Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: When David drives up to see Winnie to apologize for his childhood behaviour, he drives up to the house through what looks like the woods. Does anyone know that area of IL (Bensonville) and why there would be no formal road leading to Winnie's house?


Chosen answer: I don't know the area, but there is nothing unusual about a dirt road leading to a house, both my wife's parents and her brother have a long dirt road that leads to the house from a major road. It's common as the city or county doesn't usually have the budget to pave/maintain roads out past the city limits.

Grumpy Scot

Show generally

Question: What happened to Marrion from the first series? She wasn't seen or mentioned in series two.

Answer: She's not in it. There is a woman called Joyce, who could be seen as a replacement, but she has a much smaller part. I haven't heard why this happened.

Ian Hudson

Question: What exactly is Leo saying to Anderton when he "confesses" to kidnapping his son? I can't make out most of what he's whispering in this scene - I caught something about pretzels when he first started speaking, then when Anderton asks if he's still alive, he said something about a barrel.

Answer: Leo: "I told him I was a policeman. I told him I needed his help. It wasn't so bad. I sang him a song, I bought him a pretzel. I bought him a pretzel! He was happy. He was happy." Anderton: "Is he alive? He's alive? Where have you got him? Is he all right? Tell me, you f**k! Where is he?" Leo : "I put him in a barrel. I sunk him in the bay. It floated back up. I took him out. I was gentle (3 times). I'm sorry (4 times). I'm so very sorry." Anderton: "How could you do that to my boy?" They fight. Anderton points his gun at Leo. Leo: "I'm sorry" Agatha: "You can choose. You can choose." Anderton: "You have the right to remain silent...", etc.


Show generally

Question: I know there are several websites devoted to the "count" of the number of men that each character has slept with. Does anyone know where one of these would be?


Chosen answer: Try, which has these (and other) statistics for the entire series, except for the last eight episodes (scroll down to 'SEX' by the numbers).

J I Cohen

Chosen answer: Trey Parker and Matt Stone have said that they're making fun of the media; Canadians are very similar to Americans, yet the US media often portrays them has being very different. Trey Parker apparently grew up around a lot of Mormons and, we can infer, organised religion didn't make a good impression on him.


Answer: For the Mormon thing, there's the fact that it's set in Colorado, which is next door to Utah, the center of Mormonism.

Question: Was the minigun used by Jesse Ventura in Predator the same one (as in the same physical prop, not just the same model and/or configuration) later used by Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2?

J I Cohen

Chosen answer: Check out This site confirms that the same minigun is used in both movies, and is (or was) on display at the Allegheny Arms and Armor Museum in Smethport, Pennsylvania.

J I Cohen

Question: I still don't know this but why EXACTLY are the elves leaving Middle Earth?

Answer: For various reasons. Because with the distruction of the One Ring the protective powers of the Three Rings of the Elves diminished, because their fate is not bound with that of Middle-Earth's which means they can take the straight road to the Undying Lands instead of having to remain in Middle-Earth until its end. Also, if they remained in Middle-Earth they would eventually diminish, so they left for the Undying Lands where they would be immortal (Elves are not immortal in Middle-Earth, they just age *very* slowly, but in any case slowly enough to be considered immortal by the race of Men).


Question: Could someone please explain the ending of this movie? Am I right when I conclude that Rusty Nail planted the Ice Truck guy's body in the driver's seat and then got away leaving cops to think the Ice Truck guy was the killer? I think I'm missing something here because that ending would be ridiculously unrealistic. Thank you.

Jeanne Perrotta

Chosen answer: That's exactly what happened leaving room for the sequel, if they make one.

T Poston

But the kidnapped girl-Charlotte-would have told the police what Rusty Nail did and what he looked like. And, since Rusty Nail would have fled on foot, he would have been easy to find. Also, in order to pull off this stunt, Rusty Nail would have needed to find a way to floor the gas pedal. Finally, it would be easy for the police to identify who owned the truck Rusty Nail crashed into the motel. He either owned it or the owner of the truck knew who was driving it.

Question: Does anyone know what kind of pistols Martin Blank uses in this film? Also, is the gunfire sound they make accurate? It's very distinctive.

Phil C.

Chosen answer: His pistols are 9mm Glock 17's ( No movie firearm shot is authentic as it would sound very flat and unexciting because the blank rounds used are very quiet (not much louder than clapping your hands actually). The shot sounds are added in post production.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Why is Decker wanted by the police? When the police came to visit the ranch, Decker notices them, tips his hat and walks away. The police have a sketch of Decker that says he is WANTED.

Answer: Very early in the story when one stab is narrating, he's kind of introducing everybody and makes a reference about Decker having "illegally" married an Indian woman, and there are several references to the fact that the father was not happy working for a government that was killing Indians and also went out of his way to make sure they were in no way discriminated against. I think it's possible that may be why they were looking for Decker and why Colonel went out of his way to hide his living there.

I believe Decker had been a bootlegger. That would be the reason why the O'Banions (sellers of booze themselves), were with the sheriff when they came looking for Decker at the Ludlow's ranch. And also, the reason why the O'Banions didn't want to say what Decker was wanted for was their own personal vendetta concerning bootleg whiskey. Maybe they had reason to believe that he was still selling bootleg whiskey around those parts. Also, later in the movie, when Tristan returns home after 7 years, Decker says to him "There's good money in bootlegging if you know what you're doing." And, Decker says that with a huge smile. Like he definitely knew what he was talking about and could definitely give Tristan some pointers about being a bootlegger.

Alcohol wasn't illegal until well after World War 1. The initial scene with the O'Bannons takes place before the boys go off to war, and it's stated afterwards that Alfred voted for the Volstead Act making alcohol illegal.

Not sure about this. At the time the sheriff comes looking for Decker, it's roughly 1915, and liquor is not yet illegal.

Answer: I don't think it's ever mentioned. The Ludlows almost certainly already know, and in the scene mentioned, the cops won't say.


Chosen answer: That would be Terry Gilliam, who played a lot of non-speaking roles in the series, and some speaking ones like Cardinal Fang in 'The Spanish Inquisition.' He did all the animation as well, but I'm sure you knew that.

rabid anarchist

Chosen answer: Obviously not, as after the credits we see Jack (the monkey) swim up to the chest, grab a gold piece and turn back into an undead monkey.

Grumpy Scot

Question: What is the title of the track that is playing when Hal gets into the taxi with Katrina, and he looks at her, noticing how beautiful she is?

Sharon Murray

Chosen answer: "The Edge of the Ocean" by Ivy.

Question: I'm doing horror movies in my Media Studies course and we're looking at this film in great depth. There were many themes that came up a lot in the film, mainly mirrors, birds and eyes. I've had loads of interpretations of all of these, but does anyone know what they symbolise?

rabid anarchist

Chosen answer: Birds are just a favourite choice of spooky animal that Alfred Hitchcock seems to use hence the film "The Birds". Eyes show the window to our soul where our deepest fears originate and who isn't scared of getting knifed in the shower. The mirrors i can't explain but I can suggest that it just looks creepy.

Question: What does Ada say to her daughter at the table at the end of the film?

Answer: I hear "Grace Inman, nobody said you could eat."

Answer: I don't know the exact words, but she says something like, "No one told you to eat yet, Miss Inman." This was probably just to let the audience know for sure that she was Inman's daughter from their one night together.

Question: What is the translation of 006's words when he holds the gun to Bond's head in the dark toward the beginning of the movie?

Answer: "Don't even breathe. Where are the others?"

Question: After Ruth comes back home, she is driving out to the emu farm whilst listening and jiving along to some tune. Can anyone tell me what tune it is, and who it is by?

Answer: The tune is "You Oughta' Know" by Alanis Morrisette.

Season 1 Episode 6 - S1-E6

Question: In this episode Brian addresses Den Perry as Dennis, but in another episode in series 2 he calls him Denzel, I'm sure as they are rivals that they would know each other enough to get each other's name right, so why did Brian call him two different names?

troy fox

Chosen answer: He doesn't have a longer name eg. Dennis or Denzel it's simply Den. Brian simply says this to make Den annoyed by giving him a long name. Another theory is Brian is so stupid that he just doesn't know Mr. Perry's name or is unsure of it but I'm sure it's the first one.

Question: How was Samara able to see her mother jump off of the cliff and secure that image on the tape if she was killed before her mom committed suicide?


Chosen answer: One may as well ask, how did she manage to secure any of the odd images on the tape? Her spirit lived on, up to and beyond her mother's suicide, even though she had died. It was the power of her evil/angry spirit that created the tape and all its imagery.

Rooster of Doom

Question: What is the translation of the Chinese drinking game Roy and Chon play?

Answer: One crab with eight feet, painted horns - what a big crab./ Blinking eyes, shrinking head,/ crawling, crawling everywhere./ Two and Two, who should drink?/ Three and three, who drink first?/ Five and Five, who should drink?/ Two and two, you drink first.


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