Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did the diamond get inside of the skull?

Answer: The pirate was most likely holding it when he died. As centuries past and the body decomposed, it most likely fell into the body.

Question: Do any of the villains ever realise that Conan is the kid from the village that they raided in the beginning?

Answer: When Conan is captured after failing to kill Thulsa Doom, They ask why he wanted to kill him. Conan shouts, "You killed my mother! You killed my father! You killed my people, you took my father's sword!" Doom replied, "It must have been when I was younger." It meant nothing to him, a forgotten memory, completely meaningless to him.

Question: Johnny had not yet mastered his powers, so how did he know his heat shield would protect him and the little girl on the bridge?

Answer: He didn't, it was a instinct to protect the little girl and it was a reflex action that his powers turned on at that moment. When you are in a dangerous situation, you instinctively pray for a miracle to happen.

Question: At the end of the final chase scene when they're on the bridge, why do Briana and Reyes saying they can't outrun them and that they have no more room left? Couldn't they just keep driving on the bridges in hopes that they get away? Or when they do get off the bridge, just go through another chase?

Answer: So the thought would be that the bridge was really pretty damn long, they were already gaining on the cars that were pulling the heavy safe slowing them down significantly. It's not out of reason to easily assume that they would have been overtaken had the chase continued on the bridge. Dom and Brian were only even able to get away from all the cops initially by the help of Roman and Han and by making constant quick turns to get away from the straightaways.

Question: Why is Dr Nichols helping Dr Richard Kimble? Why would he give him money? Why would Nichols give Kimble an opportunity at the hospital to investigate the drug, when he himself is in on the conspiracy?

Answer: Two answers. One, Nichols pretends to support Kimble and say he is innocent (knowing he really is) and otherwise avoids interfering to divert suspicion away from himself. He presumes Kimble will be captured before he figures everything out. Secondly, it's a plot device so the audience believes he is Kimble's ally and will be unaware until the end that Nichols was involved in the conspiracy.


Question: How did the big, black vampire die? I know that he melted after Harvey Keitel ran him through with the shotgun, but I didn't see anything used that would actually "kill" a vampire. There was no holy water, crosses, etc. used on him.

Answer: Well Keitel turned the shotgun into a cross. So he touched the cross and melted.


Question: What did Loki mean when he said he was burdened with glorious purpose?

Answer: He feels it is his birthright to be a ruler, so being a ruler would be the glorious purpose, and the drive to become one is his burden.


Question: How is this possible that Jim (the guy whose right arm was bitten off and eaten by shark) didn't bleed out to death?

Answer: Because the tourniquet that was applied slowed the blood loss substantially until the emergency paramedics arrived to help.


Question: About 15 minutes in why does the view in the rear view mirror show the police car and a semi being driven from the right-hand side and the police car pulling off the left side of the road? I think this is a double negative. This is not what you will see in a car mirror. (01:15:50)

Answer: What is shown is what you would see in the rearview mirror. Being in the mirror, it's a reverse image. Think about if you were looking at the cars pulled over head on/facing the driver, the road and the driver would be on your right. Shots in the mirror though shows the road and the driver on your left, the reverse.


Question: When Johnny knocks down two pins, he says to mark it a strike. Stephanie says that he only hit two pins but Johnny retorts it's a technical strike because the Pink Ladies were late and to check the bowling rules. Was is it really a technical strike or was Johnny using it as an excuse to cheat?

Answer: If he's not making it up, then it would have to be very specific bylaw for whatever local bowling league they're in (or to which Johnny is referencing). Most rules state a player has until the 4th or 5th frame to show up and can still play. If a player doesn't show up by whatever designated frame, they simply aren't allowed to bowl, or the team could be disqualified. No extra points are awarded to the other team.


Question: Roughly how much time passes from Connie's wedding to the final scene when Neri closes the door on Kay?

Answer: Ten years.

Answer: The writer and director, Brad Bird, wanted to wait until he came up with a story that he deemed worthy of telling. This wait would ultimately take fourteen years.

Casual Person

Question: At the end of the movie, Emily is greeted by the Virgin Mary who gives Emily a choice. She can either ascend to heaven or remain on earth and become a martyr to prove that God and demons are real. Emily chooses to become a martyr and shortly after dies. How is her death supposed to prove that God and demons exist when Ethan came up with so many logical explanations for her demonic attacks? For that matter, how would she be able to tell people that God and demons are real if she isn't even alive?

Answer: You seem to have missed the point. It boils down to what Emily believed, not anything Ethan manages to explain away. In her written letter the priest reads in court she explains that she believes people would have to believe in God if she showed them the Devil. The logic goes like this: if someone sees or experiences something so horrible that they have to believe the Devil exists, then there has to be a God as well. It's about getting people to embrace faith, which was her ultimate goal. She wasn't concerned with anyone potentially finding evidence to the contrary. She believed that she had to suffer greatly and die in order to achieve the goal, which is the essence of martyrdom. Whether she suffered from mental illness or demonic possession is irrelevant in the end. Emily believed that she did her part to prove God exists when she died and that was all that mattered to her. As for her telling anyone despite her being dead, well, there were witnesses to the attacks and her story was national news. Her story would live on after her death, so in a way she'd be telling anyone that looks into her story.


Question: Unless he went through adoption records, how would Michael know where his niece lived?


Answer: In Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, it's revealed that Michael is under the control of a Druid cult using supernatural powers making him indestructible. It's most likely, they gave him the power to sense his own bloodline.

Michael also first encounters his niece in the drugstore, not at her home. After the encounter, he very well could have simply followed Rachel and Jaime home and learned where she lived that way.


Question: What was the deal about Jack's parents at the end of the movie?

Answer: Jack's father knew he was homosexual, and he was not accepting of it, but he did want him buried in the family plot. His mother also knew but accepted Ennis as his friend, and she understood he'd love to see Jack's bedroom.

Question: Why does it seem like they used CGI on Daniel Radcliffe's face? Multiple times like on the train when he is talking you can see that his face is edited. What happened?

Answer: This is never explained, but a possible answer is to spend less time on his makeup. Also, he might've not had the look the crew were going for.

Answer: He said "where did you come from man."

Question: After promotion, Captain Torrey (O-6) is offered his "lucky stars" (O-7) by 4-star Admiral Fonda. In subsequent shots Admiral Torrey is wearing 2 stars (O-8, of an upper half Rear Admiral) - jumping the lower half (1 star, O-7) admirals. When does this ever happen?

Answer: One Star rank wasn't formalized until 1943. Rear Admiral lower and upper wore the same 2-stars.

Answer: After WWII, the one star was discontinued until recent years when the rear admiral lower half was formalized with one star.

Question: Who was the dwarf in the castle scene when the children arrive at the castle in the child catcher cage?

Question: Who plays the crying man (a neighbor we never see) in the divorcee apartment?

Answer: Matthew Labyorteaux.

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