Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Robin asks Rabbi Tuckman to marry him and Maid Marian, Rabbi says that he's on his last customer and that he'll be right out, and then we hear a crack, a guy calling out in pain and the Rabbi telling him "Put a little ice on it. You'll be fine." What was the joke? I never understood what he did that made the guy call out in pain. Can someone please explain?

Answer: He was giving the man inside a circumcision. Earlier in the movie, Rabbi Tuckman showed Robin and the Merry Men a small handheld guillotine. He gave a demonstration by taking a carrot (or a candle, doesn't matter which) which was to represent a man's penis and used the guillotine to cut the tip of the carrot off.

Question: How did Mary Jane get Scooby snacks? I thought they were made just for Scooby, (Hence the name). I've seen a lot of episodes of Scooby-Doo but not every single one, so that's why I'm asking.

Answer: There are some episodes where they show the factories where Scooby Snacks are manufactured, so they aren't just made for him. Scooby is shown to love them as a puppy, so it's possible the dog was named after the snacks because he loved them so much.


Question: In the scene when the Black Knight Ghost and the 10,000 Volt Ghost are destroyed, I can see how the Black Knight was destroyed but how was the Volt Ghost destroyed and also, how could a jumper cable hurt him? I never understood that part exactly.

Answer: The jumper cables "conducted" the 10,000 Volt Ghost into the Black Knight, causing them both to explode.


Show generally

Question: I have always been confused by the kitchen 'door' behind the table as it appears to lead nowhere. Characters are always coming in and out of that door from elsewhere in the house. But as far as I can tell the door leads to nowhere else in the house, and based on the layout of the other rooms, it certainly doesn't lead to either the living room or the upstairs. (In stage terms, I'm referring to the door 'downstage', not the three 'upstage' which lead outside, to a food cupboard and to the living room respectively). Does anyone know where the magic door leads?

Answer: Since they don't have a door there in the living room but they do have a door there in the dining room I assume it leads to the dinning room and the door upstage is probably straight to the living room while the door downstage goes to the dinning room and then through more doors you get to the door in the the living room. Hope that made sense.

Question: Why does Melvin, who looks about 15, live out there alone, in a shack, with no adult supervision?

Answer: In the original script Melvin has parents, but they constantly abandon him when they make trips into Las Vegas. This was reaffirmed by the directors.

Answer: It is never stated that Melvin lives in the shack. He just climbed onto the shack's roof because it was the nearest structure. In fact, earlier in the movie when Val and Earl are pumping the septic tank, Melvin is sitting on the porch of the house. Earl even says to Melvin, "Why don't you give us a hand? most of this **** is yours."

Question: In one of the last scenes of the movie when the camera is spanning the waste of the battlefield, why is there a British Lee Enfield rifle shown propped up against a tree? Why would that weapon be found there?

Answer: Units from all nations were mixed throughout the field.

Answer: It was not uncommon for us troops in WW1 to be issued the Lee Enfield or the 1917 Enfield.

Question: When Rocky kisses Dianne, why is it a New Years dance if they are at summer camp?

Answer: It appears to be a party at camp. Lots of camps have special themed parties especially before the camp is over.

Question: How did Tiana know that Naveen was going to marry Lottie? We don't find out until later that Lottie has to kiss Naveen in order for the spell to be broken and sure Lottie was attracted to Naveen but still, marriage wasn't mentioned so how did Tiana know? Did I miss something?

Answer: Naveen told Tiana about his plan to marry Lottie once they arrived in the swamp. After revealing that he's been cut off by his parents, he explains that he plans to regain his wealth by marrying her so that he'll inherit her father's prosperity.

Answer: Mama Odie tells Tiana and Naveen that Naveen must kiss a true princess in order to break the spell. Lottie is the princess of the Mardi gras parade so that would make her a princess and that would make it necessary for her to kiss Naveen and break the spell.

Tiana knew that Naveen was going to marry Lottie because Naveen tells her when they are running away from danger in the bayou. Naveen says 'when I marry Miss Charlotte LaBouff...' in an attempt to explain to Tiana how he intends to be rich again.

Question: When Cage wakes up the last time after killing the Omega, he arrives in London before his first meeting with Brigham to find the war is over, but he did not destroy the Omega in Paris until the night after he met Brigham and got busted to private. How is this timeline explained?

Answer: Because they don't destroy the Omega the night after Cage meets with the General, they destroy it that night of the day Cage meets the General. Cage wakes up, visits Rita, visits the Dr., then goes back to the General, wakes up later that day in the hospital with powers gone, escapes and gets J squad, goes to the Louvre and destroys the Omega. This is all done before the large battle that was to take place the morning after Cage meets the General. This is shown by the fact that while lining up to go to the war, Sergeant Farell says "Where is J squad?!?" So when Cage dies after destroying the Omega, he wakes up at the moment when he began the day, which was on the helicopter.

Scott Benham

Question: When Cage enters the dam building something past the plant moves. What is it? Looks like a mop head.

Answer: It must be either a piece of equipment that someone noticed was in the shot, and tried to move out of the way in time. Or some sort of reference marker for Tom Cruise to take a cue from and point his gun at.

Scott Benham

Question: When Mr Turner notices Kale, it is presumed that he let his victim go. But then later in the film, it comes to the viewer's knowledge that the woman never left. How could Mr Turner fake that?


Chosen answer: When Kale goes in Mr. Turner's house to find his mom, he finds a red wig and heels (when he saw the girl leaving Mr. Turner's house, that was Mr. Turner wearing the wig and taking her car to make it seemed like she had left safely).

Question: 2 questions, 1. When Nathanial (the second Vampire to die) is face to face with Raze, as Raze begins the transformation, Nathanial just stands there hissing, does he know he has no chance whilst unarmed and just tries to look as intimidating as possible, if so why did he pursue Raze to begin with, no point in suicide just to hiss at him a few times, 2. Soren and Raze have a rather obvious dislike for each other, in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, we see Lucian being whipped by a Vampire, is this meant to be Soren? Because in the first film Soren has whips, I can't remember but I'm certain the Vampire that was torturing Lucian dies when Lucian breaks out, if so, why do Soren and Raze have a rivalry (besides the obvious war between Lycans and Vampires) and why, in this film, does Soren have whips?

Answer: For your first question. I always felt that scene was showcasing the fact that the vampires weren't just aristocratic poofs. Even in light of certain death they'll stand their ground and go down fighting. Nathaniel was there to fight no matter what.

Answer: To the second question: The vamp with the whip in RotL does die and is not Soren. Soren likely just has whips because they are cool. I always understood the rivalry to be because Raze is Lucian's Second and Soren is Kraven's Second so they are like head bodyguards of opposing forces forced to play nice even though they really don't want to.

Question: What's the name of the song that plays right after Blade drives off and the credits start? I think it starts out with "num num" or something like that.

Answer: "Fatal" by The Rza.


Question: It makes sense to me how Joy, Sadness, Anger, and Disgust's colors represent the emotions they are. Here's what I don't get though. How does Fear's color (purple) represent the emotion he is?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: The filmmakers noticed that the traditional color for cowardice (Fear) was yellow, but Joy was already yellow (not because she was cowardice). Purple was then used for Fear, primarily because Joy was already chosen yellow. Docter states that "Fear was kind of, frankly, the leftover color. We tried to design them in a nice ensemble group so they looked good together."

Michael Paek

Question: What game is Griffin playing when David goes to his 'lair' the second time? Just before David teleports there, Griffin is talking to a dead Paladin's body about the game he's playing and new moves. And then David sits in front of the TV to get his attention. You can't see the screen, but you can hear the game and it sounds like something that would be distinctive. What game is it?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: You see the screen for a second before David appears - the game Griffin is playing is Halo: Combat Evolved (the motion sensor HUD in the bottom left corner is quite distinctive).


Question: When Maggie asks Barney if he still thinks about Billy after his death, he says "We keep it light until we have to get dark. Then we go pitch black." What exactly does Barney mean by this?

Answer: "We keep it light" refers to their mood. They joke around and tease each other and have fun. "Till we go dark" is when they get serious for killing. "We go pitch black." Meaning as dark and brutal killing machines as possible.

Quantom X

Question: One of the first steps in the defeating of Davy Jones was for Will to find out where the key to the chest was. In order to do that, he had to play that game with Davy Jones. How exactly did the game work?

Answer: The game is called Liar's Dice, and the idea is to bid on the numbers that are rolled among all players. For example, player one might suggest that among all players, 3 sixes have been rolled. The next player can either up the bid (by suggesting there are more than 3 sixes, or he/she can change the number rolled in question as long as they count higher than the previous suggestion, i.e 4 sixes or 4 twos, but they cannot say 2 fives) or they can call the bluff of the previous player. If at least 3 sixes were rolled, then the bid is true and player two loses. If there are fewer than 3 sixes, then player one's bluff has been called and he loses. In the case of the game between Will, Bootstrap Bill and Davy Jones, Bootstrap purposely gave a ridiculous bid in order to spare Will from losing. By making such a bid, he forced Davy Jones into either calling his bluff or increasing the bid himself, in which case Will would have then called Davy Jones' bluff and won the game.


Question: In the Astronomy tower, Dumbledore tells Harry to go and get Professor Snape, but then Harry has to hide. So, how did Snape know that Draco and the Death Eaters were in the Astronomy tower with Dumbledore? Draco would not have told him because he did not want help with the mission.

Answer: Snape was acting as a double agent for Voldemort. He knew because the Death Eaters who invaded told him.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Can anyone tell me what film the policemen are watching when they are in Thelma's husband's apartment and he wants to switch to the sports-game?

Answer: It's the 1941 film "Penny Serenade".


Question: We see in the movie that the time is like money but where is the "time" generated?


Chosen answer: When they turn 25, their built-in clock starts counting down from 1 year. Since time is the currency, they must then work and contribute to the economy, in order to earn time and survive. The government gives that one year of time to each person, as both a population control measure (if they don't work and earn, they'll die) and an economic incentive.

David R Turner

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