Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Originally in the very first episode they made reference to the 3 powers being linked. "Timing, feeling, phases of the moon".

Question: During his private interrogation with Morpheus, Smith reveals to him that Zion is going to be destroyed, so there will be no need for him to be in the Matrix. But why would he want to get inside Zion? He would probably be eliminated together with the fallen Zion. Even if he somehow got free, would he survive in the form of a program residing in Zion's mainframe? His underlying motive to get the codes is different from the other agents' assigned purpose. What was their purpose and what was Smith's purpose?

Answer: In the first movie, Smith is a particularly vicious Agent, but he is still just one of several Agents following a search-and-destroy program against Matrix rejects and Zion rebels. It's Smith's pre-programmed job to ruthlessly, almost maniacally seek the destruction of Zion, but it is all part of The Architect's cyclic creation-destruction plan to keep the Matrix in balance. Neo destroys Smith, corrupting his code, at the end of the first film. When Agent Smith's code is resurrected in the second movie, Smith has acquired from Neo a taste for true freedom, making him a much more deadly, independent entity that operates outside of The Architect's grand plan, threatening to overthrow the Matrix, the Human World of Zion, and the Machine World, as well. As demonstrated in the third film, Smith was able to function in both the cybernetic world of the Matrix AND in the real world (by overwriting human consciousness with his artificial intelligence). But he didn't possess this latter ability until after Neo destroyed him in the first film.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Is it safe to say that the Shaw brothers were good guys before Cipher got involved? Is it also safe to say that Deckard was a good guy too until he needed to get revenge on Dom and the team?

Answer: Well, we know that Owen Shaw was once an SAS soldier. Deckard Shaw has a file in this movie that reveals he saved a team he was part of and saved some hostages in the past. When Deckard Shaw refused to do the job Cypher wanted him to do in Furious 6 to steal the nightshade device, Cypher then went after Owen Shaw and convinced him to do the job. Cypher is the true mastermind behind everything that has happened in Furious 6, 7 and 8. So, maybe the Shaw brothers were good guys at a time before Cypher came along.

Question: Shaw killed a bunch of people in the military hospital his brother was held in, along with cooperating with terrorists, and killing Han. For helping the team, is he basically pardoned for everything?

Answer: It looks like he has been pardoned and forgiven because he saved the baby at the end.

Question: When Ashe tries to get to Judah's home, he makes his way through a celebration celebrating the dead. While making his way through, he appears frightened. Why would he be scared?


Chosen answer: Because the whole coming back from the dead experience is strange, mysterious and scary for him. He had no idea who or what called him back. Is he the only one or was there a whole world of supernatural creatures.

Question: Why is Anna Morgan wearing a nineteenth-century dress when she pushes Samara down the well? The event happened in the 1970's.

Answer: The Morgans may just be old-fashioned. It wasn't uncommon for women in the 1970's to wear dresses. The family also lives on an island that is secluded and didn't have to worry about being judged as much as they would have in a city or rural community.

Question: When all the buyers meet up at Musso and Franks, the different crime syndicates are being seen by Madison via webcam. We then see her go to the roof access. Did she set up the syndicates? If not, then why did Madison go to the roof access in the first place?

Answer: Madison went to another roof and saw what was happening to the crime bosses. It was the Angels who directed them to that particular roof. When she saw this she said, "clever girls." She confronted the Angels, to get the last word in before the showdown.

Show generally

Question: Two questions. 1. Was there some kind of contributing factor that made Nick want to be human again and if so what was it? 2. In one episode Janette is discovered to be human again. How did she accomplish this?

Answer: Nick was sick and tired of being an immortal bloodsucker. He wanted to be human, fall in love, get married, have children, grow old and die. As for Janette, according to her, she fell in love and the passion she felt "cured" her of her blood lust.

Question: How was Samara's tape first circulated after she had placed the images on it?

Answer: Katie and her friends stayed in the cabin and whilst there decided to go out of the cabin but didn't want to miss the game, so they put a blank tape in the VHS player and intended it to record the game whilst they were away. The TV is directly above the well which contains Samara's body/spirit which burned the curse on the tape. This is shown in the movie when burn marks are shown under the TV stand when Rachel and Noah uncover the well, in turn that is also the reason Aiden is angry at Rachel for letting Samara's body and hence spirit free from the well as it can still burn images and curse's onto object/people near to it.

Answer: A cabin was built over the well and Samara imprinted the tape when it was there. It probably stayed in that cabin for a while before someone stole it from the cabin to show other people, not realizing what power the tape had.

Question: After Clyde has butchered Darby in the warehouse, he tells the kidnapped cop "Thanks for the car" and drives off with his own vintage car. What kind of car was Clyde's ride?

Answer: It's a 1962 Cadillac 60 Special.


Question: According to Chucky, he went to John to learn only how to cheat death, and then John says Chucky perverted everything he taught him. If not to cheat death, what did John think he was teaching him?


Chosen answer: He taught him how to call forth and harness magic. There is white magic and black magic. It's the individual's decision on which to use.

Answer: Early in the episode George advised Max to be aggressive when making the first move on a girl. When he goes to the Mary Kay Latourneau type woman across the street. He takes his shirt off, like a Chippendales male stripper.

Question: Did Lawrence think that Sir John was responsible for Ben's death? Is that why he followed him into the crypt with a loaded gun?

Answer: Lawrence only had suspicions that Sir John was hiding the truth of Ben's death. If not directly, he believed that he knew who or what did kill his brother.

Question: At the end when the main character is in hospital, he speaks to a vision of his wife. He says something in Danish, but I can't find a subtitled version anywhere. Does anyone know what he says?


Chosen answer: In pursuit of the answer to your question, I have looked up and found screenwriter Peter Asmussen on Facebook, and directed your question to him. If and when he responds, and if nobody else has provided a translation by then, I will post an update here.

Michael Albert

Question: When Edward Snowden obtains the MicroSD card after downloading all the data, he and Patrick Haynes (who's fully aware what he's up to) start communicating via sign language before he leaves to avoid their conversation being recorded. Does anyone know what they are saying to each other?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: The scene is captioned as follows - Snowden: "I might not see you again." Haynes: "You 'gonna leave me here...with Captain America? Thanks a lot." Snowden: "NSA may come after you." Haynes: "I don't know what you're talking about. [walks away.]" I should note that my profession is that of an American Sign Language interpreter. From my observation, they are signing pretty much correctly, if not artfully. The only difference is that what the movie translates as "I don't know what you're talking about" would probably be more accurately stated as, "I don't understand your comment." And there really isn't a sign used for "gonna'." Hayes just says, "you're leaving me here with him? Captain America!"

Michael Albert

Thank you!

Answer: Warp factor has always been inconsistent and hard to pinpoint, or there's too many episodes that contradict the conversion rates. Changes were made in converting warp factor into actual speed between TOS and TNG. It seems ENT reverted back to using TOS method, which is "warp factor cubed" equals how many times the speed of light they traveled. So warp 4.5 means 91.125 times the speed of light (c). Although in "Broken Bow", with the travels from Earth to Neptune and back in about six minutes means warp 4.5 is about 86*c. However, in "The Expanse" episode, warp 5 was 200*c (instead of 125). 1 ly at 91.125*c is about 4 days, but 100 ly would be 400 days.


Question: Why was Boromir allowed to join the Fellowship of the Ring? Since he is vulnerable to the Ring's corruption.


Chosen answer: Virtually everyone was vulnerable to the Ring's power to some extent, even Frodo Baggins. Frodo's purity of heart and incorruptibility made him the least affected by the Ring and made him the only logical choice to actually carry it for the duration of the mission; but EVERYBODY was vulnerable to its seductive power, some just more so than others.

Charles Austin Miller

But prior when the Fellowship was formed, he was tempted by the ring. He even tried to convince the council that bring the ring to Gondor would destroy Sauron. So why did Gandalf or Elrond accepts Boromir as a member of the Fellowship?


Well, Boromir's younger brother, Faramir, would probably have been a better choice for the Fellowship, if he had been available. But Faramir wasn't available and Boromir was. Boromir also wasn't actually "chosen" for the Fellowship, he simply went along out of loyalty to Aragorn. Gandalf and Elrond may have suspected Boromir's weakness (possibly even as a threat to the Fellowship), but Boromir was a seasoned warrior whose skills in battle would be valuable on this incredibly dangerous mission. Also, you may recall that Boromir wasn't even nearly as weak or unbalanced in the actual Tolkein story; rather, director Peter Jackson made Boromir more of a loose cannon in the film, which is not how he was portrayed in the book. In other words, Jackson wanted an even more unbalanced element threatening the Fellowship from within, so he amplified Boromir's weaknesses.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Why didn't Tai Lung kill Zeng? And when Tai Lung says to Shifu "I have come home, master" why did he call Shifu master? Was it to show that he still had a bit of respect for him after everything he did for Tai Lung?


Chosen answer: He didn't kill Zeng because he wanted Shifu to know he was coming. And he called Shifu master because he was mocking him.


Chosen answer: They can be overheard discussing Ron's injured leg. Hermione says she's sure that Madam Pomfrey will be able to fix it in no time. Ron's being overly dramatic, saying it might have to be chopped off.


Answer: No I mean after that.

Chosen answer: Palpatine personally spoke to some clone commanders, Cody for example, so it wasn't just a blanket message/signal to all troopers. All he had to do was order the 501st Legion to follow Vader in the attack on the Jedi temple.


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