Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What is the name of the song that plays at the beginning of the movie at the funeral when the girl gives William a flower?

Answer: It's called "A Gift of a Thistle" and it's on the soundtrack conducted by James Horner. Incidentally, the tune is a recurring theme throughout the film's music, and appears in several other songs on the soundtrack as well. Also in relation to the song, the flower was a thistle.


Question: OK I'm gonna be dumb and ask, what on earth is Franck's nationality and accent?

Answer: Martin short once claimed in an interview that Franck is just a combination of several different nationalities that he combined for the character. Like Bronson Pinchot in Beverly Hills Cop, part of the humour is not knowing where he came from.

Gavin Jackson

Question: Was the song "Perfect Day" written for this film, or did it exist previously?


Chosen answer: "Perfect Day" was originally on Lou Reed's album "Transformer" released in 1972.


Question: How is David able to make Michael see the maggots and worms in the Chinese food, considering Michael hasn't yet drunk his blood at this point?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Many legends give the vampire certain rather hypnotic abilities - this is presumably along the same lines.


Answer: I always assumed it was because the joint they passed was dusted.

Question: What is Michael Myers' curse, and why does it involve him killing his relatives?

Answer: The other answer is based on a novel and not on the film itself. According to this film (and the alternative Producer's Cut), the curse of Thorn is an ancient druid curse that must be fulfilled - a chosen one is picked from every "tribe", and made into an almost superhuman figure. This chosen one will then be forever compelled to sacrifice and kill-off his or her own family on the night of Samhain (aka, Halloween night) every year until the curse is either stopped or passed onto another.


Answer: I read the movie tie in book after the first Halloween came out. As I remember it, a boy with a crippled leg was in love with his own sister. During the Samhain (harvest end/halloween) festival, he killed his sister and her soon to be husband with a knife. The tribe tore him apart, and the chieftain cursed his soul to forever repeat his crime forever, etc. The book or following books in the series described Michael Myers' grandfather or great-grandfather losing his mind at a dance and killing a dancing couple. Every other generation or so the soul takes over a decendant, leaving enough people alive to continue the curse.

Question: How was Sati able to create the sunrise/set at the end?

Answer: Sati is the "daughter" of two other programs, so it would make sense she was a program herself. Maybe she was created to supervise the sunset. Or she was just using her influence as a program in the matrix to create the sunset.

Question: In the end, if it wasn't Becks, then was that Posh, or one of her doubles?

Answer: They were both doubles.


Question: At one point, Mr Potato head takes his various parts off and deliberately puts them back in the wrong spots. He then turns to the other toys and says "Look, Picasso". What did he mean by that?

Answer: Pablo Picasso was an artist famous for works with mixed perspectives and odd angles.


Question: While in John Doe's apartment Mills looks at something and says Victor's name. What was he looking at?

Answer: It's actually Somerset who says it - he's looking at Victor's severed hand.


Question: The theme in the trailer is also in the Double Team trailer and various other trailer. What's the name of the theme?

Answer: The trailers for Face/Off and Double Team don't seem to have any music in common - they must just sound rather similar. The most likely candidate for the theme you're referring to is "POW" by the Music Junkies, which has been used in trailers for four different films, including Face/Off.


Question: Who is the guy that plays one of the Gondorian Soldiers by the Black Gate? I forgot the timecode, but there's a close-up of him right before Aragorn begins his speech.

Answer: Who knows - he's just an extra.


Question: What is the song that always plays when Beatrix comes face to face with someone from the Deadly Vipers? Its the same music from both movies.

Answer: It is called Ironside and is written by Quincy Jones.


Question: Is there a plot twist in this film, and if so, what is it?

Answer: If you are really intersted in knowing the endings to movies, go to The ending for this movie is on there, plus hundreds of other movies.

T Poston

Question: There are two actress' I can't place and I am sure I have seen them somewhere before. I am not sure of their characters names but one of them i assume is Zach's sister, with the brown hair who goes to Ashley's as she has a cute brother and the other one is the blonde girl who was one of the girls who told Laney that it'd be better for her art if she committed suicide. Can anyone tell me their names and what else they have been in?

Answer: Zach's sister is Anna Paquin. She's been in tons of stuff like Almost Famous and she's the kid in The Piano, but she's mostly known as Rogue in the X-Men movies. The 'other one' is Clea DuVall who's been in 21 Grams and Girl, Interrupted. She was also the girl who disappears in a first season episode of Buffy. Stick the names into the IMDB to find out more.


Question: Near the end when Sally is in the circle with Gilly, there is a series of flashbacks. There is a shot of a woman with curly shoulder length hair surrounded by white. Who is she? She's not their mother as she has long straight hair.

Answer: She is the one from the opening sequence, their "great, great, great" grandmother who started the whole "curse" thing.

Bruce Minnick

Question: After seeing the directors cut (I haven't seen the theatrical) we know that Evans mother has two still births, could this be Evans brothers who have lived similar lives to Evan, made the same choices, come to the same conclusions, travelled back to the womb and killed themselves?

Answer: Yes, it is in fact two brothers of Evan's. They travelled back and killed themselves the same way Evan did. This is explained in the Director's Cut DVD commentary by the writers.

LuMaria 1

Question: The imdb puts red dwarf as one of the Truman shows influences. Anyone have any idea how?

Answer: It says "references" not "influences." This is probably a reference to the Red Dwarf episode, "Back to Reality", in which the crew are tricked into believing that their lives aboard Red Dwarf are all part of a computer game that they've been unknowingly playing. In addition, Lister in Red Dwarf harbors a fantasy of returning from spaceship travel to Earth to settle in Fiji. His knowledge of the real Fiji is as tenuous as Truman's.


Answer: Additionally, the giveaway is that Truman talks about how Fiji is the furthest point away from where he lives - how you can't go any further away without coming back. But that makes no sense if he lives in the US, since Fiji is in the Pacific. The only way it makes sense is when you realise the line comes from Red Dwarf, where it relates to the respective geographical positions of Fiji and the UK.

Question: This is a strange question, but how does Rice pronounce her hero's name? In the movie I hear two pronunciations: one like the ending in "cat" and one that sounds more like the end of "what." Also, Lestat is French, so shouldn't the final "t" be silent?

Answer: Rice pronounces it something like "Luh-stot", although even she wavers occasionally. Standard French convention would certainly suggest that the final 't' should be a silent one, but, as Lestat would be deeply insulted to be considered conventional, it's highly likely that he wouldn't choose to go along with that.


Question: In the scene where iceman makes an ice wall between wolverine and stryker i don't understand why he doesn't claw through it.

Answer: Bobby could just reform the wall behind his slashes - it wouldn't do any good.


Question: In the easter eggs it says that you can find out what is in the un-opened FedEx package. I don't have the DVD, but what's in the package?

Answer: According to, "Robert Zemeckis was asked at a Q&A session at USC what was in the unopened packaged. He replied that it was a waterproof, solar-powered, satellite phone."

T Poston

Of course this is just a joke and one that had to be made, but not taken seriously. Had it been a satellite phone and he opened it, there would not be much of a movie plot left.

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