Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did Peter Pettigrew find Voldemort? Where has Voldemort been since Harry met him in the first movie? Harry only met a memory version of him in the second movie, and didn't see him at all in the third.

Answer: When Pettigrew escaped in the third movie he learned from other rats that in the forest of Albania there was a fearsome place where a shadowy creature took over and killed animals. He knew this was Voldemort and headed into the forest to join him. That is where Voldemort has been hiding out this whole time trying to stay as strong as he can.

Question: Does John not care about everyone's safety? I mean, he didn't even ask if Ian was OK and earlier, a guy was saying how John hated inspections because it slowed everything down so, was safety nothing to him? Yeah there was the fences and stuff, but it seems that the only thing he cares about is the attraction and its visitors.

Answer: Yes he cared deeply about safety but he was just so excited and wrapped up in getting the park online and making it as visitor friendly as possible that he lost track of it a bit. Plus he felt the park was already perfectly safe, and the inspections were stopping him letting visitors in.


Question: Why does Harvey Keitel hold up his hand as he is chasing after Thelma and Louise at the end of the movie? I always felt he did it to keep the officers from shooting at them, but a friend of mine was saying he simply did it to try to get their attention so they wouldn't drive off the cliff. Any other opinions?


Chosen answer: It's just as you said; he was telling the others to hold their fire. He had no idea that they were going to drive off the cliff; his reaction was evidence of this.


Question: Where exactly is Bilbo from? In the novels he's mentioned as coming from Hobbiton, Overhill and Underhill, Bag-end and the Shire.

Answer: Hobbiton is the village where Bilbo was born. Overhill is on the northern edge of Hobbiton and Underhill is at the bottom of said hill. Built into the hill itself is Bag End, the Baggins estate. The Shire is the name of the Hobbit lands overall. So, he's from the village of Hobbiton in The Shire, and his home is Bag End, which is in the midst of the hill that forms both Overhill and Underhill.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: In Godfather II, during the attempted murder of Pentagelli in the bar. One of the hit men tells Pentagelli "Michael Corleone says hello" as they begin to strangle him. Why? Mike didn't OK the hit on Pentagelli, did he? Roth and Mike's other enemies could not have known or timed the cop coming into the closed bar, resulting in Pentagelli surviving the attack and thinking Mike wanted him dead. So turning to the FBI and testifying and against Michael.


Answer: That hit was ordered by Roth, purposely designed to fail, and to leave Pentangelli believing that Michael double-crossed him. That way, Pentangelli would testify against Michael. The nerdy cop that "accidentally" interrupted the hit was part of the plot.

Chosen answer: The Rosato brothers hated Pentagelli, so why NOT lie to him? The revenge becomes all the sweeter if he dies thinking he's been betrayed.

Captain Defenestrator

Season 1 generally

Question: 1. Why was Rose not allowed to touch her past self without creating a paradox and causing those creatures to appear and eat everyone, but Amy was allowed to touch her younger self without any repercussions? 2. Why was Rose able to have the time vortex in her head for a few minutes and it only knocked her unconscious whereas the Doctor had it inside him for about 30 seconds and it basically killed him and caused his regeneration?


Chosen answer: 1) When Stephen Moffat took over he ignored a lot of what had been developed before (there is not in-universe answer). 2) It would have killed Rose, so the Doctor absorbed the energy. His body regenerated before the energy could do a significant amount of damage that would prevent regeneration.

Chosen answer: Bond was carrying a distinctive steel briefcase belonging to Slate, the geologist/hitman he had just killed. Camille had presumably been told to look out for the briefcase when picking up the geologist (who was supposed to kill her).


Question: In the scene where The Bride is trying to get Hattari Hanzo to make her a sword she mentions a "former" pupil and he changes his mind, writing on the window Bill. What did Bill do to upset Hattari Hanzo?

Answer: Bill used Hattari Hanzo's teachings for evil, instead of belief and self defense.

Question: Why does Dracula do that dance that involves placing his hand on his chest and slowly spinning around while Velkan is being strapped to the device while screaming "Never"?

Answer: Dracula can hear heartbeats, as he makes clear to Van Helsing. He even states that he can almost "dance to the beat" of scared humans. He is mocking Velkan's anger and fear by dancing to the beat of his racing heart.

Question: Before Dan and Alice left for Anna's show, why didn't Dan want Alice to travel with him after the show? I know he wanted to go and talk to Anna, but since he almost gets into a car and then suddenly changes his mind, it seemed like he had just then decided to go and try to talk to Anna.

Answer: Before Anna's show, they were not arguing about Dan and Alice leaving the show together - they were arguing because Dan was travelling straight after the show and staying somewhere else overnight to be at his father's funeral. Alice wanted to go to the funeral with him but Dan said he wanted to be alone. He looked like he was almost getting into a car because he was waiting until Alice's car was out of sight so she would not see him when he went back inside to speak to Anna.

Question: Why doesn't Sara just hold up 5 fingers when shes at the lie/truth gate and ask how many fingers shes holding up? It seems much more simple than her way.

Answer: Sarah was allowed only one question, and asking how many fingers she was holding up would determine which one lies, but use up her only question as to which door to take.

Answer: It would have to be changed to a yes or no question. Am I holding up 5 fingers? For starters. But I think they were more specific with their rules so that she couldn't ask such an easy question.

She could ask any easy question she wanted. But the other answer explained it already. Asking an easy question to determine who's lying or telling the truth wouldn't give her any information about which door they're standing in front of, and she only gets one question.


Question: Why is it that on some of the notes David wrote for Monica, he said he hated Teddy, but on others he said he loved him?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: These letters made an appearance in the short-story, "Super-Toys Last All Summer Long," the story that the movie stems from. Both the movie David and literary David are struggling with the concept of reality. David realizes that Teddy is a 'robot', and thus perhaps less 'real' than living beings. David desperately wishes to be 'real' and Monica's 'real' son. Thus, despite his affections and attachments to Teddy, David sometimes distances himself from Teddy because his status as a 'robot' threatens David's own conceptions of his self. He 'hates' the parts of Teddy that are robotic, because he hates these in himself.

Question: What is the make/model of the car that Biff wrecked, that is being towed into the McFly's driveway near the beginning of the film?

Answer: The car being towed into the driveway is a 1979 Chevrolet Nova.

Question: When the men are on deck singing the "Spanish ladies" song, they suddenly stop, leaving Hollom singing alone, and then he trails off at the end. Why do the men stop singing? If it's because Hollom was singing, too, I didn't think they hated him so much at this point.


Chosen answer: They stop singing because they hear Hollom joining in. There are very strict ranks in the Navy, and Hollom singing with the lower crew dissipates these ranks, which is undesirable. That Hollom sings with the crew is frowned upon by the captain, as can be seen by his serious/agitated reaction after Stephen mentions that Hollom has such a clear voice.

Question: I have been wondering this for ages. In the scene where everyone is on the beach, Ellen Brody sees her husband Chief Brody and waves at him. He waves back. Then she mouths something completely incomprehensible and the chief nods and walks away. What did she say?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: She mouths "I've got Shaun", so he doesn't worry. Alternatively "I've got your order" as she points to the food counter.

Question: When Gabriel is lying on Constantine she has lots of tags on her wrists, does anyone know what these say and what they mean?

Answer: The armbands are human emotion. When she grabs his throat, you can see the words "sorrow" and "passion".

Question: Rumor has it that the soldier Captain Miller helps to get on shore in the beginning of the film is one of the Ryan brothers. Supposedly you can see his name on his uniform at some point. Since I don't have the movie I can't check for myself. Anyone who can verify this?

Answer: In the trailer, this scene is shown as the death of Sean Ryan, but in the film the soldier is washed away, and the real Sean Ryan (the one with the pack marked "Ryan. S") is too far from the shoreline to be washed in again. The trailer also shows the deaths of Peter and Daniel Ryan, which are not shown in the film, but 20 minutes of the film was edited out, so it is possible the deaths of all three brothers were filmed, but not shown. There's no guarantee that the soldier Miller helps is Sean Ryan (as Sean was the only Ryan brother who fought on Omaha; Peter was killed on Utah, and Daniel was killed a week ago in New Guinea), but it very well could be.

Answer: Its not. If you pay attention to the Soldier Miller is helping onto the beach you can see he is not wearing a pack as is the soldier lying dead on the beach with the name Ryan. S stamped on it.

Question: I first saw "Raiders" at the cinema when it was released in Australia and I distinctly remember a scene which has never appeared on video or DVD. After the end credits, there's a cut back to the crate housing the Ark in the warehouse, and the U.S Govt. stamp on the side of the crate is slowly burning off, as if a fire within the crate is scorching it. One other friend (also in Australia) also remembers. Does anyone else remember this, and can anyone shed any light on what happened to this scene?

Answer: I also remember this scene. After the ark is sealed, the camera performs a close up of the side of the crate. The stamp reads "Top Secret Army Intel 9906753 Do Not Open" This stamp is burned off just like the swastika is in the scene on the submarine, because in the eyes of God, no nation is holy or worthy enough to claim ownership of the ark. However, this final scene was cut (the burning of the stamp) from the film for a variety of unclear reasons. While it was in theaters, this scene was not included on the DVD version.

Add me to this. We saw the movie in a "pre release" version in Orlando Florida. No advance warning of the movie. We went to see another flick and at the end were "invited" to see this if we were willing to critique it afterwards. This scene was included. I also always wondered why the change.

I also remember seeing this mysterious 'burning' of the logo, most likely it was on a VHS copy of this movie. Yes, it did exist.

I saw it in former Czechoslovakia in the second half of 80's in cinema (west movies came to the east countries' cinemas years later). And I thought it was a great joke that burning out the swastika wasn't just because the Nazis are bad but because nobody is great enough to own the arc. Then after the Velvet revolution I saw the film again on TV (beginning of 90's) and said everyone around: watch it until the end, wait on the post-credit scene, there will be a surprise.

And there was a surprise. The scene was cut off! I was angry on the TV they didn't show the scene. I cannot be influenced by internet discussion or urban legend. The internet didn't exist yet.

I saw it in Portland, Oregon, and was so impressed with the message it carried, that I told friends and we went several times just to see it. Funny thing was when I mentioned it a few years ago, many people said I was a LIAR that it never happened. I could not convince anyone. It was removed because it wasn't Politically Correct. USA is a force for good, God would not burn off AMERICAN TEXT! BUT WE DID SEE IT. Thanks to our Australian eye witness, we know we did not imagine it.

Answer: I also remember that scene.

Answer: This scene never existed. Plus, the crate never has a US Govt logo stamped on it.


Answer: I remember the side of the crate being "charred" when it was in the ship's cargo hold, in the scene when the Nazi's arrived in the submarine. It was the Nazi swastika on the side of the crate that was burned off. It also showed a rat keeling over dead from the energy it emitted. (I just watched this again on the Paramount cable channel.)


Question: I never fully understood why Constantine disliked 'half-breeds' so much, he called them "hypocritical bullshit." Can someone enlighten me?

Answer: He calls it hypocritical bullshit because half breeds exist in both half-demon and half-angel form, they "whisper thoughts" to us that are both positive and negative suggesting that we will do both positive and negative things, confusing us humans. They call it a balance because there are an equal amount of both good and bad half breeds. However he thinks this is unjust, because they should let us make decisions on our own.

Question: Just after Jack's entrance, he yells at one of himselves for tying a knot badly and hallucination Jack says something to the effect of "Perhaps you could give us another chance?" and real Jack says "Shall I?" stabs hallucination Jack and says in his ear "That's exactly the sort of thinking that got us into this mess". What does he mean by this?

Answer: In the previous movie, when Jack abandons the Black Pearl and its crew in a small boat, he has a sudden change of heart and decides to turn back - the second chance hallucination Jack is referring too. The consequences of turning back are that he ends up being handcuffed to the ship and swallowed by the Kraken. When hallucination Jack says that giving people a second chance is what got him in that mess, he is referring to that change of heart and decision to go back.

Answer: "The sort of thinking that got us into this mess" implies essentially, being less ruthless / a good person, the type to give second chances or do something for someone else etc. He believed that if he wasn't such a 'softie', he wouldn't have been conned into becoming kraken bait for others' survival at his expense.

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