the West.


Question: What was the medical procedure performed on Ian Holm at the end of the movie?

Answer: A lobotomy.


A pre-frontal lobotomy.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Who was the man shot by Gerrard in the house after Richard went in the woman's car for a ride?

Answer: That's Copeland, the other fugitive besides Richard Kimble.

Question: After Edward saves Bella from a car crash, she sees him, Carlisle, and Rosalie talking in the hospital. What were they saying? I heard some of the words but not all.


Chosen answer: Basically, Rosalie is complaining that Edward having saved Bella by stopping the truck with his hand has risked him exposing their family as vampires. Edward responds saying what else could he have done and should he have just stood by and let Bella die. Rosalie thinks he should have if it protected the family. Carlisle then says they need to move the conversation to his office when he notices Bella watching them.


Question: I thought sunglasses weren't invented until the late 1920s?

Answer: Have to say, I have not seen movie, but to answer your question, one of the earliest surviving depictions of a person wearing sunglasses is of the scientist Antoine Lavoisier in 1772.


Question: About half way through the movie, before Ray and co meet Robbins, why is everyone running up the hill towards the explosions? Surely they would be running away?

Answer: They see the army is about to attack they aliens. Thinking the army will prevail, they want to see the battle.

Answer: There is more than one alien machine and explosions are going off that are not seen on screen. The people are panicked and running in all directions.


Answer: As part of the alien takeover, they're suppressing any resistance and discussion of the plot. They know there's a group, led by the preacher, who are onto the conspiracy and that they're somewhere in the camp. They destroy the camp to disburse them and prevent word from getting out.

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